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Core component classes.
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BP_Email:: (31 methods):
__construct( $email_type ) X-Ref |
Constructor. Set the email type and default "from" and "reply to" name and address. since: 2.5.0 param: string $email_type Unique identifier for a particular type of email. |
get( $property_name, $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Getter function to expose object properties. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $property_name Property to access. param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: mixed Returns null if property does not exist, otherwise the value. |
get_preheader() X-Ref |
Get email preheader. since: 4.0.0 |
get_headers( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get email headers. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string[] Associative pairing of email header name/value. |
get_bcc( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email's "bcc" address and name. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: BP_Email_Recipient[] BCC recipients. |
get_cc( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email's "cc" address and name. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: BP_Email_Recipient[] CC recipients. |
get_content( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email content. HTML or plaintext is returned, depending on the email's $content_type. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string HTML or plaintext, depending on $content_type. |
get_content_html( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email content (in HTML). Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string HTML email content. |
get_content_plaintext( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email content (in plaintext). Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string Plain text email content. |
get_content_type( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email content type (HTML or plain text) that the email will be sent in. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string Email content type ("html" or "plaintext"). |
get_from( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email's "from" address and name. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: BP_Email_Sender "From" recipient. |
get_post_object( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the Post associated with the email. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 return: WP_Post The post. |
get_reply_to( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email's "reply to" address and name. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: BP_Email_Recipient "Reply to" recipient. |
get_subject( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email subject. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string Email subject. |
get_template( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email template (the HTML wrapper around the email content). Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string Email template. Assumed to be HTML. |
get_to( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get the email's "to" address and name. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: BP_Email_Recipient[] "To" recipients. |
get_tokens( $transform = 'raw' ) X-Ref |
Get token names and replacement values for this email. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 param: string $transform Optional. How to transform the return value. return: string[] Associative pairing of token name (key) and replacement value (value). |
set_headers( array $headers ) X-Ref |
Set email headers. Does NOT let you override to/from, etc. Use the methods provided to set those. since: 2.5.0 param: string[] $headers Key/value pairs of header name/values (strings). return: BP_Email |
set_bcc( $bcc_address, $name = '', $operation = 'replace' ) X-Ref |
Set the email's "bcc" address and name. To set a single address, the first parameter is the address and the second the name. You can also pass a user ID or a WP_User object. To set multiple addresses, for each array item, the key is the email address and the value is the name. since: 2.5.0 param: string|array|int|WP_User $bcc_address Either a email address, user ID, WP_User object, param: string $name Optional. If $bcc_address is a string, this is the recipient's name. param: string $operation Optional. If "replace", $to_address replaces current setting (default). return: BP_Email |
set_cc( $cc_address, $name = '', $operation = 'replace' ) X-Ref |
Set the email's "cc" address and name. To set a single address, the first parameter is the address and the second the name. You can also pass a user ID or a WP_User object. To set multiple addresses, for each array item, the key is the email address and the value is the name. since: 2.5.0 param: string|array|int|WP_User $cc_address Either a email address, user ID, WP_User object, param: string $name Optional. If $cc_address is a string, this is the recipient's name. param: string $operation Optional. If "replace", $to_address replaces current setting (default). return: BP_Email |
set_content_html( $content ) X-Ref |
Set the email content (HTML). since: 2.5.0 param: string $content HTML email content. return: BP_Email |
set_content_plaintext( $content ) X-Ref |
Set the email content (plain text). since: 2.5.0 param: string $content Plain text email content. return: BP_Email |
set_content_type( $content_type ) X-Ref |
Set the content type (HTML or plain text) to send the email in. since: 2.5.0 param: string $content_type Email content type ("html" or "plaintext"). return: BP_Email |
set_from( $email_address, $name = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the email's "from" address and name. since: 2.5.0 param: string|array|int|WP_User $email_address Either a email address, user ID, or WP_User object. param: string $name Optional. If $email_address is a string, this is the recipient's name. return: BP_Email |
set_post_object( WP_Post $post ) X-Ref |
Set the Post object containing the email content template. Also sets the email's subject, content, and template from the Post, for convenience. since: 2.5.0 param: WP_Post $post return: BP_Email |
set_reply_to( $email_address, $name = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the email's "reply to" address and name. since: 2.5.0 param: string|array|int|WP_User $email_address Either a email address, user ID, WP_User object, param: string $name Optional. If $email_address is a string, this is the recipient's name. return: BP_Email |
set_subject( $subject ) X-Ref |
Set the email subject. since: 2.5.0 param: string $subject Email subject. return: BP_Email |
set_template( $template ) X-Ref |
Set the email template (the HTML wrapper around the email content). This needs to include the string "{{{content}}}" to have the post content added when the email template is rendered. since: 2.5.0 param: string $template Email template. Assumed to be HTML. return: BP_Email |
set_to( $to_address, $name = '', $operation = 'replace' ) X-Ref |
Set the email's "to" address and name. IMPORTANT NOTE: the assumption with all emails sent by (and belonging to) BuddyPress itself is that there will only be a single `$to_address`. This is to simplify token and templating logic (for example, if multiple recipients, the "unsubscribe" link in the emails will all only link to the first recipient). To set a single address, the first parameter is the address and the second the name. You can also pass a user ID or a WP_User object. To set multiple addresses, for each array item, the key is the email address and the value is the name. since: 2.5.0 param: string|array|int|WP_User $to_address Either a email address, user ID, WP_User object, param: string $name Optional. If $to_address is a string, this is the recipient's name. param: string $operation Optional. If "replace", $to_address replaces current setting (default). return: BP_Email |
set_tokens( array $tokens ) X-Ref |
Set token names and replacement values for this email. In templates, tokens are inserted with a Handlebars-like syntax, e.g. `{{token_name}}`. { and } are reserved characters. There's no need to specify these brackets in your token names. since: 2.5.0 param: string[] $tokens Associative array, contains key/value pairs of token name/value. return: BP_Email |
validate() X-Ref |
Check that we'd be able to send this email. Unlike most other methods in this class, this one is not chainable. since: 2.5.0 return: bool|WP_Error Returns true if validation succesful, else a descriptive WP_Error. |
Generated: Fri Feb 7 01:00:59 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |