/** * WordPress dependencies. */ const { blockEditor: { InspectorControls, BlockControls, }, components: { Placeholder, Disabled, PanelBody, SelectControl, ToggleControl, Toolbar, ToolbarButton, }, element: { Fragment, createElement, }, i18n: { __, }, serverSideRender: ServerSideRender, } = wp; /** * BuddyPress dependencies. */ const { blockComponents: { AutoCompleter, }, blockData: { isActive, } } = bp; /** * Internal dependencies. */ import { AVATAR_SIZES, GROUP_STATI } from './constants'; const getSlugValue = ( item ) => { if ( item && item.status && GROUP_STATI[ item.status ] ) { return GROUP_STATI[ item.status ]; } return null; } const editGroupBlock = ( { attributes, setAttributes } ) => { const isAvatarEnabled = isActive( 'groups', 'avatar' ); const isCoverImageEnabled = isActive( 'groups', 'cover' ); const { avatarSize, displayDescription, displayActionButton, displayCoverImage } = attributes; if ( ! attributes.itemID ) { return ( ); } return ( { setAttributes( { itemID: 0 } ); } } /> { setAttributes( { displayActionButton: ! displayActionButton } ); } } help={ displayActionButton ? __( 'Include a link to the group\'s home page under their name.', 'buddypress' ) : __( 'Toggle to display a link to the group\'s home page under their name.', 'buddypress' ) } /> { setAttributes( { displayDescription: ! displayDescription } ); } } help={ displayDescription ? __( 'Include the group\'s description under their name.', 'buddypress' ) : __( 'Toggle to display the group\'s description under their name.', 'buddypress' ) } /> { isAvatarEnabled && ( { setAttributes( { avatarSize: option } ); } } /> ) } { isCoverImageEnabled && ( { setAttributes( { displayCoverImage: ! displayCoverImage } ); } } help={ displayCoverImage ? __( 'Include the group\'s cover image over their name.', 'buddypress' ) : __( 'Toggle to display the group\'s cover image over their name.', 'buddypress' ) } /> ) } ); }; export default editGroupBlock;