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BuddyPress Friends Functions. Functions are where all the magic happens in BuddyPress. They will handle the actual saving or manipulation of information. Usually they will hand off to a database class for data access, then return true or false on success or failure.
File Size: | 1112 lines (35 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
friends_add_friend( $initiator_userid, $friend_userid, $force_accept = false ) X-Ref |
Create a new friendship. param: int $initiator_userid ID of the "initiator" user (the user who is param: int $friend_userid ID of the "friend" user (the user whose friendship param: bool $force_accept Optional. Whether to force acceptance. When false, since: 1.0.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
friends_remove_friend( $initiator_userid, $friend_userid ) X-Ref |
Remove a friendship. Will also delete the related "friendship_accepted" activity item. param: int $initiator_userid ID of the friendship initiator. param: int $friend_userid ID of the friend user. since: 1.0.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
friends_accept_friendship( $friendship_id ) X-Ref |
Mark a friendship request as accepted. Also initiates a "friendship_accepted" activity item. param: int $friendship_id ID of the pending friendship object. since: 1.0.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
friends_reject_friendship( $friendship_id ) X-Ref |
Mark a friendship request as rejected. param: int $friendship_id ID of the pending friendship object. since: 1.0.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
friends_withdraw_friendship( $initiator_userid, $friend_userid ) X-Ref |
Withdraw a friendship request. param: int $initiator_userid ID of the friendship initiator - this is the param: int $friend_userid ID of the requested friend. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
friends_check_friendship( $user_id, $possible_friend_id ) X-Ref |
Check whether two users are friends. param: int $user_id ID of the first user. param: int $possible_friend_id ID of the other user. since: 1.0.0 return: bool Returns true if the two users are friends, otherwise false. |
friends_check_friendship_status( $user_id, $possible_friend_id ) X-Ref |
Get the friendship status of two friends. Will return 'is_friends', 'not_friends', 'pending' or 'awaiting_response'. param: int $user_id ID of the first user. param: int $possible_friend_id ID of the other user. since: 1.2.0 return: string Friend status of the two users. |
friends_get_total_friend_count( $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Get the friend count of a given user. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being counted. since: 1.2.0 return: int Friend count of the user. |
friends_check_user_has_friends( $user_id ) X-Ref |
Check whether a given user has any friends. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being checked. since: 1.0.0 return: bool True if the user has friends, otherwise false. |
friends_get_friendship_id( $initiator_user_id, $friend_user_id ) X-Ref |
Get the ID of two users' friendship, if it exists. param: int $initiator_user_id ID of the first user. param: int $friend_user_id ID of the second user. since: 1.2.0 return: int|null ID of the friendship if found, otherwise null. |
friends_get_friend_user_ids( $user_id, $friend_requests_only = false, $assoc_arr = false ) X-Ref |
Get the IDs of a given user's friends. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being retrieved. param: bool $friend_requests_only Optional. Whether to fetch unaccepted param: bool $assoc_arr Optional. True to receive an array of arrays keyed as since: 1.0.0 return: array |
friends_search_friends( $search_terms, $user_id, $pag_num = 10, $pag_page = 1 ) X-Ref |
Search the friends of a user by a search string. param: string $search_terms The search string, matched against xprofile fields (if param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being searched. param: int $pag_num Optional. Max number of friends to return. param: int $pag_page Optional. The page of results to return. Default: null (no since: 1.0.0 return: array|bool On success, an array: { |
friends_get_friendship_request_user_ids( $user_id ) X-Ref |
Get a list of IDs of users who have requested friendship of a given user. param: int $user_id The ID of the user who has received the friendship requests. since: 1.2.0 return: array|bool An array of user IDs, or false if none are found. |
friends_get_recently_active( $user_id, $per_page = 0, $page = 0, $filter = '' ) X-Ref |
Get a user's most recently active friends. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being retrieved. param: int $per_page Optional. Number of results to return per page. param: int $page Optional. Number of the page of results to return. param: string $filter Optional. Limit results to those matching a search since: 1.0.0 return: array See {@link BP_Core_User::get_users()}. |
friends_get_alphabetically( $user_id, $per_page = 0, $page = 0, $filter = '' ) X-Ref |
Get a user's friends, in alphabetical order. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being retrieved. param: int $per_page Optional. Number of results to return per page. param: int $page Optional. Number of the page of results to return. param: string $filter Optional. Limit results to those matching a search since: 1.0.0 return: array See {@link BP_Core_User::get_users()}. |
friends_get_newest( $user_id, $per_page = 0, $page = 0, $filter = '' ) X-Ref |
Get a user's friends, in the order in which they joined the site. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being retrieved. param: int $per_page Optional. Number of results to return per page. param: int $page Optional. Number of the page of results to return. param: string $filter Optional. Limit results to those matching a search since: 1.0.0 return: array See {@link BP_Core_User::get_users()}. |
friends_get_bulk_last_active( $friend_ids ) X-Ref |
Get the last active date of many users at once. param: array $friend_ids See BP_Friends_Friendship::get_bulk_last_active(). since: 1.0.0 return: array See BP_Friends_Friendship::get_bulk_last_active(). |
friends_get_friends_invite_list( $user_id = 0, $group_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Get a list of friends that a user can invite into this group. Excludes friends that are already in the group, and banned friends if the user is not a group admin. param: int $user_id User ID whose friends to see can be invited. Default: param: int $group_id Group to check possible invitations against. since: 1.0.0 return: mixed False if no friends, array of users if friends. |
friends_count_invitable_friends( $user_id, $group_id ) X-Ref |
Get a count of a user's friends who can be invited to a given group. Users can invite any of their friends except: - users who are already in the group - users who have a pending invite to the group - users who have been banned from the group param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being counted. param: int $group_id ID of the group friends are being invited to. since: 1.0.0 return: int Eligible friend count. |
friends_get_friend_count_for_user( $user_id ) X-Ref |
Get a total friend count for a given user. param: int $user_id Optional. ID of the user whose friendships you are since: 1.0.0 return: int Friend count for the user. |
friends_search_users( $search_terms, $user_id, $pag_num = 0, $pag_page = 0 ) X-Ref |
Return a list of a user's friends, filtered by a search term. param: string $search_terms Search term to filter on. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friends are being searched. param: int $pag_num Number of results to return per page. Default: 0 (no param: int $pag_page Number of the page being requested. Default: 0 (no since: 1.0.0 return: array Array of BP_Core_User objects corresponding to friends. |
friends_is_friendship_confirmed( $friendship_id ) X-Ref |
Has a friendship been confirmed (accepted)? param: int $friendship_id The ID of the friendship being checked. since: 1.0.0 return: bool True if the friendship is confirmed, otherwise false. |
friends_update_friend_totals( $initiator_user_id, $friend_user_id, $status = 'add' ) X-Ref |
Update user friend counts. Friend counts are cached in usermeta for performance reasons. After a friendship event (acceptance, deletion), call this function to regenerate the cached values. param: int $initiator_user_id ID of the first user. param: int $friend_user_id ID of the second user. param: string $status Optional. The friendship event that's been triggered. since: 1.0.0 |
friends_remove_data( $user_id ) X-Ref |
Remove all friends-related data concerning a given user. Removes the following: - Friendships of which the user is a member. - Cached friend count for the user. - Notifications of friendship requests sent by the user. param: int $user_id ID of the user whose friend data is being removed. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_friends_remove_data_on_delete_user( $user_id ) X-Ref |
Deletes user Friends data on the 'delete_user' hook. param: int $user_id The ID of the deleted user. since: 6.0.0 |
bp_friends_prime_mentions_results() X-Ref |
Used by the Activity component's @mentions to print a JSON list of the current user's friends. This is intended to speed up @mentions lookups for a majority of use cases. since: 2.1.0 |
friends_notification_new_request( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $friend_id ) X-Ref |
Send notifications related to a new friendship request. When a friendship is requested, an email and a BP notification are sent to the user of whom friendship has been requested ($friend_id). param: int $friendship_id ID of the friendship object. param: int $initiator_id ID of the user who initiated the request. param: int $friend_id ID of the request recipient. since: 1.0.0 |
friends_notification_accepted_request( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $friend_id ) X-Ref |
Send notifications related to the acceptance of a friendship request. When a friendship request is accepted, an email and a BP notification are sent to the user who requested the friendship ($initiator_id). param: int $friendship_id ID of the friendship object. param: int $initiator_id ID of the user who initiated the request. param: int $friend_id ID of the request recipient. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_friends_personal_data_exporter( $email_address, $page ) X-Ref |
Finds and exports friendship data associated with an email address. param: string $email_address The user's email address. param: int $page Batch number. since: 4.0.0 return: array An array of personal data. |
bp_friends_pending_sent_requests_personal_data_exporter( $email_address, $page ) X-Ref |
Finds and exports pending sent friendship request data associated with an email address. param: string $email_address The user's email address. param: int $page Batch number. since: 4.0.0 return: array An array of personal data. |
bp_friends_pending_received_requests_personal_data_exporter( $email_address, $page ) X-Ref |
Finds and exports pending received friendship request data associated with an email address. param: string $email_address The user's email address. param: int $page Batch number. since: 4.0.0 return: array An array of personal data. |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |