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1 <?php 2 3 class GP_CLI_Translation_Set extends WP_CLI_Command { 4 /** 5 * Get a translation set for a project. 6 * 7 * @param string $project Project path 8 * @param string $locale Locale slug 9 * @param string $set Set slug 10 * @return GP_Translation_Set|WP_Error Translation set if available, error otherwise. 11 */ 12 protected function get_translation_set( $project, $locale, $set = 'default' ) { 13 $this->project = GP::$project->by_path( $project ); 14 if ( ! $this->project ) { 15 return new WP_Error( 'gp_set_no_project', __( 'Project not found!', 'glotpress' ) ); 16 } 17 18 $this->locale = GP_Locales::by_slug( $locale ); 19 if ( ! $this->locale ) { 20 return new WP_Error( 'gp_set_no_locale', __( 'Locale not found!', 'glotpress' ) ); 21 } 22 23 $this->translation_set = GP::$translation_set->by_project_id_slug_and_locale( $this->project->id, $set, $this->locale->slug ); 24 if ( ! $this->translation_set ) { 25 return new WP_Error( 'gp_set_not_found', __( 'Translation set not found!', 'glotpress' ) ); 26 } 27 28 return $this->translation_set; 29 } 30 31 /** 32 * Export the translation set 33 * 34 * ## OPTIONS 35 * 36 * <project> 37 * : Project path 38 * 39 * <locale> 40 * : Locale to export 41 * 42 * [--set=<set>] 43 * : Translation set slug; default is "default" 44 * 45 * [--format=<format>] 46 * : Format for output (one of "po", "mo", "android", "resx", "strings"; default is "po") 47 * 48 * [--search=<search>] 49 * : Search term 50 * 51 * [--status=<status>] 52 * : Translation string status; default is "current" 53 * 54 * [--priority=<priorities>] 55 * : Original priorities, comma separated. Possible values are "hidden,low,normal,high" 56 */ 57 public function export( $args, $assoc_args ) { 58 $set_slug = isset( $assoc_args['set'] ) ? $assoc_args['set'] : 'default'; 59 $translation_set = $this->get_translation_set( $args[0], $args[1], $set_slug ); 60 if ( is_wp_error( $translation_set ) ) { 61 WP_CLI::error( $translation_set->get_error_message() ); 62 } 63 64 $format = isset( $assoc_args['format'] ) ? $assoc_args['format'] : 'po'; 65 $format = gp_array_get( GP::$formats, $format, null ); 66 if ( ! $format ) { 67 WP_CLI::error( __( 'No such format.', 'glotpress' ) ); 68 } 69 70 $filters = array(); 71 if ( isset( $assoc_args['search'] ) ) { 72 $filters['term'] = $assoc_args['search']; 73 } 74 $filters['status'] = isset( $assoc_args['status'] ) ? $assoc_args['status'] : 'current'; 75 76 if ( isset( $assoc_args['priority'] ) ) { 77 78 $filters['priority'] = array(); 79 80 $priorities = explode( ',', $assoc_args['priority'] ); 81 $valid_priorities = GP::$original->get_static( 'priorities' ); 82 83 foreach ( $priorities as $priority ) { 84 $key = array_search( $priority, $valid_priorities, true ); 85 if ( false === $key ) { 86 WP_CLI::warning( sprintf( 'Invalid priority %s', $priority ) ); 87 } else { 88 $filters['priority'][] = $key; 89 } 90 } 91 } 92 93 $entries = GP::$translation->for_export( $this->project, $translation_set, $filters ); 94 WP_CLI::line( $format->print_exported_file( $this->project, $this->locale, $translation_set, $entries ) ); 95 } 96 97 /** 98 * Import a file into the translation set 99 * 100 * ## OPTIONS 101 * 102 * <project> 103 * : Project path 104 * 105 * <locale> 106 * : Locale to export 107 * 108 * <file> 109 * : File to import 110 * 111 * [--set=<set>] 112 * : Translation set slug; default is "default" 113 * 114 * [--status=<status>] 115 * : Translation string status; default is "current" 116 */ 117 public function import( $args, $assoc_args ) { 118 $set_slug = isset( $assoc_args['set'] ) ? $assoc_args['set'] : 'default'; 119 $translation_set = $this->get_translation_set( $args[0], $args[1], $set_slug ); 120 if ( is_wp_error( $translation_set ) ) { 121 WP_CLI::error( $translation_set->get_error_message() ); 122 } 123 124 $po = new PO(); 125 $imported = $po->import_from_file( $args[2] ); 126 if ( ! $imported ) { 127 WP_CLI::error( __( "Couldn't load translations from file!", 'glotpress' ) ); 128 } 129 130 $desired_status = isset( $assoc_args['status'] ) ? $assoc_args['status'] : 'current'; 131 132 $added = $translation_set->import( $po, $desired_status ); 133 134 /* translators: %s: Number of imported translations */ 135 WP_CLI::line( sprintf( _n( '%s translation was added', '%s translations were added', $added, 'glotpress' ), $added ) ); 136 } 137 138 /** 139 * Recheck warnings for the translation set 140 * 141 * ## OPTIONS 142 * 143 * <project> 144 * : Project path 145 * 146 * <locale> 147 * : Locale to export 148 * 149 * [--set=<set>] 150 * : Translation set slug; default is "default" 151 * 152 * @subcommand recheck-warnings 153 */ 154 public function recheck_warnings( $args, $assoc_args ) { 155 $set_slug = isset( $assoc_args['set'] ) ? $assoc_args['set'] : 'default'; 156 $translation_set = $this->get_translation_set( $args[0], $args[1], $set_slug ); 157 if ( is_wp_error( $translation_set ) ) { 158 WP_CLI::error( $translation_set->get_error_message() ); 159 } 160 161 $project = GP::$project->get( $translation_set->project_id ); 162 $locale = GP_Locales::by_slug( $translation_set->locale ); 163 foreach ( GP::$translation->for_translation( $project, $translation_set, 'no-limit' ) as $entry ) { 164 $warnings = GP::$translation_warnings->check( $entry->singular, $entry->plural, $entry->translations, $locale ); 165 if ( $warnings == $entry->warnings ) { 166 continue; 167 } 168 169 $translation = new GP_Translation( array( 'id' => $entry->id ) ); 170 /* translators: %s: ID of a translation */ 171 WP_CLI::line( sprintf( __( 'Updating warnings for #%s', 'glotpress' ), $entry->id ) ); 172 $translation->update( array( 'warnings' => $warnings ) ); 173 } 174 } 175 176 }
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