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BuddyPress Members Admin
File Size: | 203 lines (7 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
bp_members_is_community_profile_enabled() X-Ref |
Is the Admin User's community profile enabled? since: 10.0.0 return: bool True if enabled. False otherwise. |
bp_members_type_admin_menu() X-Ref |
Create Users submenu to manage BuddyPress types. since: 7.0.0 |
bp_members_type_admin_type_exists( $exists = false, $type_id = '' ) X-Ref |
Checks whether a member type already exists. since: 7.0.0 param: boolean $exists True if the member type already exists. False otherwise. param: string $type_id The member type identifier. return: bool True if the member type already exists. False otherwise. |
bp_members_type_admin_updated_messages( $messages = array() X-Ref |
Set the feedback messages for the Member Types Admin actions. since: 7.0.0 param: array $messages The feedback messages. return: array The feedback messages including the ones for the Member Types Admin actions. |
bp_members_admin_format_xprofile_field_for_display( $value ) X-Ref |
Formats xprofile field data about a signup/membership request for display. Operates recursively on arrays, which are then imploded with commas. since: 10.0.0 param: string|array $value Field value. |
bp_members_admin_preview_signup_profile_info( $signup_field_labels = array() X-Ref |
Outputs Informations about a signup/membership request into a modal inside the Signups Admin Screen. since: 10.0.0 param: array $signup_field_labels The Signup field labels. param: object|null $signup_object The signup data object. |
Generated: Thu Feb 13 01:01:05 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |