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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress |
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WP_Ajax_Response:: (4 methods):
Class: WP_Ajax_Response - X-Ref
Send XML response back to AJAX request.__construct( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
PHP4 Constructor - Passes args to {@link WP_Ajax_Response::add()}. since: 2.1.0 param: string|array $args Optional. Will be passed to add() method. return: WP_Ajax_Response |
WP_Ajax_Response( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
No description |
add( $args = '' ) X-Ref |
Append to XML response based on given arguments. The arguments that can be passed in the $args parameter are below. It is also possible to pass a WP_Error object in either the 'id' or 'data' argument. The parameter isn't actually optional, content should be given in order to send the correct response. 'what' argument is a string that is the XMLRPC response type. 'action' argument is a boolean or string that acts like a nonce. 'id' argument can be WP_Error or an integer. 'old_id' argument is false by default or an integer of the previous ID. 'position' argument is an integer or a string with -1 = top, 1 = bottom, html ID = after, -html ID = before. 'data' argument is a string with the content or message. 'supplemental' argument is an array of strings that will be children of the supplemental element. since: 2.1.0 param: string|array $args Override defaults. return: string XML response. |
send() X-Ref |
Display XML formatted responses. Sets the content type header to text/xml. since: 2.1.0 |
Generated: Fri Feb 7 01:00:59 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |