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BuddyPress Groups Template Functions.
File Size: | 6647 lines (191 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
bp_groups_slug() X-Ref |
Output the groups component slug. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_groups_slug() X-Ref |
Return the groups component slug. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
bp_groups_root_slug() X-Ref |
Output the groups component root slug. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_groups_root_slug() X-Ref |
Return the groups component root slug. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
bp_groups_group_type_base() X-Ref |
Output the group type base slug. since: 2.7.0 |
bp_get_groups_group_type_base() X-Ref |
Get the group type base slug. The base slug is the string used as the base prefix when generating group type directory URLs. For example, in example.com/groups/type/foo/, 'foo' is the group type and 'type' is the base slug. return: string since: 2.7.0 |
bp_groups_directory_permalink() X-Ref |
Output group directory permalink. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_groups_directory_permalink() X-Ref |
Return group directory permalink. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
bp_group_type_directory_permalink( $group_type = '' ) X-Ref |
Output group type directory permalink. since: 2.7.0 param: string $group_type Optional. Group type. |
bp_get_group_type_directory_permalink( $group_type = '' ) X-Ref |
Return group type directory permalink. return: string Group type directory URL on success, an empty string on failure. since: 2.7.0 param: string $group_type Optional. Group type. Defaults to current group type. |
bp_group_type_directory_link( $group_type = '' ) X-Ref |
Output group type directory link. since: 2.7.0 param: string $group_type Unique group type identifier as used in bp_groups_register_group_type(). |
bp_get_group_type_directory_link( $group_type = '' ) X-Ref |
Return group type directory link. return: string since: 2.7.0 param: string $group_type Unique group type identifier as used in bp_groups_register_group_type(). |
bp_group_type_list( $group_id = 0, $r = array() X-Ref |
Output a comma-delimited list of group types. since: 2.7.0 |
bp_get_group_type_list( $group_id = 0, $r = array() X-Ref |
Return a comma-delimited list of group types. return: string since: 2.7.0 since: 7.0.0 The `$r['label']` argument now also accept an array containing the param: int $group_id Group ID. Defaults to current group ID if on a group page. param: array|string $r { |
bp_has_groups( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Start the Groups Template Loop. return: bool True if there are groups to display that match the params since: 1.0.0 since: 2.6.0 Added `$group_type`, `$group_type__in`, and `$group_type__not_in` parameters. since: 2.7.0 Added `$update_admin_cache` parameter. since: 7.0.0 Added `$status` parameter. since: 10.0.0 Added `$date_query` parameter. param: array|string $args { |
bp_groups() X-Ref |
Check whether there are more groups to iterate over. return: bool since: 1.0.0 |
bp_the_group() X-Ref |
Set up the current group inside the loop. return: BP_Groups_Group since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_is_visible( $group = false, $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Is the group accessible to a user? Despite the name of the function, it has historically checked whether a user has access to a group. In BP 2.9, a property was added to the BP_Groups_Group class, `is_visible`, that describes whether a user can know the group exists. If you wish to check that property, use the check: bp_current_user_can( 'groups_see_group' ). return: bool True if the Group is accessible to the user. False otherwise. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group` and added the `$user_id` parameter. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: int $user_id ID of the User. |
bp_group_id( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the ID of the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_id( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get the ID of the group. return: int since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_class( $classes = array() X-Ref |
Output the row class of the current group in the loop. since: 1.7.0 param: array $classes Array of custom classes. |
bp_get_group_class( $classes = array() X-Ref |
Get the row class of the current group in the loop. return: string Row class of the group. since: 1.7.0 param: array $classes Array of custom classes. |
bp_group_name( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the name of the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_name( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get the name of the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_type( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the type of the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_type( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get the type of the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_status( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the status of the group. since: 1.1.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_status( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get the status of the group. return: string since: 1.1.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_avatar( $args = '', $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the group avatar. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` parameter. param: array|string $args { param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_avatar( $args = '', $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get a group's avatar. return: string|bool HTML output for the Group Avatar. or false if avatar uploads is disabled. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` parameter. param: array|string $args { param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_avatar_thumb( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the group avatar thumbnail. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_avatar_thumb( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the group avatar thumbnail. return: string HTML output for the Group Avatar. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_avatar_mini( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the miniature group avatar thumbnail. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_avatar_mini( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the miniature group avatar thumbnail. return: string HTML output for the Group Avatar. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_avatar_url( $group = false, $type = 'full' ) X-Ref |
Output the group avatar URL. since: 10.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: string $type Optional. The type of the avatar ('full' or 'thumb'). |
bp_get_group_avatar_url( $group = false, $type = 'full' ) X-Ref |
Returns the group avatar URL. return: string since: 5.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group_avatar`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: string $type Optional. The type of the avatar ('full' or 'thumb'). |
bp_group_use_cover_image_header() X-Ref |
Check if the group's cover image header enabled/active. return: bool True if the cover image header is enabled, false otherwise. since: 2.4.0 |
bp_get_group_cover_url( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Returns the group cover image URL. return: string The cover image URL or empty string if not found. since: 5.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_last_active( $group = false, $args = array() X-Ref |
Output the 'last active' string for the group. since: 1.0.0 since: 2.7.0 Added `$args` as a parameter. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: array|string $args Optional. {@see bp_get_group_last_active()}. |
bp_get_group_last_active( $group = false, $args = array() X-Ref |
Return the 'last active' string for the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 2.7.0 Added `$args` as a parameter. since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the permalink for the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the permalink for the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_link( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output an HTML-formatted link for the group. since: 2.9.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_link( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return an HTML-formatted link for the group. return: string since: 2.9.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_admin_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the permalink for the admin section of the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_admin_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the permalink for the admin section of the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_slug( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the slug for the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_slug( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the slug for the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_description( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the description for the group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_description( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the description for the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_description_editable( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the description for the group, for use in a textarea. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_description_editable( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the permalink for the group, for use in a textarea. 'bp_get_group_description_editable' does not have the formatting filters that 'bp_get_group_description' has, which makes it appropriate for "raw" editing. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_description_excerpt( $group = false, $length = 225 ) X-Ref |
Output an excerpt of the group description. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: int $length (Optional) Length of returned string, including ellipsis. |
bp_get_group_description_excerpt( $group = false, $length = 225 ) X-Ref |
Get an excerpt of a group description. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: int $length (Optional) Length of returned string, including ellipsis. |
bp_group_date_created( $group = false, $args = array() X-Ref |
Output the created date of the group. since: 1.0.0 since: 2.7.0 Added `$args` as a parameter. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: array|string $args {@see bp_get_group_date_created()}. |
bp_get_group_date_created( $group = false, $args = array() X-Ref |
Return the created date of the group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 2.7.0 Added `$args` as a parameter. since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_creator_username( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the username of the creator of the group. since: 1.7.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_creator_username( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the username of the creator of the group. return: string since: 1.7.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_creator_id( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the user ID of the creator of the group. since: 1.7.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_creator_id( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the user ID of the creator of the group. return: int since: 1.7.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_creator_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the permalink of the creator of the group. since: 1.7.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_creator_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the permalink of the creator of the group. return: string since: 1.7.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_is_group_creator( $group = false, $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Determine whether a user is the creator of the group. return: bool since: 1.7.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: int $user_id ID of the user. |
bp_group_creator_avatar( $group = false, $args = array() X-Ref |
Output the avatar of the creator of the group. since: 1.7.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: array $args { |
bp_get_group_creator_avatar( $group = false, $args = array() X-Ref |
Return the avatar of the creator of the group. return: string since: 1.7.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: array $args { |
bp_group_is_admin() X-Ref |
Determine whether the current user is the admin of the current group. Alias of {@link bp_is_item_admin()}. return: bool since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_is_mod() X-Ref |
Determine whether the current user is a mod of the current group. Alias of {@link bp_is_item_mod()}. return: bool since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_list_admins( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output markup listing group admins. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_list_mods( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output markup listing group mod. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_admin_ids( $group = false, $format = 'string' ) X-Ref |
Return a list of user IDs for a group's admins. return: string|array|false A string or an array of user IDs, false if group does not exist. since: 1.5.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: string $format (Optional) 'string' to get a comma-separated string, |
bp_group_mod_ids( $group = false, $format = 'string' ) X-Ref |
Return a list of user IDs for a group's moderators. return: string|array|false A string or an array of user IDs, false if group does not exist. since: 1.5.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. param: string $format (Optional) 'string' to get a comma-separated string, |
bp_group_all_members_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the permalink of a group's Members page. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` parameter. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_all_members_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return the permalink of the Members page of a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_search_form() X-Ref |
Display a Groups search form. No longer used in BuddyPress. |
bp_group_show_no_groups_message() X-Ref |
Determine whether the displayed user has no groups. No longer used in BuddyPress. return: bool True if the displayed user has no groups, otherwise false. |
bp_group_is_activity_permalink() X-Ref |
Determine whether the current page is a group activity permalink. No longer used in BuddyPress. return: bool True if this is a group activity permalink, otherwise false. |
bp_groups_pagination_links() X-Ref |
Output the pagination HTML for a group loop. since: 1.2.0 |
bp_get_groups_pagination_links() X-Ref |
Get the pagination HTML for a group loop. return: string since: 1.2.0 |
bp_groups_pagination_count() X-Ref |
Output the "Viewing x-y of z groups" pagination message. since: 1.2.0 |
bp_get_groups_pagination_count() X-Ref |
Generate the "Viewing x-y of z groups" pagination message. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
bp_groups_auto_join() X-Ref |
Determine whether groups auto-join is enabled. "Auto-join" is the toggle that determines whether users are joined to a public group automatically when creating content in that group. return: bool since: 1.2.6 |
bp_group_total_members( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the total member count for a group. since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_total_members( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get the total member count for a group. return: int since: 1.0.0 param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_member_count( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the "x members" count string for a group. since: 1.2.0 since: 7.0.0 Adds the `$group` optional parameter. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_member_count( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the "x members" count string for a group. return: string since: 1.2.0 since: 7.0.0 Adds the `$group` optional parameter. since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_forum_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the URL of the Forum page of a group. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Adds the `$group` optional parameter. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_forum_permalink( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the URL of the Forum page of a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_is_forum_enabled( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Determine whether forums are enabled for a group. return: bool since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_show_forum_setting( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the 'checked' attribute for the group forums settings UI. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_group_is_forum_enabled`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_show_status_setting( $setting, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the 'checked' attribute for a given status in the settings UI. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: string $setting Group status: 'public', 'private', 'hidden'. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_show_invite_status_setting( $setting, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the 'checked' value, if needed, for a given invite_status on the group create/admin screens since: 1.5.0 param: string $setting The setting you want to check against ('members', 'mods', or 'admins'). param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_get_invite_status( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Get the invite status of a group. 'invite_status' became part of BuddyPress in BP 1.5. In order to provide backward compatibility with earlier installations, groups without a status set will default to 'members', ie all members in a group can send invitations. Filter 'bp_group_invite_status_fallback' to change this fallback behavior. This function can be used either in or out of the loop. return: bool|string Returns false when no group can be found. Otherwise since: 1.5.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_groups_user_can_send_invites( $group_id = 0, $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Can a user send invitations in the specified group? return: bool since: 1.5.0 since: 2.2.0 Added the $user_id parameter. param: int $group_id The group ID to check. param: int $user_id The user ID to check. |
bp_group_admin_memberlist( $admin_list = false, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Since BuddyPress 1.0, this generated the group settings admin/member screen. As of BuddyPress 1.5 (r4489), and because this function outputs HTML, it was moved into /bp-default/groups/single/admin.php. since: 1.0.0 param: bool $admin_list param: bool $group |
bp_group_mod_memberlist( $admin_list = false, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the HTML for a list of group moderators. No longer used. param: bool $admin_list param: bool $group |
bp_group_has_moderators( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Determine whether a group has moderators. return: array Info about group admins (user_id + date_modified). since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_member_promote_mod_link( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for promoting a user to moderator. since: 1.1.0 param: array|string $args See {@link bp_get_group_member_promote_mod_link()}. |
bp_get_group_member_promote_mod_link( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Generate a URL for promoting a user to moderator. return: string since: 1.1.0 param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_member_promote_admin_link( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for promoting a user to admin. since: 1.1.0 param: array|string $args See {@link bp_get_group_member_promote_admin_link()}. |
bp_get_group_member_promote_admin_link( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Generate a URL for promoting a user to admin. return: string since: 1.1.0 param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_member_demote_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for demoting a user to member. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` paremeter. param: int $user_id ID of the member to demote. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_member_demote_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate a URL for demoting a user to member. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: int $user_id ID of the member to demote. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_member_ban_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for banning a member from a group. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` paremeter. param: int $user_id ID of the member. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_member_ban_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate a URL for banning a member from a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: int $user_id ID of the member to ban. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_member_unban_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for unbanning a member from a group. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` paremeter. param: int $user_id ID of the member to unban. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_member_unban_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate a URL for unbanning a member from a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: int $user_id ID of the member to unban. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_member_remove_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for removing a member from a group. since: 1.2.6 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` paremeter. param: int $user_id ID of the member to remove. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_member_remove_link( $user_id = 0, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate a URL for removing a member from a group. return: string since: 1.2.6 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: int $user_id ID of the member to remove. Default: 0. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_admin_tabs( $group = false ) X-Ref |
HTML admin subnav items for group pages. since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_group_admin_tabs_backcompat( $subnav_output = '', $subnav_item = '', $selected_item = '' ) X-Ref |
BackCompat for plugins/themes directly hooking groups_admin_tabs without using the Groups Extension API. return: string HTML output since: 2.2.0 param: string $subnav_output Subnav item output. param: string $subnav_item subnav item params. param: string $selected_item Surrent selected tab. |
bp_group_total_for_member() X-Ref |
Output the group count for the displayed user. since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_total_for_member() X-Ref |
Get the group count for the displayed user. return: string since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_form_action( $page, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the 'action' attribute for a group form. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` paremeter. param: string $page Page slug. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_form_action( $page, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the 'action' attribute for a group form. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: string $page Page slug. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_admin_form_action( $page = false, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the 'action' attribute for a group admin form. since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$group` paremeter. param: false|string|bool $page (Optional). Page slug. Default: false. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_get_group_admin_form_action( $page = false, $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the 'action' attribute for a group admin form. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|string|bool $page (Optional). Page slug. Default: false. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_has_requested_membership( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Determine whether the logged-in user has requested membership to a group. return: bool since: 1.0.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group`. param: false|int|string|BP_Groups_Group $group (Optional) The Group ID, the Group Slug or the Group object. |
bp_group_is_member( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Check if current user is member of a group. return: bool If user is member of group or not. since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group to check is_member. |
bp_group_is_invited( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Check whether the current user has an outstanding invite to the current group in the loop. return: bool True if the user has an outstanding invite, otherwise false. since: 2.1.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group data object. |
bp_group_is_user_banned( $group = false, $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Check if a user is banned from a group. If this function is invoked inside the groups template loop, then we check $groups_template->group->is_banned instead of using {@link groups_is_user_banned()} and making another SQL query. In BuddyPress 2.1, to standardize this function, we are defaulting the return value to a boolean. In previous versions, using this function would return either a string of the integer (0 or 1) or null if a result couldn't be found from the database. If the logged-in user had the 'bp_moderate' capability, the return value would be boolean false. return: bool True if user is banned. False if user isn't banned. since: 1.5.0 param: BP_Groups_Group|bool $group Group to check if user is banned. param: int $user_id The user ID to check. |
bp_group_accept_invite_link() X-Ref |
Output the URL for accepting an invitation to the current group in the loop. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_accept_invite_link( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the URL for accepting an invitation to a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_group_reject_invite_link() X-Ref |
Output the URL for accepting an invitation to the current group in the loop. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_reject_invite_link( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the URL for rejecting an invitation to a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_group_leave_confirm_link() X-Ref |
Output the URL for confirming a request to leave a group. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_leave_confirm_link( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the URL for confirming a request to leave a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_group_leave_reject_link() X-Ref |
Output the URL for rejecting a request to leave a group. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_leave_reject_link( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Generate the URL for rejecting a request to leave a group. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_group_send_invite_form_action() X-Ref |
Output the 'action' attribute for a group send invite form. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_send_invite_form_action( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output the 'action' attribute for a group send invite form. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_has_friends_to_invite( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Determine whether the current user has friends to invite to a group. return: bool since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Optional. Group object. |
bp_group_join_button( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Output button to join a group. since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Single group object. |
bp_get_group_join_button( $group = false ) X-Ref |
Return button to join a group. return: false|string since: 1.0.0 param: object|bool $group Single group object. |
bp_group_create_button() X-Ref |
Output the Create a Group button. since: 2.0.0 |
bp_get_group_create_button() X-Ref |
Get the Create a Group button. return: false|string since: 2.0.0 |
bp_group_create_nav_item() X-Ref |
Output the Create a Group nav item. since: 2.2.0 |
bp_get_group_create_nav_item() X-Ref |
Get the Create a Group nav item. return: string since: 2.2.0 |
bp_group_backcompat_create_nav_item() X-Ref |
Checks if a specific theme is still filtering the Groups directory title if so, transform the title button into a Groups directory nav item. return: string|null HTML Output since: 2.2.0 |
bp_group_status_message( $group = null ) X-Ref |
Prints a message if the group is not visible to the current user (it is a hidden or private group, and the user does not have access). since: 1.0.0 param: object|null $group Group to get status message for. Optional; defaults to current group. |
bp_group_hidden_fields() X-Ref |
Output hidden form fields for group. This function is no longer used, but may still be used by older themes. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_total_group_count() X-Ref |
Output the total number of groups. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_total_group_count() X-Ref |
Return the total number of groups. return: int since: 1.0.0 |
bp_total_group_count_for_user( $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Output the total number of groups a user belongs to. since: 1.0.0 param: int $user_id User ID to get group membership count. |
bp_get_total_group_count_for_user( $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Return the total number of groups a user belongs to. Filtered by `bp_core_number_format()` by default return: string since: 1.0.0 param: int $user_id User ID to get group membership count. |
bp_group_has_members( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Initialize a group member query loop. return: bool since: 1.0.0 param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_members() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_the_member() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_avatar( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Output the group member avatar while in the groups members loop. since: 1.0.0 param: array|string $args {@see bp_core_fetch_avatar()}. |
bp_get_group_member_avatar( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Return the group member avatar while in the groups members loop. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: array|string $args {@see bp_core_fetch_avatar()}. |
bp_group_member_avatar_thumb( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Output the group member avatar while in the groups members loop. since: 1.0.0 param: array|string $args {@see bp_core_fetch_avatar()}. |
bp_get_group_member_avatar_thumb( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Return the group member avatar while in the groups members loop. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: array|string $args {@see bp_core_fetch_avatar()}. |
bp_group_member_avatar_mini( $width = 30, $height = 30 ) X-Ref |
Output the group member avatar while in the groups members loop. since: 1.0.0 param: int $width Width of avatar to fetch. param: int $height Height of avatar to fetch. |
bp_get_group_member_avatar_mini( $width = 30, $height = 30 ) X-Ref |
Output the group member avatar while in the groups members loop. return: string since: 1.0.0 param: int $width Width of avatar to fetch. param: int $height Height of avatar to fetch. |
bp_group_member_name() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_name() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_url() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_url() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_link() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_link() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_domain() X-Ref |
since: 1.2.0 |
bp_get_group_member_domain() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.2.0 |
bp_group_member_is_friend() X-Ref |
since: 1.2.0 |
bp_get_group_member_is_friend() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.2.0 |
bp_group_member_is_banned() X-Ref |
Check whether the member is banned from the current group. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_is_banned() X-Ref |
Check whether the member is banned from the current group. return: bool since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_css_class() X-Ref |
Output CSS if group member is banned. since: 1.2.6 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group_member_is_banned`. |
bp_group_member_joined_since( $args = array() X-Ref |
Output the joined date for the current member in the group member loop. return: string|null since: 1.0.0 since: 2.7.0 Added $args as a parameter. param: array|string $args {@see bp_get_group_member_joined_since()} |
bp_get_group_member_joined_since( $args = array() X-Ref |
Return the joined date for the current member in the group member loop. return: string since: 1.0.0 since: 2.7.0 Added $args as a parameter. param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_member_id() X-Ref |
Get group member from current group. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_id() X-Ref |
Get group member from current group. return: int since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_needs_pagination() X-Ref |
return: bool since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_pag_id() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_pag_id() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_pagination() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_pagination() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_pagination_count() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_pagination_count() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_member_admin_pagination() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_member_admin_pagination() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.0.0 |
bp_groups_front_template_part() X-Ref |
Output the contents of the current group's home page. You should only use this when on a single group page. since: 2.4.0 |
bp_groups_get_front_template( $group = null ) X-Ref |
Locate a custom group front template if it exists. return: string|bool Path to front template on success; boolean false on failure. since: 2.4.0 since: 2.6.0 Adds the Group Type to the front template hierarchy. param: BP_Groups_Group|null $group Optional. Falls back to current group if not passed. |
bp_groups_members_template_part() X-Ref |
Output the Group members template since: 2.0.0 |
bp_groups_members_filter() X-Ref |
Output the Group members filters since: 2.0.0 |
bp_user_can_create_groups() X-Ref |
Determine if the current logged in user can create groups. return: bool True if user can create groups. False otherwise. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_group_creation_tabs() X-Ref |
return: bool since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_creation_stage_title() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_creation_form_action() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_creation_form_action() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_is_group_creation_step( $step_slug ) X-Ref |
return: bool since: 1.1.0 param: string $step_slug |
bp_is_group_creation_step_complete( $step_slugs ) X-Ref |
return: bool since: 1.1.0 param: array $step_slugs |
bp_are_previous_group_creation_steps_complete( $step_slug ) X-Ref |
return: bool since: 1.1.0 param: string $step_slug |
bp_new_group_id() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_new_group_id() X-Ref |
return: int since: 1.1.0 |
bp_new_group_name() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_new_group_name() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_new_group_description() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_new_group_description() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_new_group_enable_forum() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_new_group_enable_forum() X-Ref |
return: int since: 1.1.0 |
bp_new_group_status() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_new_group_status() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_new_group_avatar( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Output the avatar for the group currently being created since: 1.1.0 param: array|string $args See bp_core_fetch_avatar(). |
bp_get_new_group_avatar( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Return the avatar for the group currently being created return: string The avatar for the group being created since: 1.1.0 param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_creation_previous_link() X-Ref |
Escape & output the URL to the previous group creation step since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_creation_previous_link() X-Ref |
Return the URL to the previous group creation step return: string since: 1.1.0 |
bp_groups_current_create_step() X-Ref |
Echoes the current group creation step. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_get_groups_current_create_step() X-Ref |
Returns the current group creation step. If none is found, returns an empty string. return: string $current_create_step since: 1.6.0 |
bp_is_last_group_creation_step( $step = '' ) X-Ref |
Is the user looking at the last step in the group creation process. return: bool True if yes, False if no since: 1.1.0 param: string $step Step to compare. |
bp_is_first_group_creation_step( $step = '' ) X-Ref |
Is the user looking at the first step in the group creation process return: bool True if yes, False if no since: 1.1.0 param: string $step Step to compare. |
bp_new_group_invite_friend_list( $args = array() X-Ref |
Output a list of friends who can be invited to a group since: 1.0.0 param: array $args Array of arguments for friends list output. |
bp_get_new_group_invite_friend_list( $args = array() X-Ref |
Return a list of friends who can be invited to a group return: false|string HTML list of checkboxes, or false since: 1.0.0 param: array $args Array of arguments for friends list output. |
bp_directory_groups_search_form() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_groups_header_tabs() X-Ref |
Displays group header tabs. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_groups_filter_title() X-Ref |
Displays group filter titles. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_current_group_directory_type_message() X-Ref |
Echo the current group type message. since: 2.7.0 |
bp_get_current_group_directory_type_message() X-Ref |
Generate the current group type message. return: string since: 2.7.0 |
bp_is_group_admin_screen( $slug = '' ) X-Ref |
Is the current page a specific group admin screen? return: bool since: 1.1.0 param: string $slug Admin screen slug. |
bp_group_current_admin_tab() X-Ref |
Echoes the current group admin tab slug. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_get_group_current_admin_tab() X-Ref |
Returns the current group admin tab slug. return: string $tab The current tab's slug. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_group_current_avatar( $type = 'thumb' ) X-Ref |
Outputs the current group avatar. since: 1.0.0 param: string $type Thumb or full. |
bp_get_group_current_avatar( $type = 'thumb' ) X-Ref |
Returns the current group avatar. return: string $tab The current tab's slug. since: 2.0.0 param: string $type Thumb or full. |
bp_get_group_has_avatar( $group_id = false ) X-Ref |
Return whether a group has an avatar. return: bool since: 1.1.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use `bp_get_group_avatar` param: int|bool $group_id Group ID to check. |
bp_group_avatar_delete_link() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_avatar_delete_link() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_custom_group_boxes() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_custom_group_admin_tabs() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_custom_group_fields_editable() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_custom_group_fields() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_has_membership_requests( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Initialize a group membership request template loop. return: bool True if there are requests, otherwise false. since: 1.0.0 param: array|string $args { |
bp_group_membership_requests() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_the_membership_request() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_request_user_avatar_thumb() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_request_reject_link() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_request_reject_link() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.2.6 |
bp_group_request_accept_link() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_request_accept_link() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.2.6 |
bp_group_request_user_link() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_get_group_request_user_link() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.2.6 |
bp_group_request_time_since_requested() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_request_comment() X-Ref |
since: 1.0.0 |
bp_group_requests_pagination_links() X-Ref |
Output pagination links for group membership requests. since: 2.0.0 |
bp_get_group_requests_pagination_links() X-Ref |
Get pagination links for group membership requests. return: string since: 2.0.0 |
bp_group_requests_pagination_count() X-Ref |
Output pagination count text for group membership requests. since: 2.0.0 |
bp_get_group_requests_pagination_count() X-Ref |
Get pagination count text for group membership requests. return: string since: 2.0.0 |
bp_group_has_invites( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Whether or not there are invites. return: bool|mixed|void since: 1.1.0 param: string $args |
bp_group_invites() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_the_invite() X-Ref |
return: mixed since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_invite_item_id() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_item_id() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_invite_user_avatar() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_user_avatar() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_invite_user_link() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_user_link() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_invite_user_last_active() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_user_last_active() X-Ref |
return: mixed|void since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_invite_user_remove_invite_url() X-Ref |
since: 1.1.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_user_remove_invite_url() X-Ref |
return: string since: 1.1.0 |
bp_group_invite_pagination_links() X-Ref |
Output pagination links for group invitations. since: 2.0.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_pagination_links() X-Ref |
Get pagination links for group invitations. return: string since: 2.0.0 |
bp_group_invite_pagination_count() X-Ref |
Output pagination count text for group invitations. since: 2.0.0 |
bp_get_group_invite_pagination_count() X-Ref |
Get pagination count text for group invitations. return: string since: 2.0.0 |
bp_groups_activity_feed() X-Ref |
Hook group activity feed to <head>. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_group_activity_feed_link() X-Ref |
Output the current group activity-stream RSS URL. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_group_activity_feed_link() X-Ref |
Return the current group activity-stream RSS URL. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
bp_current_group_id() X-Ref |
Echoes the output of bp_get_current_group_id(). since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_current_group_id() X-Ref |
Returns the ID of the current group. return: int $current_group_id The id of the current group, if there is one. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_current_group_slug() X-Ref |
Echoes the output of bp_get_current_group_slug(). since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_current_group_slug() X-Ref |
Returns the slug of the current group. return: string $current_group_slug The slug of the current group, if there is one. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_current_group_name() X-Ref |
Echoes the output of bp_get_current_group_name(). since: 1.5.0 |
bp_get_current_group_name() X-Ref |
Returns the name of the current group. return: string The name of the current group, if there is one. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_current_group_description() X-Ref |
Echoes the output of bp_get_current_group_description(). since: 2.1.0 |
bp_get_current_group_description() X-Ref |
Returns the description of the current group. return: string The description of the current group, if there is one. since: 2.1.0 |
bp_groups_action_link( $action = '', $query_args = '', $nonce = false ) X-Ref |
Output a URL for a group component action. return: string|null since: 1.2.0 param: string $action param: string $query_args param: bool $nonce |
bp_get_groups_action_link( $action = '', $query_args = '', $nonce = false ) X-Ref |
Get a URL for a group component action. return: string since: 1.2.0 param: string $action param: string $query_args param: bool $nonce |
bp_groups_profile_stats( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Display the number of groups in user's profile. since: 2.0.0 param: array|string $args before|after|user_id |
bp_groups_get_profile_stats( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Return the number of groups in user's profile. return: string HTML for stats output. since: 2.0.0 param: array|string $args before|after|user_id |
bp_groups_has_manage_group_members_templates() X-Ref |
Check if the active template pack includes the Group Membership management UI templates. return: boolean True if the active template pack includes the Group Membership management UI templates. since: 5.0.0 |
bp_groups_print_manage_group_members_templates() X-Ref |
Prints the JS Templates to manage the Group's members. since: 10.0.0 |
bp_groups_print_manage_group_members_placeholders() X-Ref |
Prints the HTML placeholders to manage the Group's members. since: 10.0.0 |
bp_groups_manage_group_members_interface( $hook = 'wp_footer' ) X-Ref |
Outputs the Manage Group Members Backbone UI. since: 10.0.0 param: string $hook The hook to use to inject the JS Templates. |
Generated: Wed Feb 5 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |