template_message['message'] ) ) { $classes[] = 'bp-template-notice'; } $classes[] = bp_nouveau_get_template_message_type(); echo join( ' ', array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes ) ); } /** * Get the template notice/feedback message type * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string The type of the notice. Defaults to error. */ function bp_nouveau_get_template_message_type() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $type = 'error'; if ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->template_message['type'] ) ) { $type = $bp_nouveau->template_message['type']; } elseif ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['type'] ) ) { $type = $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['type']; } return $type; } /** * Checks if a template notice/feedback message is set * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool True if a template notice is set. False otherwise. */ function bp_nouveau_has_template_message() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); if ( empty( $bp_nouveau->template_message['message'] ) && empty( $bp_nouveau->user_feedback ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if the template notice/feedback message needs a dismiss button * * @todo Dismiss button re-worked to try and prevent buttons on general * BP template notices - Nouveau user_feedback key needs review. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool True if a template notice needs a dismiss button. False otherwise. */ function bp_nouveau_has_dismiss_button() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); // BP template notices - set 'dismiss' true for a type in `bp_nouveau_template_notices()` if ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->template_message['message'] ) && true === $bp_nouveau->template_message['dismiss'] ) { return true; } // Test for isset as value can be falsey. if ( isset( $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['dismiss'] ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Ouptut the dismiss type. * * $type is used to set the data-attr for the button. * 'clear' is tested for & used to remove cookies, if set, in buddypress-nouveau.js. * Currently template_notices(BP) will take $type = 'clear' if button set to true. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_dismiss_button_type() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $type = 'clear'; if ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['dismiss'] ) ) { $type = $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['dismiss']; } echo esc_attr( $type ); } /** * Displays a template notice/feedback message. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_template_message() { echo bp_nouveau_get_template_message(); } /** * Get the template notice/feedback message and make sure core filter is applied. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string HTML Output. */ function bp_nouveau_get_template_message() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); if ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['message'] ) ) { $user_feedback = $bp_nouveau->user_feedback['message']; // @TODO: why is this treated differently? foreach ( array( 'wp_kses_data', 'wp_unslash', 'wptexturize', 'convert_smilies', 'convert_chars' ) as $filter ) { $user_feedback = call_user_func( $filter, $user_feedback ); } return '

' . $user_feedback . '

'; } elseif ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->template_message['message'] ) ) { /** * Filters the 'template_notices' feedback message content. * * @since 1.5.5 * * @param string $template_message Feedback message content. * @param string $type The type of message being displayed. * Either 'updated' or 'error'. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_core_render_message_content', $bp_nouveau->template_message['message'], bp_nouveau_get_template_message_type() ); } } /** * Template tag to display feedback notices to users, if there are to display * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_template_notices() { $bp = buddypress(); $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); if ( ! empty( $bp->template_message ) ) { // Clone BuddyPress template message to avoid altering it. $template_message = array( 'message' => $bp->template_message ); if ( ! empty( $bp->template_message_type ) ) { $template_message['type'] = $bp->template_message_type; } // Adds a 'dimiss' (button) key to array - set true/false. $template_message['dismiss'] = false; // Set dismiss button true for sitewide notices if ( 'bp-sitewide-notice' == $template_message['type'] ) { $template_message['dismiss'] = true; } $bp_nouveau->template_message = $template_message; bp_get_template_part( 'common/notices/template-notices' ); // Reset just after rendering it. $bp_nouveau->template_message = array(); /** * Fires after the display of any template_notices feedback messages. * * @since 3.0.0 */ do_action( 'bp_core_render_message' ); } /** * Fires towards the top of template pages for notice display. * * @since 3.0.0 */ do_action( 'template_notices' ); } /** * Displays a feedback message to the user. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $feedback_id The ID of the message to display. */ function bp_nouveau_user_feedback( $feedback_id = '' ) { if ( ! isset( $feedback_id ) ) { return; } $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $feedback = bp_nouveau_get_user_feedback( $feedback_id ); if ( ! $feedback ) { return; } if ( ! empty( $feedback['before'] ) ) { /** * Fires before display of a feedback message to the user. * * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on the "before" value provided by bp_nouveau_get_user_feedback(). * * @since 3.0.0 */ do_action( $feedback['before'] ); } $bp_nouveau->user_feedback = $feedback; bp_get_template_part( /** * Filter here if you wish to use a different templates than the notice one. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string path to your template part. */ apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_user_feedback_template', 'common/notices/template-notices' ) ); if ( ! empty( $feedback['after'] ) ) { /** * Fires before display of a feedback message to the user. * * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on the "after" value provided by bp_nouveau_get_user_feedback(). * * @since 3.0.0 */ do_action( $feedback['after'] ); } // Reset the feedback message. $bp_nouveau->user_feedback = array(); } /** * Template tag to wrap the before component loop * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_before_loop() { $component = bp_current_component(); if ( bp_is_group() ) { $component = bp_current_action(); } /** * Fires before the start of the component loop. * * This is a variable hook that is dependent on the current component. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( "bp_before_{$component}_loop" ); } /** * Template tag to wrap the after component loop * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_after_loop() { $component = bp_current_component(); if ( bp_is_group() ) { $component = bp_current_action(); } /** * Fires after the finish of the component loop. * * This is a variable hook that is dependent on the current component. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( "bp_after_{$component}_loop" ); } /** * Pagination for loops * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $position Pagination for loops. */ function bp_nouveau_pagination( $position ) { $screen = 'dir'; $pagination_type = bp_current_component(); if ( bp_is_user() ) { $screen = 'user'; } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { $screen = 'group'; $pagination_type = bp_current_action(); if ( bp_is_group_admin_page() ) { $pagination_type = bp_action_variable( 0 ); } } switch ( $pagination_type ) { case 'blogs': $pag_count = bp_get_blogs_pagination_count(); $pag_links = bp_get_blogs_pagination_links(); $top_hook = 'bp_before_directory_blogs_list'; $bottom_hook = 'bp_after_directory_blogs_list'; $page_arg = $GLOBALS['blogs_template']->pag_arg; break; case 'members': case 'friends': case 'manage-members': $pag_count = bp_get_members_pagination_count(); $pag_links = bp_get_members_pagination_links(); // Groups single items are not using these hooks if ( ! bp_is_group() ) { $top_hook = 'bp_before_directory_members_list'; $bottom_hook = 'bp_after_directory_members_list'; } $page_arg = $GLOBALS['members_template']->pag_arg; break; case 'groups': $pag_count = bp_get_groups_pagination_count(); $pag_links = bp_get_groups_pagination_links(); $top_hook = 'bp_before_directory_groups_list'; $bottom_hook = 'bp_after_directory_groups_list'; $page_arg = $GLOBALS['groups_template']->pag_arg; break; case 'notifications': $pag_count = bp_get_notifications_pagination_count(); $pag_links = bp_get_notifications_pagination_links(); $top_hook = ''; $bottom_hook = ''; $page_arg = buddypress()->notifications->query_loop->pag_arg; break; case 'membership-requests': $pag_count = bp_get_group_requests_pagination_count(); $pag_links = bp_get_group_requests_pagination_links(); $top_hook = ''; $bottom_hook = ''; $page_arg = $GLOBALS['requests_template']->pag_arg; break; default: /** * Use this filter to define your custom pagination parameters. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param array $value { * An associative array of pagination parameters. * @type string $pag_count Information about the pagination count. * eg: "Viewing 1 - 10 of 20 items". * @type string $pag_links The Pagination links. * @type string $page_arg The argument to use to pass the page number. * } * @param string $pagination_type Information about the pagination type. */ $pagination_params = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_pagination_params', array( 'pag_count' => '', 'pag_links' => '', 'page_arg' => '', ), $pagination_type ); list( $pag_count, $pag_links, $page_arg ) = array_values( $pagination_params ); break; } $count_class = sprintf( '%1$s-%2$s-count-%3$s', $pagination_type, $screen, $position ); $links_class = sprintf( '%1$s-%2$s-links-%3$s', $pagination_type, $screen, $position ); ?>

true, 'groups' => true, 'blogs' => true, /* * Technically not a component but allows us to check the single group members loop as a seperate loop. */ 'members_group' => true, 'members_friends' => true, ); // Only the available components supports custom layouts. if ( ! empty( $available_components[ $component ] ) && ( $is_directory || bp_is_group() || bp_is_user() ) ) { $customizer_option = sprintf( '%s_layout', $component ); $layout_prefs = bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( $customizer_option, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( $customizer_option ) ); if ( $layout_prefs && (int) $layout_prefs > 1 ) { $grid_classes = bp_nouveau_customizer_grid_choices( 'classes' ); if ( isset( $grid_classes[ $layout_prefs ] ) ) { $classes = array_merge( $classes, array( 'grid', $grid_classes[ $layout_prefs ], ) ); } if ( ! isset( $bp_nouveau->{$component} ) ) { $bp_nouveau->{$component} = new stdClass; } // Set the global for a later use. $bp_nouveau->{$component}->loop_layout = $layout_prefs; } } /** * Filter to edit/add classes. * * NB: you can also directly add classes into the template parts. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $classes The list of classes. * @param string $component The current component's loop. */ $class_list = (array) apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_loop_classes', $classes, $component ); return join( ' ', array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $class_list ) ); } /** * Checks if the layout preferences is set to grid (2 or more columns). * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool True if loop is displayed in grid mod. False otherwise. */ function bp_nouveau_loop_is_grid() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $component = sanitize_key( bp_current_component() ); return ! empty( $bp_nouveau->{$component}->loop_layout ) && $bp_nouveau->{$component}->loop_layout > 1; } /** * Returns the number of columns of the layout preferences. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return int The number of columns. */ function bp_nouveau_loop_get_grid_columns() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $component = sanitize_key( bp_current_component() ); $columns = 1; if ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->{$component}->loop_layout ) ) { $columns = (int) $bp_nouveau->{$component}->loop_layout; } /** * Filter number of columns for this grid. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param int $columns The number of columns. */ return (int) apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_loop_get_grid_columns', $columns ); } /** * Return a bool check for component directory layout. * * Checks if activity, members, groups, blogs has the vert nav layout selected. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool */ function bp_dir_is_vert_layout() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $component = sanitize_key( bp_current_component() ); return (bool) $bp_nouveau->{$component}->directory_vertical_layout; } /** * Template tag to wrap the Legacy actions that was used * after the components directory page. * * @since 6.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_after_directory_page() { $component = bp_current_component(); /** * Fires at the bottom of the activity, members, groups and blogs directory template file. * * @since 1.5.0 Added to the members, groups directory template file. * @since 2.3.0 Added to the blogs directory template file. * @since 6.0.0 Added to the activity directory template file. */ do_action( "bp_after_directory_{$component}_page" ); } /** * Get the full size avatar args. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return array The avatar arguments. */ function bp_nouveau_avatar_args() { /** * Filter arguments for full-size avatars. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $args { * @param string $type Avatar type. * @param int $width Avatar width value. * @param int $height Avatar height value. * } */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_avatar_args', array( 'type' => 'full', 'width' => bp_core_avatar_full_width(), 'height' => bp_core_avatar_full_height(), ) ); } /** Template Tags for BuddyPress navigations **********************************/ /* * This is the BP Nouveau Navigation Loop. * * It can be used by any object using the * BP_Core_Nav API introduced in BuddyPress 2.6.0. */ /** * Init the Navigation Loop and check it has items. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $args { * Array of arguments. * * @type string $type The type of Nav to get (primary or secondary) * Default 'primary'. Required. * @type string $object The object to get the nav for (eg: 'directory', 'group_manage', * or any custom object). Default ''. Optional * @type bool $user_has_access Used by the secondary member's & group's nav. Default true. Optional. * @type bool $show_for_displayed_user Used by the primary member's nav. Default true. Optional. * } * * @return bool True if the Nav contains items. False otherwise. */ function bp_nouveau_has_nav( $args = array() ) { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $n = bp_parse_args( $args, array( 'type' => 'primary', 'object' => '', 'user_has_access' => true, 'show_for_displayed_user' => true, ), 'nouveau_has_nav' ); if ( empty( $n['type'] ) ) { return false; } $nav = array(); $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav = ''; $bp_nouveau->object_nav = $n['object']; if ( bp_is_directory() || 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->object_nav ) { $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav = 'directory'; $nav = $bp_nouveau->directory_nav->get_primary(); // So far it's only possible to build a Group nav when displaying it. } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav = 'groups'; $parent_slug = bp_get_current_group_slug(); $group_nav = buddypress()->groups->nav; if ( 'group_manage' === $bp_nouveau->object_nav && bp_is_group_admin_page() ) { $parent_slug .= '_manage'; /** * If it's not the Admin tabs, reorder the Group's nav according to the * customizer setting. */ } else { bp_nouveau_set_nav_item_order( $group_nav, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'group_nav_order' ), $parent_slug ); } $nav = $group_nav->get_secondary( array( 'parent_slug' => $parent_slug, 'user_has_access' => (bool) $n['user_has_access'], ) ); // Build the nav for the displayed user } elseif ( bp_is_user() ) { $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav = 'personal'; $user_nav = buddypress()->members->nav; if ( 'secondary' === $n['type'] ) { $nav = $user_nav->get_secondary( array( 'parent_slug' => bp_current_component(), 'user_has_access' => (bool) $n['user_has_access'], ) ); } else { $args = array(); if ( true === (bool) $n['show_for_displayed_user'] && ! bp_is_my_profile() ) { $args = array( 'show_for_displayed_user' => true ); } // Reorder the user's primary nav according to the customizer setting. bp_nouveau_set_nav_item_order( $user_nav, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'user_nav_order' ) ); $nav = $user_nav->get_primary( $args ); } } elseif ( ! empty( $bp_nouveau->object_nav ) ) { $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav = $bp_nouveau->object_nav; /** * Use the filter to use your specific Navigation. * Use the $n param to check for your custom object. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $nav The list of item navigations generated by the BP_Core_Nav API. * @param array $n The arguments of the Navigation loop. */ $nav = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav', $nav, $n ); } // The navigation can be empty. if ( $nav === false ) { $nav = array(); } $bp_nouveau->sorted_nav = array_values( $nav ); if ( 0 === count( $bp_nouveau->sorted_nav ) || ! $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { unset( $bp_nouveau->sorted_nav, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav, $bp_nouveau->object_nav ); return false; } $bp_nouveau->current_nav_index = 0; return true; } /** * Checks there are still nav items to display. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool True if there are still items to display. False otherwise. */ function bp_nouveau_nav_items() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); if ( isset( $bp_nouveau->sorted_nav[ $bp_nouveau->current_nav_index ] ) ) { return true; } $bp_nouveau->current_nav_index = 0; unset( $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item ); return false; } /** * Sets the current nav item and prepare the navigation loop to iterate to next one. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_item() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item = $bp_nouveau->sorted_nav[ $bp_nouveau->current_nav_index ]; $bp_nouveau->current_nav_index += 1; } /** * Displays the nav item ID. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_id() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_nav_id() ); } /** * Retrieve the ID attribute of the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string the ID attribute. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_id() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $id = sprintf( '%1$s-%2$s', $nav_item->component, $nav_item->slug ); } elseif ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav || 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $id = sprintf( '%1$s-%2$s-li', $nav_item->css_id, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } else { $id = $nav_item->slug; } /** * Filter to edit the ID attribute of the nav. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $id The ID attribute of the nav. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav_id', $id, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** * Displays the nav item classes. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_classes() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_nav_classes() ); } /** * Retrieve a space separated list of classes for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string List of classes. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_classes() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $classes = array(); if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { if ( ! empty( $nav_item->li_class ) ) { $classes = (array) $nav_item->li_class; } if ( bp_get_current_member_type() || ( bp_is_groups_directory() && bp_get_current_group_directory_type() ) ) { $classes[] = 'no-ajax'; } } elseif ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav || 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $classes = array( 'bp-' . $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav . '-tab' ); $selected = bp_current_action(); // User's primary nav if ( ! empty( $nav_item->primary ) ) { $selected = bp_current_component(); // Group Admin Tabs. } elseif ( 'group_manage' === $bp_nouveau->object_nav ) { $selected = bp_action_variable( 0 ); $classes = array( 'bp-' . $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav . '-admin-tab' ); // If we are here, it's the member's subnav } elseif ( 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $classes = array( 'bp-' . $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav . '-sub-tab' ); } if ( $nav_item->slug === $selected ) { $classes = array_merge( $classes, array( 'current', 'selected' ) ); } } if ( ! empty( $classes ) ) { $classes = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes ); } /** * Filter to edit/add classes. * * NB: you can also directly add classes into the template parts. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value A space separated list of classes. * @param array $classes The list of classes. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ $classes_list = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_classes', join( ' ', $classes ), $classes, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); if ( ! $classes_list ) { $classes_list = ''; } return $classes_list; } /** * Displays the nav item scope. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_scope() { echo bp_nouveau_get_nav_scope(); // Escaped by bp_get_form_field_attributes(). } /** * Retrieve the specific scope for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string the specific scope of the nav. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_scope() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $scope = array(); if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $scope = array( 'data-bp-scope' => $nav_item->slug ); } elseif ( 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && ! empty( $nav_item->secondary ) ) { $scope = array( 'data-bp-user-scope' => $nav_item->slug ); } else { /** * Filter to add your own scope. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $scope Contains the key and the value for your scope. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ $scope = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_set_nav_scope', $scope, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } if ( ! $scope ) { return ''; } return bp_get_form_field_attributes( 'scope', $scope ); } /** * Displays the nav item URL. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_link() { echo esc_url( bp_nouveau_get_nav_link() ); } /** * Retrieve the URL for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string The URL for the nav item. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_link() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $link = '#'; if ( ! empty( $nav_item->link ) ) { $link = $nav_item->link; } if ( 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && ! empty( $nav_item->primary ) ) { if ( bp_loggedin_user_domain() ) { $link = str_replace( bp_loggedin_user_domain(), bp_displayed_user_domain(), $link ); } else { $link = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . $link ); } } /** * Filter to edit the URL of the nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $link The URL for the nav item. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav_link', $link, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** * Displays the nav item link ID. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_link_id() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_id() ); } /** * Retrieve the id attribute of the link for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string The link id for the nav item. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_id() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $link_id = ''; if ( ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav || 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) && ! empty( $nav_item->css_id ) ) { $link_id = $nav_item->css_id; if ( ! empty( $nav_item->primary ) && 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $link_id = 'user-' . $link_id; } } else { $link_id = $nav_item->slug; } /** * Filter to edit the link id attribute of the nav. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $link_id The link id attribute for the nav item. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_id', $link_id, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** * Displays the nav item link title. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_link_title() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_title() ); } /** * Retrieve the title attribute of the link for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string The link title for the nav item. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_title() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $title = ''; if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && ! empty( $nav_item->title ) ) { $title = $nav_item->title; } elseif ( ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav || 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) && ! empty( $nav_item->name ) ) { $title = $nav_item->name; } /** * Filter to edit the link title attribute of the nav. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $title The link title attribute for the nav item. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_title', $title, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** * Displays the nav item link html text. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_link_text() { echo esc_html( bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_text() ); } /** * Retrieve the html text of the link for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string The html text for the nav item. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_text() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $link_text = ''; if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && ! empty( $nav_item->text ) ) { $link_text = _bp_strip_spans_from_title( $nav_item->text ); } elseif ( ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav || 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) && ! empty( $nav_item->name ) ) { $link_text = _bp_strip_spans_from_title( $nav_item->name ); } /** * Filter to edit the html text of the nav. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $link_text The html text of the nav item. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav_link_text', $link_text, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** * Checks if the nav item has a count attribute. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool */ function bp_nouveau_nav_has_count() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $count = false; if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $count = $nav_item->count; } elseif ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && 'members' === $nav_item->slug ) { $count = 0 !== (int) groups_get_current_group()->total_member_count; } elseif ( 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && ! empty( $nav_item->primary ) ) { $count = (bool) strpos( $nav_item->name, '="count"' ); } /** * Filter to edit whether the nav has a count attribute. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param bool $value True if the nav has a count attribute. False otherwise * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return (bool) apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_nav_has_count', false !== $count, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** * Displays the nav item count attribute. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_nav_count() { echo esc_html( number_format_i18n( bp_nouveau_get_nav_count() ) ); } /** * Retrieve the count attribute for the current nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return int The count attribute for the nav item. */ function bp_nouveau_get_nav_count() { $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $nav_item = $bp_nouveau->current_nav_item; $count = 0; if ( 'directory' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ) { $count = (int) $nav_item->count; } elseif ( 'groups' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && 'members' === $nav_item->slug ) { $count = groups_get_current_group()->total_member_count; // @todo imho BuddyPress shouldn't add html tags inside Nav attributes... } elseif ( 'personal' === $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav && ! empty( $nav_item->primary ) ) { $span = strpos( $nav_item->name, ' element. if ( false !== $span ) { $count_start = strpos( $nav_item->name, '>', $span ) + 1; $count_end = strpos( $nav_item->name, '<', $count_start ); $count = (int) substr( $nav_item->name, $count_start, $count_end - $count_start ); } } /** * Filter to edit the count attribute for the nav item. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param int $count The count attribute for the nav item. * @param object $nav_item The current nav item object. * @param string $value The current nav in use (eg: 'directory', 'groups', 'personal', etc..). */ return (int) apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_nav_count', $count, $nav_item, $bp_nouveau->displayed_nav ); } /** Template tags specific to the Directory navs ******************************/ /** * Displays the directory nav class. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_directory_type_navs_class() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_directory_type_navs_class() ); } /** * Provides default nav wrapper classes. * * Gets the directory component nav class. * Gets user selection Customizer options. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string */ function bp_nouveau_get_directory_type_navs_class() { $component = sanitize_key( bp_current_component() ); // If component is 'blogs' we need to access options as 'Sites'. if ('blogs' === $component) { $component = 'sites'; }; $customizer_option = sprintf( '%s_dir_tabs', $component ); $nav_style = bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( $customizer_option, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( $customizer_option ) ); $tab_style = ''; if ( 1 === $nav_style ) { $tab_style = $component . '-nav-tabs'; } $nav_wrapper_classes = array( sprintf( '%s-type-navs', $component ), 'main-navs', 'bp-navs', 'dir-navs', $tab_style ); /** * Filter to edit/add classes. * * NB: you can also directly add classes to the class attr. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $nav_wrapper_classes The list of classes. */ $nav_wrapper_classes = (array) apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_directory_type_navs_class', $nav_wrapper_classes ); return join( ' ', array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $nav_wrapper_classes ) ); } /** * Displays the directory nav item list class. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_directory_list_class() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_directory_list_class() ); } /** * Gets the directory nav item list class. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string */ function bp_nouveau_get_directory_list_class() { return sanitize_html_class( sprintf( '%s-nav', bp_current_component() ) ); } /** * Displays the directory nav item object (data-bp attribute). * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_directory_nav_object() { $obj = bp_nouveau_get_directory_nav_object(); if ( ! is_null( $obj ) ) { echo esc_attr( $obj ); } } /** * Gets the directory nav item object. * * @see BP_Component::setup_nav(). * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return array */ function bp_nouveau_get_directory_nav_object() { $nav_item = bp_nouveau()->current_nav_item; if ( ! $nav_item->component ) { return null; } return $nav_item->component; } // Template tags for the single item navs. /** * Output main BuddyPress container classes. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string CSS classes */ function bp_nouveau_container_classes() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_container_classes() ); } /** * Returns the main BuddyPress container classes. * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 7.0.0 Add a class to inform about the active Theme. * * @return string CSS classes */ function bp_nouveau_get_container_classes() { $classes = array( 'buddypress-wrap', get_template() ); $component = bp_current_component(); $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); $member_type_class = ''; if ( bp_is_user() ) { $customizer_option = 'user_nav_display'; $component = 'members'; $user_type = bp_get_member_type( bp_displayed_user_id() ); $member_type_class = ( $user_type )? $user_type : ''; } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { $customizer_option = 'group_nav_display'; } elseif ( bp_is_directory() ) { switch ( $component ) { case 'activity': $customizer_option = 'activity_dir_layout'; break; case 'members': $customizer_option = 'members_dir_layout'; break; case 'groups': $customizer_option = 'groups_dir_layout'; break; case 'blogs': $customizer_option = 'sites_dir_layout'; break; default: $customizer_option = ''; break; } } else { /** * Filters the BuddyPress Nouveau single item setting ID. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value Setting ID. */ $customizer_option = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_single_item_display_settings_id', '' ); } if ( $member_type_class ) { $classes[] = $member_type_class; } // Provide a class token to acknowledge additional extended profile fields added to default account reg screen if ( 'register' === bp_current_component() && bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) && bp_nouveau_has_signup_xprofile_fields()) { $classes[] = 'extended-default-reg'; } // Add classes according to site owners preferences. These are options set via Customizer. // These are general site wide Cust options falling outside component checks $general_settings = bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( 'avatar_style', bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'avatar_style' ) ); if ( $general_settings ) { $classes[] = 'round-avatars'; } // Set via earlier switch for component check to provide correct option key. if ( $customizer_option ) { $layout_prefs = bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( $customizer_option, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( $customizer_option ) ); if ( $layout_prefs && (int) $layout_prefs === 1 && ( bp_is_user() || bp_is_group() ) ) { $classes[] = 'bp-single-vert-nav'; $classes[] = 'bp-vertical-navs'; } if ( $layout_prefs && bp_is_directory() ) { $classes[] = 'bp-dir-vert-nav'; $classes[] = 'bp-vertical-navs'; $bp_nouveau->{$component}->directory_vertical_layout = $layout_prefs; } else { $classes[] = 'bp-dir-hori-nav'; } } $global_alignment = bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( 'global_alignment', bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'global_alignment' ) ); $layout_widths = bp_nouveau_get_theme_layout_widths(); if ( $global_alignment && 'alignnone' !== $global_alignment && $layout_widths ) { $classes[] = $global_alignment; } $class = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes ); /** * Filters the final results for BuddyPress Nouveau container classes. * * This filter will return a single string of concatenated classes to be used. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value Concatenated classes. * @param array $classes Array of classes that were concatenated. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_container_classes', join( ' ', $class ), $classes ); } /** * Output single item nav container classes * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_single_item_nav_classes() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_single_item_nav_classes() ); } /** * Returns the single item nav container classes * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string CSS classes. */ function bp_nouveau_get_single_item_nav_classes() { $classes = array( 'main-navs', 'no-ajax', 'bp-navs', 'single-screen-navs' ); $component = bp_current_component(); $bp_nouveau = bp_nouveau(); // @todo wasn't able to get $customizer_option to pass a string to get_settings // this is a temp workaround but differs from earlier dir approach- bad! if ( bp_is_group() ) { $nav_tabs = (int) bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( 'group_nav_tabs', bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'group_nav_tabs' ) ); } elseif ( bp_is_user() ) { $nav_tabs = (int) bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( 'user_nav_tabs', bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'user_nav_tabs' ) ); } if ( bp_is_group() && 1 === $nav_tabs) { $classes[] = 'group-nav-tabs'; $classes[] = 'tabbed-links'; } elseif ( bp_is_user() && 1 === $nav_tabs ) { $classes[] = 'user-nav-tabs'; $classes[] = 'tabbed-links'; } if ( bp_is_user() ) { $component = 'members'; $menu_type = 'users-nav'; } else { $menu_type = 'groups-nav'; } $customizer_option = ( bp_is_user() )? 'user_nav_display' : 'group_nav_display'; $layout_prefs = (int) bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( $customizer_option, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( $customizer_option ) ); // Set the global for a later use - this is moved from the `bp_nouveau_get_container_classes() // But was set as a check for this array class addition. $bp_nouveau->{$component}->single_primary_nav_layout = $layout_prefs; if ( 1 === $layout_prefs ) { $classes[] = 'vertical'; } else { $classes[] = 'horizontal'; } $classes[] = $menu_type; $class = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes ); /** * Filters the final results for BuddyPress Nouveau single item nav classes. * * This filter will return a single string of concatenated classes to be used. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value Concatenated classes. * @param array $classes Array of classes that were concatenated. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_single_item_nav_classes', join( ' ', $class ), $classes ); } /** * Output single item subnav container classes. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_single_item_subnav_classes() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_single_item_subnav_classes() ); } /** * Returns the single item subnav container classes. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string CSS classes. */ function bp_nouveau_get_single_item_subnav_classes() { $classes = array( 'bp-navs', 'bp-subnavs', 'no-ajax' ); // Set user or group class string if ( bp_is_user() ) { $classes[] = 'user-subnav'; } if ( bp_is_group() ) { $classes[] = 'group-subnav'; } if ( ( bp_is_group() && 'send-invites' === bp_current_action() ) || ( bp_is_group_create() && 'group-invites' === bp_get_groups_current_create_step() ) ) { $classes[] = 'bp-invites-nav'; } $customizer_option = ( bp_is_user() )? 'user_subnav_tabs' : 'group_subnav_tabs'; $nav_tabs = (int) bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( $customizer_option, bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( $customizer_option ) ); if ( bp_is_user() && 1 === $nav_tabs ) { $classes[] = 'tabbed-links'; } if ( bp_is_group() && 1 === $nav_tabs ) { $classes[] = 'tabbed-links'; } $class = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes ); /** * Filters the final results for BuddyPress Nouveau single item subnav classes. * * This filter will return a single string of concatenated classes to be used. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value Concatenated classes. * @param array $classes Array of classes that were concatenated. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_single_item_subnav_classes', join( ' ', $class ), $classes ); } /** * Output the groups create steps classes. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_groups_create_steps_classes() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_group_create_steps_classes() ); } /** * Returns the groups create steps customizer option choice class. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string CSS classes. */ function bp_nouveau_get_group_create_steps_classes() { $classes = array( 'bp-navs', 'group-create-links', 'no-ajax' ); $nav_tabs = (int) bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( 'groups_create_tabs', bp_nouveau_get_appearance_settings( 'groups_create_tabs' ) ); if ( 1 === $nav_tabs ) { $classes[] = 'tabbed-links'; } $class = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $classes ); /** * Filters the final results for BuddyPress Nouveau group creation step classes. * * This filter will return a single string of concatenated classes to be used. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value Concatenated classes. * @param array $classes Array of classes that were concatenated. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_group_create_steps_classes', join( ' ', $class ), $classes ); } /** Template tags for the object search **************************************/ /** * Get the search primary object * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $object (Optional) The primary object. * * @return string The primary object. */ function bp_nouveau_get_search_primary_object( $object = '' ) { if ( bp_is_user() ) { $object = 'member'; } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { $object = 'group'; } elseif ( bp_is_directory() ) { $object = 'dir'; } else { /** * Filters the search primary object if no other was found. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $object Search object. */ $object = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_search_primary_object', $object ); } return $object; } /** * Get The list of search objects (primary + secondary). * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $objects (Optional) The list of objects. * * @return array The list of objects. */ function bp_nouveau_get_search_objects( $objects = array() ) { $primary = bp_nouveau_get_search_primary_object(); if ( ! $primary ) { return $objects; } $objects = array( 'primary' => $primary, ); if ( 'member' === $primary || 'dir' === $primary ) { $objects['secondary'] = bp_current_component(); } elseif ( 'group' === $primary ) { $objects['secondary'] = bp_current_action(); if ( bp_is_group_home() && ! bp_is_group_custom_front() ) { $objects['secondary'] = 'members'; if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) { $objects['secondary'] = 'activity'; } } } else { /** * Filters the search objects if no others were found. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $objects Search objects. */ $objects = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_search_objects', $objects ); } return $objects; } /** * Output the search form container classes. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_search_container_class() { $objects = bp_nouveau_get_search_objects(); $class = join( '-search ', array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $objects ) ) . '-search'; echo esc_attr( $class ); } /** * Output the search form data-bp attribute. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $attr The data-bp attribute. * @return string The data-bp attribute. */ function bp_nouveau_search_object_data_attr( $attr = '' ) { $objects = bp_nouveau_get_search_objects(); if ( ! isset( $objects['secondary'] ) ) { return $attr; } if ( bp_is_active( 'groups' ) && bp_is_group_members() ) { $attr = join( '_', $objects ); } else { $attr = $objects['secondary']; } echo esc_attr( $attr ); } /** * Output a selector ID. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $suffix Optional. A string to append at the end of the ID. * @param string $sep Optional. The separator to use between each token. */ function bp_nouveau_search_selector_id( $suffix = '', $sep = '-' ) { $id = join( $sep, array_merge( bp_nouveau_get_search_objects(), (array) $suffix ) ); echo esc_attr( $id ); } /** * Output the name attribute of a selector. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $suffix Optional. A string to append at the end of the name. * @param string $sep Optional. The separator to use between each token. */ function bp_nouveau_search_selector_name( $suffix = '', $sep = '_' ) { $objects = bp_nouveau_get_search_objects(); if ( isset( $objects['secondary'] ) && ! $suffix ) { $name = bp_core_get_component_search_query_arg( $objects['secondary'] ); } else { $name = join( $sep, array_merge( $objects, (array) $suffix ) ); } echo esc_attr( $name ); } /** * Output the default search text for the search object * * @todo 28/09/17 added 'empty( $text )' check to $object query as it wasn't returning output as expected & not returning user set params * This may require further examination - hnla * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $text Optional. The default search text for the search object. * @param string $is_attr Optional. True if it's to be output inside an attribute. False otherwise. */ function bp_nouveau_search_default_text( $text = '', $is_attr = true ) { $objects = bp_nouveau_get_search_objects(); if ( ! empty( $objects['secondary'] ) && empty( $text ) ) { $text = bp_get_search_default_text( $objects['secondary'] ); } if ( $is_attr ) { echo esc_attr( $text ); } else { echo esc_html( $text ); } } /** * Get the search form template part and fire some do_actions if needed. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_search_form() { $search_form_html = bp_buffer_template_part( 'common/search/search-form', null, false ); $objects = bp_nouveau_get_search_objects(); if ( empty( $objects['primary'] ) || empty( $objects['secondary'] ) ) { echo $search_form_html; return; } if ( 'dir' === $objects['primary'] ) { /** * Filter here to edit the HTML output of the directory search form. * * NB: This will take in charge the following BP Core Components filters * - bp_directory_members_search_form * - bp_directory_blogs_search_form * - bp_directory_groups_search_form * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param string $search_form_html The HTML output for the directory search form. */ echo apply_filters( "bp_directory_{$objects['secondary']}_search_form", $search_form_html ); if ( 'activity' === $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Fires before the display of the activity syndication options. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( 'bp_activity_syndication_options' ); } elseif ( 'blogs' === $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Fires inside the unordered list displaying blog sub-types. * * @since 1.5.0 */ do_action( 'bp_blogs_directory_blog_sub_types' ); } elseif ( 'groups' === $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Fires inside the groups directory group types. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( 'bp_groups_directory_group_types' ); } elseif ( 'members' === $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Fires inside the members directory member sub-types. * * @since 1.5.0 */ do_action( 'bp_members_directory_member_sub_types' ); } } elseif ( 'group' === $objects['primary'] ) { if ( 'members' !== $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Filter here to edit the HTML output of the displayed group search form. * * @since 3.2.0 * * @param string $search_form_html The HTML output for the directory search form. */ echo apply_filters( "bp_group_{$objects['secondary']}_search_form", $search_form_html ); } else { /** * Filters the Members component search form. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param string $search_form_html HTML markup for the member search form. */ echo apply_filters( 'bp_directory_members_search_form', $search_form_html ); } if ( 'members' === $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Fires at the end of the group members search unordered list. * * Part of bp_groups_members_template_part(). * * @since 1.5.0 */ do_action( 'bp_members_directory_member_sub_types' ); } elseif ( 'activity' === $objects['secondary'] ) { /** * Fires inside the syndication options list, after the RSS option. * * @since 1.2.0 */ do_action( 'bp_group_activity_syndication_options' ); } } } // Template tags for the directory & user/group screen filters. /** * Get the current component or action. * * If on single group screens we need to switch from component to bp_current_action() to add the correct * IDs/labels for group/activity & similar screens. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_current_object() { /* * If we're looking at groups single screens we need to factor in current action * to avoid the component check adding the wrong id for the main dir e.g 'groups' instead of 'activity'. * We also need to check for group screens to adjust the id's for prefixes. */ $component = array(); if ( bp_is_group() ) { $component['members_select'] = 'groups_members-order-select'; $component['members_order_by'] = 'groups_members-order-by'; $component['object'] = bp_current_action(); $component['data_filter'] = bp_current_action(); if ( 'activity' !== bp_current_action() ) { /** * If the Group's front page is not used, Activities are displayed on Group's home page. * To make sure filters are behaving the right way, we need to override the component object * and data filter to `activity`. */ if ( bp_is_group_activity() ) { $activity_id = buddypress()->activity->id; $component['object'] = $activity_id; $component['data_filter'] = $activity_id; } else { $component['data_filter'] = 'group_' . bp_current_action(); } } } else { $component_id = bp_current_component(); if ( ! bp_is_directory() ) { $component_id = bp_core_get_active_components( array( 'slug' => $component_id ) ); $component_id = reset( $component_id ); } $data_filter = $component_id; if ( 'friends' === $data_filter && bp_is_user_friend_requests() ) { $data_filter = 'friend_requests'; } $component['members_select'] = 'members-order-select'; $component['members_order_by'] = 'members-order-by'; $component['object'] = $component_id; $component['data_filter'] = $data_filter; } return $component; } /** * Output data filter container's ID attribute value. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_filter_container_id() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_filter_container_id() ); } /** * Get data filter container's ID attribute value. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string */ function bp_nouveau_get_filter_container_id() { $component = bp_nouveau_current_object(); $ids = array( 'members' => $component['members_select'], 'friends' => 'members-friends-select', 'notifications' => 'notifications-filter-select', 'activity' => 'activity-filter-select', 'groups' => 'groups-order-select', 'blogs' => 'blogs-order-select', ); if ( isset( $ids[ $component['object'] ] ) ) { /** * Filters the container ID for BuddyPress Nouveau filters. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value ID based on current component object. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_filter_container_id', $ids[ $component['object'] ] ); } return ''; } /** * Output data filter's ID attribute value. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_filter_id() { echo esc_attr( bp_nouveau_get_filter_id() ); } /** * Get data filter's ID attribute value. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string */ function bp_nouveau_get_filter_id() { $component = bp_nouveau_current_object(); $ids = array( 'members' => $component['members_order_by'], 'friends' => 'members-friends', 'notifications' => 'notifications-filter-by', 'activity' => 'activity-filter-by', 'groups' => 'groups-order-by', 'blogs' => 'blogs-order-by', ); if ( isset( $ids[ $component['object'] ] ) ) { /** * Filters the filter ID for BuddyPress Nouveau filters. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $value ID based on current component object. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_filter_id', $ids[ $component['object'] ] ); } return ''; } /** * Output data filter's label. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_filter_label() { echo esc_html( bp_nouveau_get_filter_label() ); } /** * Get data filter's label. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return string */ function bp_nouveau_get_filter_label() { $component = bp_nouveau_current_object(); $label = __( 'Order By:', 'buddypress' ); if ( 'activity' === $component['object'] || 'friends' === $component['object'] ) { $label = __( 'Show:', 'buddypress' ); } /** * Filters the label for BuddyPress Nouveau filters. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $label Label for BuddyPress Nouveau filter. * @param array $component The data filter's data-bp-filter attribute value. */ return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_filter_label', $label, $component ); } /** * Output data filter's data-bp-filter attribute value. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_filter_component() { $component = bp_nouveau_current_object(); echo esc_attr( $component['data_filter'] ); } /** * Output the %3$s', esc_attr( $key ), esc_html( $value ), PHP_EOL ); } } return $output; } /** Template tags for the Customizer ******************************************/ /** * Get a link to reach a specific section into the customizer * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $args Optional. The argument to customize the Customizer link. * * @return string HTML. */ function bp_nouveau_get_customizer_link( $args = array() ) { $r = bp_parse_args( $args, array( 'capability' => 'bp_moderate', 'object' => 'user', 'item_id' => 0, 'autofocus' => '', 'text' => '', ), 'nouveau_get_customizer_link' ); if ( empty( $r['capability'] ) || empty( $r['autofocus'] ) || empty( $r['text'] ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! bp_current_user_can( $r['capability'] ) ) { return ''; } $url = ''; if ( bp_is_user() ) { $url = rawurlencode( bp_displayed_user_domain() ); } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { $url = rawurlencode( bp_get_group_permalink( groups_get_current_group() ) ); } elseif ( ! empty( $r['object'] ) && ! empty( $r['item_id'] ) ) { if ( 'user' === $r['object'] ) { $url = rawurlencode( bp_core_get_user_domain( $r['item_id'] ) ); } elseif ( 'group' === $r['object'] ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $r['item_id'] ) ); if ( ! empty( $group->id ) ) { $url = rawurlencode( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) ); } } } if ( ! $url ) { return ''; } $customizer_link = add_query_arg( array( 'autofocus[section]' => $r['autofocus'], 'url' => $url, ), admin_url( 'customize.php' ) ); return sprintf( '%2$s', esc_url( $customizer_link ), esc_html( $r['text'] ) ); } /** Template tags for signup forms *******************************************/ /** * Fire specific hooks into the register template * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $when 'before' or 'after' * @param string $prefix Use it to add terms before the hook name */ function bp_nouveau_signup_hook( $when = '', $prefix = '' ) { $hook = array( 'bp' ); if ( $when ) { $hook[] = $when; } if ( $prefix ) { if ( 'page' === $prefix ) { $hook[] = 'register'; } elseif ( 'steps' === $prefix ) { $hook[] = 'signup'; } $hook[] = $prefix; } if ( 'page' !== $prefix && 'steps' !== $prefix ) { $hook[] = 'fields'; } bp_nouveau_hook( $hook ); } /** * Fire specific hooks into the activate template * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $when 'before' or 'after' * @param string $prefix Use it to add terms before the hook name */ function bp_nouveau_activation_hook( $when = '', $suffix = '' ) { $hook = array( 'bp' ); if ( $when ) { $hook[] = $when; } $hook[] = 'activate'; if ( $suffix ) { $hook[] = $suffix; } if ( 'page' === $suffix ) { $hook[2] = 'activation'; } bp_nouveau_hook( $hook ); } /** * Output the signup form for the requested section * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $section Optional. The section of fields to get 'account_details' or 'blog_details'. * Default: 'account_details'. */ function bp_nouveau_signup_form( $section = 'account_details' ) { $fields = bp_nouveau_get_signup_fields( $section ); if ( ! $fields ) { return; } foreach ( $fields as $name => $attributes ) { if ( 'signup_password' === $name ) { ?> signup->errors['signup_password'] ) ) : nouveau_error_template( buddypress()->signup->errors['signup_password'] ); endif; ?>
wp_generate_password( 12 ), 'aria-describedby' => 'pass-strength-result' ) ); ?> />


%2$s'; $id = $name; $classes = ''; if ( $required ) { /* translators: Do not translate placeholders. 2 = form field name, 3 = "(required)". */ $label_output = __( '', 'buddypress' ); } // Output the label for regular fields if ( 'radio' !== $type ) { if ( $required ) { printf( $label_output, esc_attr( $name ), esc_html( $label ), __( '(required)', 'buddypress' ) ); } else { printf( $label_output, esc_attr( $name ), esc_html( $label ) ); } if ( ! empty( $value ) && is_callable( $value ) ) { $value = call_user_func( $value ); } // Handle the specific case of Site's privacy differently } elseif ( 'signup_blog_privacy_private' !== $name ) { ?> 'true' ); /** * The blog section is hidden, so let's avoid a browser warning * and deal with the Blog section in Javascript. */ if ( $section !== 'blog_details' ) { $existing_attributes['required'] = 'required'; } } $attribute_type = ' ' . bp_get_form_field_attributes( $attribute_type, $existing_attributes ); } // Specific case for Site's privacy if ( 'signup_blog_privacy_public' === $name || 'signup_blog_privacy_private' === $name ) { $name = 'signup_blog_privacy'; $submitted = bp_get_signup_blog_privacy_value(); if ( ! $submitted ) { $submitted = 'public'; } $attribute_type = ' ' . checked( $value, $submitted, false ); } // Do not run function to display errors for the private radio. if ( 'private' !== $value ) { /** * Fetch & display any BP member registration field errors. * * Passes BP signup errors to Nouveau's template function to * render suitable markup for error string. */ if ( isset( buddypress()->signup->errors[ $name ] ) ) { nouveau_error_template( buddypress()->signup->errors[ $name ] ); $invalid = 'invalid'; } } if ( isset( $invalid ) && isset( buddypress()->signup->errors[ $name ] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $class ) ) { $class = $class . ' ' . $invalid; } else { $class = $invalid; } } if ( $class ) { $class = sprintf( ' class="%s"', esc_attr( join( ' ', array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', explode( ' ', $class ) ) ) ) ); } // Set the input. $field_output = sprintf( '', esc_attr( $type ), esc_attr( $name ), esc_attr( $id ), $class, // Constructed safely above. esc_attr( $value ), $attribute_type // Constructed safely above. ); // Not a radio, let's output the field if ( 'radio' !== $type ) { if ( 'signup_blog_url' !== $name ) { print( $field_output ); // Constructed safely above. // If it's the signup blog url, it's specific to Multisite config. } elseif ( is_subdomain_install() ) { // Constructed safely above. printf( '%1$s %2$s . %3$s', is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://', $field_output, bp_signup_get_subdomain_base() ); // Subfolders! } else { printf( '%1$s %2$s', home_url( '/' ), $field_output // Constructed safely above. ); } // It's a radio, let's output the field inside the label } else { // $label_output and $field_output are constructed safely above. printf( $label_output, esc_attr( $name ), $field_output . ' ' . esc_html( $label ) ); } } } /** * Fires and displays any extra member registration details fields. * * This is a variable hook that depends on the current section. * * @since 1.9.0 */ do_action( "bp_{$section}_fields" ); } /** * Outputs the Privacy Policy acceptance area on the registration page. * * @since 4.0.0 */ function bp_nouveau_signup_privacy_policy_acceptance_section() { $error = null; if ( isset( buddypress()->signup->errors['signup_privacy_policy'] ) ) { $error = buddypress()->signup->errors['signup_privacy_policy']; } ?>
', bp_get_form_field_attributes( 'submit', $submit_data['attributes'] ) // Safe. ); // Output the submit button. if ( isset( $submit_data['wrapper'] ) && false === $submit_data['wrapper'] ) { echo $submit_input; // Output the submit button into a wrapper. } else { printf( '
', $submit_input ); } $nonce = $submit_data['nonce']; if ( isset( $submit_data['nonce_placeholder_value'] ) ) { $nonce = sprintf( $nonce, $submit_data['nonce_placeholder_value'] ); } if ( empty( $submit_data['nonce_key'] ) ) { wp_nonce_field( $nonce ); } else { if ( $object_id ) { $submit_data['nonce_key'] .= '_' . (int) $object_id; } wp_nonce_field( $nonce, $submit_data['nonce_key'] ); } if ( ! empty( $submit_data['after'] ) ) { /** * Fires before display of the submit button. * * This is a dynamic filter that is dependent on the "after" value provided by bp_nouveau_get_submit_button(). * * @since 3.0.0 */ do_action( $submit_data['after'] ); } } /** * Display supplemental error or feedback messages. * * This template handles in page error or feedback messages e.g signup fields * 'Username exists' type registration field error notices. * * @param string $message required: the message to display. * @param string $type optional: the type of error message e.g 'error'. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function nouveau_error_template( $message = '', $type = '' ) { if ( ! $message ) { return; } $type = ( $type ) ? $type : 'error'; ?>

activity->current_rss_feed ) ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed = array( 'link' => '', 'tooltip' => _x( 'RSS Feed', 'BP RSS Tooltip', 'buddypress' ), 'screen_reader_text' => _x( 'RSS', 'BP RSS screen reader text', 'buddypress' ), ); if ( ! bp_is_user() && ! bp_is_group() ) { $retval = bp_activity_is_feed_enable( 'sitewide' ); if ( $retval ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed['link'] = bp_get_sitewide_activity_feed_link(); } } elseif ( bp_is_user_activity() ) { $retval = bp_activity_is_feed_enable( 'personal' ); if ( $retval ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed['link'] = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'activity' ) . '/feed' ); } if ( bp_is_active( 'friends' ) && bp_is_current_action( bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'friends' ) ) ) { $retval = bp_activity_is_feed_enable( 'friends' ); if ( $retval ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed['link'] = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'activity' ) . '/' . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'friends' ) . '/feed' ); } } elseif ( bp_is_active( 'groups' ) && bp_is_current_action( bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'groups' ) ) ) { $retval = bp_activity_is_feed_enable( 'mygroups' ); if ( $retval ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed['link'] = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'activity' ) . '/' . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'groups' ) . '/feed' ); } } elseif ( bp_activity_do_mentions() && bp_is_current_action( 'mentions' ) ) { $retval = bp_activity_is_feed_enable( 'mentions' ); if ( $retval ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed['link'] = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'activity' ) . '/mentions/feed' ); } } elseif ( bp_activity_can_favorite() && bp_is_current_action( 'favorites' ) ) { $retval = bp_activity_is_feed_enable( 'mentions' ); if ( $retval ) { $bp_nouveau->activity->current_rss_feed['link'] = trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( 'activity' ) . '/favorites/feed' ); } } } } } return $retval; }