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1 /*! 2 * jQuery plugin: autoCompletefb(AutoComplete Facebook) 3 * @requires jQuery v1.2.2 or later 4 * using plugin:jquery.autocomplete.js 5 * 6 * Credits: 7 * - Idea: Facebook 8 * - Guillermo Rauch: Original MooTools script 9 * - InteRiders <http://interiders.com/> 10 * 11 * Copyright (c) 2008 Widi Harsojo <wharsojo@gmail.com>, http://wharsojo.wordpress.com/ 12 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: 13 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 14 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 15 */ 16 jQuery.fn.autoCompletefb = function(options) 17 { 18 var tmp = this; 19 var settings = 20 { 21 ul : tmp, 22 urlLookup : [""], 23 acOptions : {}, 24 foundClass : ".friend-tab", 25 inputClass : ".send-to-input" 26 } 27 28 if(options) jQuery.extend(settings, options); 29 30 var acfb = 31 { 32 params : settings, 33 removeFind : function(o){ 34 acfb.removeUsername(o); 35 jQuery(o).unbind('click').parent().remove(); 36 jQuery(settings.inputClass,tmp).focus(); 37 return tmp.acfb; 38 }, 39 removeUsername: function(o){ 40 var newID = o.parentNode.id.substr( o.parentNode.id.indexOf('-')+1 ); 41 jQuery('#send-to-usernames').removeClass(newID); 42 } 43 } 44 45 jQuery(settings.foundClass+" img.p").click(function(){ 46 acfb.removeFind(this); 47 }); 48 49 jQuery(settings.inputClass,tmp).autocompletebp(settings.urlLookup,settings.acOptions); 50 jQuery(settings.inputClass,tmp).result(function(e,d,f){ 51 var f = settings.foundClass.replace(/\./,''); 52 var d = String(d).split(' ('); 53 var un = d[1].substr(0, d[1].length-1); 54 55 /* Don't add the same user multiple times */ 56 if( 0 === jQuery(settings.inputClass).siblings('#un-' + un).length ) { 57 var ln = '#link-' + un; 58 var l = jQuery(ln).attr('href'); 59 var v = '<li class="'+f+'" id="un-'+un+'"><span><a href="'+l+'">'+d[0]+'</a></span> <span class="p">X</span></li>'; 60 61 var x = jQuery(settings.inputClass,tmp).before(v); 62 jQuery('#send-to-usernames').addClass(un); 63 64 jQuery('.p',x[0].previousSibling).click(function(){ 65 acfb.removeFind(this); 66 }); 67 } 68 69 jQuery(settings.inputClass,tmp).val(''); 70 71 }); 72 73 jQuery(settings.inputClass,tmp).focus(); 74 return acfb; 75 }
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |