translate($text); } function _e($text, $domain = 'default') { $translations = &get_translations($domain); echo $translations->translate($text); } function __n($singular, $plural, $count, $domain = 'default') { $translations = &get_translations($domain); return $translations->translate_plural($singular, $plural, $count); } function &load_translations($mo_filename) { if (is_readable($mo_filename)) { $translations = new MO(); $translations->import_from_file($mo_filename); } else { $translations = new Translations(); } return $translations; } // get the locale from somewhere: subomain, config, GET var, etc. // it can be safely empty $locale = 'bg'; $translations = array(); $empty_translations = & new Translations(); function load_textdomain($domain, $mofile) { global $translations; $translations[$domain] = &load_translations($mofile); } function &get_translations($domain) { global $translations, $empty_translations; return isset($translations[$domain])? $translations[$domain] : $empty_translations; } // load the translations load_textdomain('default', "languages/$"); load_textdomain('side', "languages/$"); //here comes the real app $user = 'apok'; $messages = rand(0, 2); printf(__('Welcome %s!')."\n", $user); printf(__n('You have one new message.', 'You have %s new messages.', $messages)."\n", $messages); echo __("A string with low priority!", 'side')."\n"; _e("Bye\n");