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1 <?php 2 /** 3 * Groups: Single group "Manage > Photo" screen handler 4 * 5 * @package BuddyPress 6 * @subpackage GroupsScreens 7 * @since 3.0.0 8 */ 9 10 /** 11 * Handle the display of a group's Change Avatar page. 12 * 13 * @since 1.0.0 14 */ 15 function groups_screen_group_admin_avatar() { 16 17 if ( 'group-avatar' != bp_get_group_current_admin_tab() ) 18 return false; 19 20 // If the logged-in user doesn't have permission or if avatar uploads are disabled, then stop here. 21 if ( ! bp_is_item_admin() || bp_disable_group_avatar_uploads() || ! buddypress()->avatar->show_avatars ) 22 return false; 23 24 $bp = buddypress(); 25 26 // If the group admin has deleted the admin avatar. 27 if ( bp_is_action_variable( 'delete', 1 ) ) { 28 29 // Check the nonce. 30 check_admin_referer( 'bp_group_avatar_delete' ); 31 32 if ( bp_core_delete_existing_avatar( array( 'item_id' => $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'object' => 'group' ) ) ) { 33 bp_core_add_message( __( 'The group profile photo was deleted successfully!', 'buddypress' ) ); 34 } else { 35 bp_core_add_message( __( 'There was a problem deleting the group profile photo. Please try again.', 'buddypress' ), 'error' ); 36 } 37 } 38 39 if ( ! isset( $bp->avatar_admin ) ) { 40 $bp->avatar_admin = new stdClass(); 41 } 42 43 $bp->avatar_admin->step = 'upload-image'; 44 45 if ( !empty( $_FILES ) ) { 46 47 // Check the nonce. 48 check_admin_referer( 'bp_avatar_upload' ); 49 50 // Pass the file to the avatar upload handler. 51 if ( bp_core_avatar_handle_upload( $_FILES, 'groups_avatar_upload_dir' ) ) { 52 $bp->avatar_admin->step = 'crop-image'; 53 54 // Make sure we include the jQuery jCrop file for image cropping. 55 add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'bp_core_add_jquery_cropper' ); 56 } 57 58 } 59 60 // If the image cropping is done, crop the image and save a full/thumb version. 61 if ( isset( $_POST['avatar-crop-submit'] ) ) { 62 63 // Check the nonce. 64 check_admin_referer( 'bp_avatar_cropstore' ); 65 66 $args = array( 67 'object' => 'group', 68 'avatar_dir' => 'group-avatars', 69 'item_id' => $bp->groups->current_group->id, 70 'original_file' => $_POST['image_src'], 71 'crop_x' => $_POST['x'], 72 'crop_y' => $_POST['y'], 73 'crop_w' => $_POST['w'], 74 'crop_h' => $_POST['h'] 75 ); 76 77 $cropped_avatar = bp_core_avatar_handle_crop( $args, 'array' ); 78 79 if ( ! $cropped_avatar ) { 80 bp_core_add_message( __( 'There was a problem cropping the group profile photo.', 'buddypress' ), 'error' ); 81 } else { 82 /** 83 * Fires after a group avatar is uploaded. 84 * 85 * @since 2.8.0 86 * @since 10.0.0 Adds a new param: an array containing the full, thumb avatar and the timestamp. 87 * 88 * @param int $group_id ID of the group. 89 * @param string $type Avatar type. 'crop' or 'camera'. 90 * @param array $args Array of parameters passed to the avatar handler. 91 * @param array $cropped_avatar Array containing the full, thumb avatar and the timestamp. 92 */ 93 do_action( 'groups_avatar_uploaded', bp_get_current_group_id(), 'crop', $args, $cropped_avatar ); 94 bp_core_add_message( __( 'The new group profile photo was uploaded successfully.', 'buddypress' ) ); 95 } 96 } 97 98 /** 99 * Fires before the loading of the group Change Avatar page template. 100 * 101 * @since 1.0.0 102 * 103 * @param int $id ID of the group that is being displayed. 104 */ 105 do_action( 'groups_screen_group_admin_avatar', $bp->groups->current_group->id ); 106 107 /** 108 * Filters the template to load for a group's Change Avatar page. 109 * 110 * @since 1.0.0 111 * 112 * @param string $value Path to a group's Change Avatar template. 113 */ 114 bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'groups_template_group_admin_avatar', 'groups/single/home' ) ); 115 } 116 add_action( 'bp_screens', 'groups_screen_group_admin_avatar' );
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |