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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/js/bp-friends/js/blocks/ -> friends.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * WordPress dependencies.
   3   */
   4  const {
   5      blocks: {
   6          registerBlockType,
   7      },
   8      i18n: {
   9          __,
  10      },
  11  } = wp;
  13  /**
  14   * Internal dependencies.
  15   */
  16  import editDynamicFriendsBlock from './friends/edit';
  17  import transforms from './friends/transforms';
  19  registerBlockType( 'bp/friends', {
  20      title: __( 'Friends List', 'buddypress' ),
  21      description: __( 'A dynamic list of recently active, popular, and newest friends of the post author (when used into a page or post) or of the displayed member (when used in a widgetized area). If author/member data is not available the block is not displayed.', 'buddypress' ),
  22      icon: {
  23          background: '#fff',
  24          foreground: '#d84800',
  25          src: 'buddicons-friends',
  26      },
  27      category: 'buddypress',
  28      attributes: {
  29          maxFriends: {
  30              type: 'number',
  31              default: 5
  32          },
  33          friendDefault: {
  34              type: 'string',
  35              default: 'active',
  36          },
  37          linkTitle: {
  38              type: 'boolean',
  39              default: false,
  40          },
  41          postId: {
  42              type: 'number',
  43              default: 0,
  44          },
  45      },
  46      edit: editDynamicFriendsBlock,
  47      transforms: transforms,
  48  } );

Generated: Fri May 5 01:01:24 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1