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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/js/bp-activity/js/blocks/latest-activities/ -> edit.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * WordPress dependencies.
   3   */
   4  const {
   5      blockEditor: {
   6          InspectorControls,
   7      },
   8      components: {
   9          Disabled,
  10          PanelBody,
  11          RangeControl,
  12          SelectControl,
  13          TextControl,
  14      },
  15      element: {
  16          Fragment,
  17          createElement,
  18      },
  19      i18n: {
  20          __,
  21      },
  22      serverSideRender: ServerSideRender,
  23  } = wp;
  25  /**
  26   * BuddyPress dependencies.
  27   */
  28  const {
  29      blockData: {
  30          currentPostId,
  31          activityTypes,
  32      }
  33  } = bp;
  35  const editDynamicActivitiesBlock = ( { attributes, setAttributes } ) => {
  36      const { postId, maxActivities, type, title } = attributes;
  37      const post = currentPostId();
  38      const types = activityTypes();
  40      if ( ! postId && post ) {
  41          setAttributes( { postId: post } );
  42          if ( ! attributes.postId ) {
  43              attributes.postId = post;
  44          }
  45      }
  47      return (
  48          <Fragment>
  49              <InspectorControls>
  50                  <PanelBody title={ __( 'Settings', 'buddypress' ) } initialOpen={ true } className="bp-latest-activities">
  51                      <TextControl
  52                          label={ __( 'Title', 'buddypress' ) }
  53                          value={ title }
  54                          onChange={ ( text ) => {
  55                              setAttributes( { title: text } );
  56                          } }
  57                      />
  58                      <RangeControl
  59                          label={ __( 'Maximum amount to display', 'buddypress' ) }
  60                          value={ maxActivities }
  61                          onChange={ ( value ) =>
  62                              setAttributes( { maxActivities: value } )
  63                          }
  64                          min={ 1 }
  65                          max={ 10 }
  66                          required
  67                      />
  68                      <SelectControl
  69                          multiple
  70                          label={ __( 'Type', 'buddypress' ) }
  71                          value={ type }
  72                          options={ types }
  73                          onChange={ ( option ) => {
  74                              setAttributes( { type: option } );
  75                          } }
  76                      />
  77                  </PanelBody>
  78              </InspectorControls>
  79              <Disabled>
  80                  <ServerSideRender block="bp/latest-activities" attributes={ attributes } />
  81              </Disabled>
  82          </Fragment>
  83      );
  84  };
  86  export default editDynamicActivitiesBlock;

Generated: Fri May 5 01:01:24 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1