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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress |
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BackPress Options API. This is in place for the multiple projects that use BackPress to have options and transients but not rely on the WordPress options API.
File Size: | 128 lines (3 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
Interface: BP_Options_Interface - X-Ref
Interface for BP_Options;prefix() X-Ref |
Retrieve the prefix to be appended to the beginning of the option key. since: r132 |
get( $option ) X-Ref |
Retrieve the value of the option. Here is a minimum set of values required (from bbPress) - application_id : An id for the application, use this when running multiple applications from the same code - application_uri : The base URI of the application - cron_uri : The URI that processes cron jobs - wp_http_version : This is the version sent when making remote HTTP requests - hash_function_name : The function used to create unique hashes ( see wp_hash() ) - language_locale : The current locale - language_directory : The directory containing language (po, mo) files - charset : The charset to use when appropriate (usually UTF-8) - gmt_offset : The GMT offset as a positive or negative float - timezone_string : The timezone in Zoneinfo format param: string $option Option name. since: r132 |
add( $option, $value ) X-Ref |
Adds an option with given value. param: string $option Option name. param: mixed $value Option value. since: r132 |
update( $option, $value ) X-Ref |
Updates an existing option with a given value. param: string $option Option name. param: mixed $value Option value. since: r132 |
delete( $option ) X-Ref |
Deletes an existing option. param: string $option Option name. since: r132 |
Interface: BP_Transients_Interface - X-Ref
Interface for BP_Transients;prefix() X-Ref |
Retrieve the prefix to be appended to the beginning of the transient key. since: r205 |
get( $transient ) X-Ref |
Retrieve the value of the transient. param: string $transient Transient name. since: r205 |
set( $transient, $value, $expiration = 0 ) X-Ref |
Sets the value of a transient with a given value. param: string $transient Transient name. param: mixed $value Transient value. param: integer $expiration The time in seconds the transient will be held for. Default is 0, meaning it is held indefinitely. since: r205 |
delete( $transient ) X-Ref |
Deletes an existing transient. param: string $transient Transient name. since: r205 |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |