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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress |
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BP_SQL_Schema_Parser:: (6 methods):
Class: BP_SQL_Schema_Parser - X-Ref
Parses SQL schema statements for comparison to real table structuresget_column_definition( $column_data ) X-Ref |
Builds a column definition as used in CREATE TABLE statements from an array such as those returned by DESCRIBE `foo` statements |
get_index_definition( $index_data ) X-Ref |
Builds an index definition as used in CREATE TABLE statements from an array similar to those returned by SHOW INDEX FROM `foo` statements |
describe_table( $query ) X-Ref |
Returns a table structure from a raw sql query of the form "CREATE TABLE foo" etc. The resulting array contains the original query, the columns as would be returned by DESCRIBE `foo` and the indices as would be returned by SHOW INDEX FROM `foo` on a real table |
_flatten_array( $array, $cut_branch = 0, $keep_child_array_keys = true ) X-Ref |
Helper function to flatten arrays |
parse( $sql ) X-Ref |
Splits grouped SQL statements into queries within a highly structured array Only supports CREATE TABLE, INSERT and UPDATE |
delta( $db_object, $queries, $ignore = false, $execute = true ) X-Ref |
Evaluates the difference between a given set of SQL queries and real database structure |
Generated: Sun Feb 9 01:00:58 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |