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Class: BP_Walker_Category_Checklist - X-Ref
Walker class to output an unordered list of category checkbox input elements.start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() X-Ref |
Starts the list before the elements are added. param: string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content. param: int $depth Depth of category. Used for tab indentation. param: array $args An array of arguments. since: 2.5.0 |
end_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() X-Ref |
Ends the list of after the elements are added. param: string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content. param: int $depth Depth of category. Used for tab indentation. param: array $args An array of arguments. since: 2.5.0 |
start_el( &$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array() X-Ref |
Start the element output. param: string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content. param: object $category The current term object. param: int $depth Depth of the term in reference to parents. Default 0. param: array $args An array of arguments. param: int $id ID of the current term. |
end_el( &$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array() X-Ref |
Ends the element output, if needed. param: string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content. param: object $category The current term object. param: int $depth Depth of the term in reference to parents. Default 0. param: array $args An array of arguments. @see wp_terms_checklist() since: 2.5.0 |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |