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/src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/activity/ -> template-tags.php (summary)

Activity Template tags

Version: 10.0.0
File Size: 1055 lines (31 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 27 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

bp_nouveau_before_activity_directory_content()   X-Ref
Before Activity's directory content legacy do_action hooks wrapper

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_after_activity_directory_content()   X-Ref
After Activity's directory content legacy do_action hooks wrapper

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_print_post_form_templates()   X-Ref
Prints the JS Templates used to render the Activity Post Form.

since: 10.0.0

bp_nouveau_before_activity_post_form()   X-Ref
Enqueue needed scripts for the Activity Post Form

since: 3.0.0
since: 5.0.0 Move the `bp_before_activity_post_form` hook inside the Activity post form.

bp_nouveau_after_activity_post_form()   X-Ref
Load JS Templates for the Activity Post Form

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_member_post_form()   X-Ref
Display the displayed user activity post form if needed

since: 3.0.0
return: string HTML.

bp_nouveau_activity_hook( $when = '', $suffix = '' )   X-Ref
Fire specific hooks into the activity entry template

param: string $when   Optional. Either 'before' or 'after'.
param: string $suffix Optional. Use it to add terms at the end of the hook name.
since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_data_attribute_id()   X-Ref
Output the `data-bp-activity-id` or `data-bp-activity-comment-id` attribute
according to the activity type.

since: 10.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_has_content()   X-Ref
Checks if an activity of the loop has some content.

since: 3.0.0
return: bool True if the activity has some content. False Otherwise.

bp_nouveau_activity_content()   X-Ref
Output the Activity content into the loop.

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_timestamp()   X-Ref
Output the Activity timestamp into the bp-timestamp attribute.

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_get_activity_timestamp()   X-Ref
Get the Activity timestamp.

since: 3.0.0
return: integer The Activity timestamp.

bp_nouveau_activity_entry_buttons( $args = array()   X-Ref
Output the action buttons inside an Activity Loop.

param: array $args See bp_nouveau_wrapper() for the description of parameters.
since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_get_activity_entry_buttons( $args )   X-Ref
Get the action buttons inside an Activity Loop.

param: array $args See bp_nouveau_wrapper() for the description of parameters.
since: 3.0.0
return: array      Activity action buttons used into an Activity Loop.

bp_nouveau_activity_comments()   X-Ref
Output Activity Comments if any

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_recurse_comments( $comment )   X-Ref
Loops through a level of activity comments and loads the template for each.

Note: This is an adaptation of the bp_activity_recurse_comments() BuddyPress core function

param: object $comment The activity object currently being recursed.
since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_comment_action()   X-Ref
Ouptut the Activity comment action string

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_get_activity_comment_action()   X-Ref
Get the Activity comment action string

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_comment_form()   X-Ref
Load the Activity comment form

since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_comment_buttons( $args = array()   X-Ref
Output the action buttons for the activity comments

param: array $args Optional. See bp_nouveau_wrapper() for the description of parameters.
since: 3.0.0

bp_nouveau_get_activity_comment_buttons($args)   X-Ref
Get the action buttons for the activity comments

param: array $args Optional. See bp_nouveau_wrapper() for the description of parameters.
since: 3.0.0
return: array

bp_nouveau_activity_rss_link()   X-Ref
Outputs the Activity RSS link.

since: 8.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_get_rss_link()   X-Ref
Returns the Activity RSS link.

since: 8.0.0
return: string The Activity RSS link.

bp_nouveau_activity_rss_tooltip()   X-Ref
Outputs the Activity RSS Tooltip.

since: 8.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_get_rss_tooltip()   X-Ref
Returns the Activity RSS Tooltip.

since: 8.0.0
return: string The Activity RSS Tooltip.

bp_nouveau_activity_rss_screen_reader_text()   X-Ref
Outputs the Activity RSS screen reader text.

since: 8.0.0

bp_nouveau_activity_get_rss_screen_reader_text()   X-Ref
Returns the Activity RSS screen reader text.

since: 8.0.0
return: string The Activity RSS screen reader text.

Generated: Fri Jul 26 01:00:55 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1