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Signups Management class.
File Size: | 1061 lines (28 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
BP_Signup:: (12 methods):
__construct( $signup_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Class constructor. param: integer $signup_id The ID for the signup being queried. since: 2.0.0 |
populate() X-Ref |
Populate the instantiated class with data based on the signup_id provided. since: 2.0.0 |
get( $args = array() X-Ref |
Fetch signups based on parameters. param: array $args { since: 2.0.0 since: 6.0.0 Added a list of allowed orderby parameters. return: array { |
add( $args = array() X-Ref |
Add a signup. param: array $args { since: 2.0.0 return: int|bool ID of newly created signup on success, false on failure. |
add_backcompat( $user_login = '', $user_password = '', $user_email = '', $usermeta = array() X-Ref |
Create a WP user at signup. Since BP 2.0, non-multisite configurations have stored signups in the same way as Multisite configs traditionally have: in the wp_signups table. However, because some plugins may be looking directly in the wp_users table for non-activated signups, we mirror signups there by creating "phantom" users, mimicking WP's default behavior. param: string $user_login User login string. param: string $user_password User password. param: string $user_email User email address. param: array $usermeta Metadata associated with the signup. since: 2.0.0 return: int User id. |
check_user_status( $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Check a user status (from wp_users) on a non-multisite config. param: int $user_id ID of the user being checked. since: 2.0.0 return: int|bool The status if found, otherwise false. |
validate( $key = '' ) X-Ref |
Activate a signup. param: string $key Activation key. since: 2.0.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
count_signups() X-Ref |
How many inactive signups do we have? since: 2.0.0 return: int The number of signups. |
update( $args = array() X-Ref |
Update the meta for a signup. This is the way we use to "trace" the last date an activation email was sent and how many times activation was sent. param: array $args { since: 2.0.0 return: int The signup id. |
resend( $signup_ids = array() X-Ref |
Resend an activation email. param: array $signup_ids Single ID or list of IDs to resend. since: 2.0.0 return: array |
activate( $signup_ids = array() X-Ref |
Activate a pending account. param: array $signup_ids Single ID or list of IDs to activate. since: 2.0.0 return: array |
delete( $signup_ids = array() X-Ref |
Delete a pending account. param: array $signup_ids Single ID or list of IDs to delete. since: 2.0.0 return: array |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |