false, // Maximum number of results to return. 'page' => 1, // Page 1 without a per_page will result in no pagination. 'per_page' => false, // Results per page. 'sort' => 'DESC', // Sort ASC or DESC. 'display_comments' => false, // False for no comments. 'stream' for within stream display, 'threaded' for below each activity item. 'search_terms' => false, // Pass search terms as a string. 'show_hidden' => false, // Show activity items that are hidden site-wide? /** * Pass filters as an array: * array( * 'user_id' => false, // user_id to filter on. * 'object' => false, // Object to filter on e.g. groups, profile, status, friends. * 'action' => false, // Action to filter on e.g. new_wire_post, new_forum_post, profile_updated. * 'primary_id' => false, // Object ID to filter on e.g. a group_id or forum_id or blog_id etc. * 'secondary_id' => false, // Secondary object ID to filter on e.g. a post_id. * ); */ 'filter' => array() ); $args = bp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_get_sitewide', BP_Activity_Activity::get( $args ), $r ); }