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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-members/ -> bp-members-filters.php (summary)

BuddyPress Members Filters. Filters specific to the Members component.

File Size: 368 lines (11 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 8 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

bp_members_signup_sanitization()   X-Ref
Load additional sign-up sanitization filters on bp_loaded.

These are used to prevent XSS in the BuddyPress sign-up process. You can
unhook these to allow for customization of your registration fields;
however, it is highly recommended that you leave these in place for the
safety of your network.

since: 1.5.0

bp_members_signup_with_subdirectory_blog( $illegal_names = array()   X-Ref
Make sure the username is not the blog slug in case of root profile & subdirectory blog.

If BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES is defined & multisite config is set to subdirectories,
then there is a chance site.url/username == site.url/blogslug. If so, user's profile
is not reachable, instead the blog is displayed. This filter makes sure the signup username
is not the same than the blog slug for this particular config.

param: array $illegal_names Array of illiegal names.
since: 2.1.0
return: array $illegal_names

bp_members_edit_profile_url( $url, $user_id, $scheme = 'admin' )   X-Ref
Filter the user profile URL to point to BuddyPress profile edit.

param: string $url     WP profile edit URL.
param: int    $user_id ID of the user.
param: string $scheme  Scheme to use.
since: 1.6.0
return: string

bp_members_user_can_filter( $retval, $user_id, $capability, $site_id, $args = array()   X-Ref
Filter the bp_user_can value to determine what the user can do in the members component.

param: bool   $retval     Whether or not the current user has the capability.
param: int    $user_id    User ID.
param: string $capability The capability being checked for.
param: int    $site_id    Site ID. Defaults to the BP root blog.
param: array  $args       Array of extra arguments passed.
since: 8.0.0
return: bool

bp_members_invitations_make_registration_email_input_readonly_if_invite( $attributes, $name )   X-Ref
Do not allow the new user to change the email address
if they are accepting a community invitation.

param: array  $attributes The field attributes.
param: string $name       The field name.
since: 8.0.0
return: array $attributes The field attributes.

bp_members_invitations_get_registration_welcome_message()   X-Ref
Provide a more-specific welcome message if the new user
is accepting a network invitation.

since: 8.0.0
return: string $message The message text.

bp_members_invitations_get_modified_registration_disabled_message()   X-Ref
Provide a more-specific "registration is disabled" message
if registration is available by invitation only.
Also provide failure note if new user is trying to accept
a network invitation but there's a problem.

since: 8.0.0
return: string $message The message text.

bp_members_sanitize_invitation_property( $value = '', $property = '', $context = 'html' )   X-Ref
Sanitize the invitation property output.

param: int|string $value    The value for the requested property.
param: string     $property The name of the requested property.
param: string     $context  Optional. The context of display.
since: 8.0.0
return: int|string          The sanitized value.

Generated: Sat Oct 26 01:00:54 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1