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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-core/classes/ -> class-bp-component.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Component classes.
   4   *
   5   * @package BuddyPress
   6   * @subpackage Core
   7   * @since 1.5.0
   8   */
  10  // Exit if accessed directly.
  11  defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
  13  if ( !class_exists( 'BP_Component' ) ) :
  15  /**
  16   * BuddyPress Component Class.
  17   *
  18   * The BuddyPress component class is responsible for simplifying the creation
  19   * of components that share similar behaviors and routines. It is used
  20   * internally by BuddyPress to create the bundled components, but can be
  21   * extended to create other really neat things.
  22   *
  23   * @since 1.5.0
  24   */
  25  class BP_Component {
  27      /** Variables *************************************************************/
  29      /**
  30       * Translatable name for the component.
  31       *
  32       * @internal
  33       * @var string $name
  34       */
  35      public $name = '';
  37      /**
  38       * Unique ID for the component.
  39       *
  40       * @since 1.5.0
  41       * @var string $id
  42       */
  43      public $id = '';
  45      /**
  46       * Unique slug for the component, for use in query strings and URLs.
  47       *
  48       * @since 1.5.0
  49       * @var string $slug
  50       */
  51      public $slug = '';
  53      /**
  54       * Does the component need a top-level directory?
  55       *
  56       * @since 1.5.0
  57       * @var bool $has_directory
  58       */
  59      public $has_directory = false;
  61      /**
  62       * The path to the component's files.
  63       *
  64       * @since 1.5.0
  65       * @var string $path
  66       */
  67      public $path = '';
  69      /**
  70       * The WP_Query loop for this component.
  71       *
  72       * @since 1.5.0
  73       * @var WP_Query $query
  74       */
  75      public $query = false;
  77      /**
  78       * The current ID of the queried object.
  79       *
  80       * @since 1.5.0
  81       * @var string $current_id
  82       */
  83      public $current_id = '';
  85      /**
  86       * Callback for formatting notifications.
  87       *
  88       * @since 1.5.0
  89       * @var callable $notification_callback
  90       */
  91      public $notification_callback = '';
  93      /**
  94       * WordPress Toolbar links.
  95       *
  96       * @since 1.5.0
  97       * @var array $admin_menu
  98       */
  99      public $admin_menu = '';
 101      /**
 102       * Placeholder text for component directory search box.
 103       *
 104       * @since 1.6.0
 105       * @var string $search_string
 106       */
 107      public $search_string = '';
 109      /**
 110       * Root slug for the component.
 111       *
 112       * @since 1.6.0
 113       * @var string $root_slug
 114       */
 115      public $root_slug = '';
 117      /**
 118       * Metadata tables for the component (if applicable).
 119       *
 120       * @since 2.0.0
 121       *
 122       * @var array
 123       */
 124      public $meta_tables = array();
 126      /**
 127       * Global tables for the component (if applicable).
 128       *
 129       * @since 2.0.0
 130       *
 131       * @var array
 132       */
 133      public $global_tables = array();
 135      /**
 136       * Query argument for component search URLs.
 137       *
 138       * @since 2.4.0
 139       * @var string
 140       */
 141      public $search_query_arg = 's';
 143      /**
 144       * An array of globalized data for BP Blocks.
 145       *
 146       * @since 9.0.0
 147       *
 148       * @var array
 149       */
 150      public $block_globals = array();
 152      /** Methods ***************************************************************/
 154      /**
 155       * Component loader.
 156       *
 157       * @since 1.5.0
 158       * @since 1.9.0 Added $params as a parameter.
 159       * @since 2.3.0 Added $params['features'] as a configurable value.
 160       * @since 2.4.0 Added $params['search_query_arg'] as a configurable value.
 161       *
 162       * @param string $id   Unique ID. Letters, numbers, and underscores only.
 163       * @param string $name Unique name. This should be a translatable name, eg.
 164       *                     __( 'Groups', 'buddypress' ).
 165       * @param string $path The file path for the component's files. Used by {@link BP_Component::includes()}.
 166       * @param array  $params {
 167       *     Additional parameters used by the component.
 168       *     @type int    $adminbar_myaccount_order Set the position for our menu under the WP Toolbar's "My Account menu".
 169       *     @type array  $features                 An array of feature names. This is used to load additional files from your
 170       *                                            component directory and for feature active checks. eg. array( 'awesome' )
 171       *                                            would look for a file called "bp-{$this->id}-awesome.php" and you could use
 172       *                                            bp_is_active( $this->id, 'awesome' ) to determine if the feature is active.
 173       *     @type string $search_query_arg         String to be used as the query argument in component search URLs.
 174       * }
 175       */
 176  	public function start( $id = '', $name = '', $path = '', $params = array() ) {
 178          // Internal identifier of component.
 179          $this->id   = $id;
 181          // Internal component name.
 182          $this->name = $name;
 184          // Path for includes.
 185          $this->path = $path;
 187          // Miscellaneous component parameters that need to be set early on.
 188          if ( ! empty( $params ) ) {
 189              // Sets the position for our menu under the WP Toolbar's "My Account" menu.
 190              if ( ! empty( $params['adminbar_myaccount_order'] ) ) {
 191                  $this->adminbar_myaccount_order = (int) $params['adminbar_myaccount_order'];
 192              }
 194              // Register features.
 195              if ( ! empty( $params['features'] ) ) {
 196                  $this->features = array_map( 'sanitize_title', (array) $params['features'] );
 197              }
 199              if ( ! empty( $params['search_query_arg'] ) ) {
 200                  $this->search_query_arg = sanitize_title( $params['search_query_arg'] );
 201              }
 203          // Set defaults if not passed.
 204          } else {
 205              // New component menus are added before the settings menu if not set.
 206              $this->adminbar_myaccount_order = 90;
 207          }
 209          // Move on to the next step.
 210          $this->setup_actions();
 211      }
 213      /**
 214       * Set up component global variables.
 215       *
 216       * @since 1.5.0
 217       * @since 9.0.0 Adds the `$block_globals` argument to the `$args` parameter.
 218       *
 219       * @param array $args {
 220       *     All values are optional.
 221       *     @type string   $slug                  The component slug. Used to construct certain URLs, such as 'friends' in
 222       *                                           http://example.com/members/joe/friends/. Default: the value of $this->id.
 223       *     @type string   $root_slug             The component root slug. Note that this value is generally unused if the
 224       *                                           component has a root directory (the slug will be overridden by the
 225       *                                           post_name of the directory page). Default: the slug of the directory page
 226       *                                           if one is found, otherwise an empty string.
 227       *     @type bool     $has_directory         Set to true if the component requires an associated WordPress page.
 228       *     @type callable $notification_callback Optional. The callable function that formats the component's notifications.
 229       *     @type string   $search_term           Optional. The placeholder text in the component directory search box. Eg,
 230       *                                           'Search Groups...'.
 231       *     @type array    $global_tables         Optional. An array of database table names.
 232       *     @type array    $meta_tables           Optional. An array of metadata table names.
 233       *     @type array    $block_globals         Optional. An array of globalized data for BP Blocks.
 234       * }
 235       */
 236  	public function setup_globals( $args = array() ) {
 237          $r = bp_parse_args(
 238              $args,
 239              array(
 240                  'slug'                  => $this->id,
 241                  'root_slug'             => '',
 242                  'has_directory'         => false,
 243                  'directory_title'       => '',
 244                  'notification_callback' => '',
 245                  'search_string'         => '',
 246                  'global_tables'         => '',
 247                  'meta_tables'           => '',
 248                  'block_globals'         => array(),
 249              )
 250          );
 252          /** Slugs ************************************************************
 253           */
 255          // For all Components except Core.
 256          if ( 'core' !== $this->id ) {
 257              /**
 258               * If a WP directory page exists for the component, it should
 259               * be the default value of 'root_slug'.
 260               */
 261              if ( isset( buddypress()->pages->{$this->id}->slug ) ) {
 262                  $r['root_slug'] = buddypress()->pages->{$this->id}->slug;
 263              }
 265              /**
 266               * Filters the slug to be used for the permalink URI chunk after root.
 267               *
 268               * @since 1.5.0
 269               *
 270               * @param string $value Slug to use in permalink URI chunk.
 271               */
 272              $this->slug = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_slug', $r['slug'] );
 274              /**
 275               * Filters the slug used for root directory.
 276               *
 277               * @since 1.5.0
 278               *
 279               * @param string $value Root directory slug.
 280               */
 281              $this->root_slug = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_root_slug', $r['root_slug'] );
 283              /**
 284               * Filters the component's top-level directory if available.
 285               *
 286               * @since 1.5.0
 287               *
 288               * @param bool $value Whether or not there is a top-level directory.
 289               */
 290              $this->has_directory = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_has_directory', $r['has_directory'] );
 292              /**
 293               * Filters the component's directory title.
 294               *
 295               * @since 2.0.0
 296               *
 297               * @param string $value Title to use for the directory.
 298               */
 299              $this->directory_title = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_directory_title', $r['directory_title'] );
 301              /**
 302               * Filters the placeholder text for search inputs for component.
 303               *
 304               * @since 1.5.0
 305               *
 306               * @param string $value Name to use in search input placeholders.
 307               */
 308              $this->search_string = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_search_string', $r['search_string'] );
 310              /**
 311               * Filters the callable function that formats the component's notifications.
 312               *
 313               * @since 1.5.0
 314               *
 315               * @param string $value Function callback.
 316               */
 317              $this->notification_callback = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_notification_callback', $r['notification_callback'] );
 319              // Set the global table names, if applicable.
 320              if ( ! empty( $r['global_tables'] ) ) {
 321                  $this->register_global_tables( $r['global_tables'] );
 322              }
 324              // Set the metadata table, if applicable.
 325              if ( ! empty( $r['meta_tables'] ) ) {
 326                  $this->register_meta_tables( $r['meta_tables'] );
 327              }
 329              // Register this component in the loaded components array.
 330              buddypress()->loaded_components[ $this->slug ] = $this->id;
 331          }
 333          /**
 334           * Filters the $blocks global value.
 335           *
 336           * @since 9.0.0
 337           *
 338           * @param array $blocks a list of global properties for blocks keyed
 339           *                      by their corresponding block name.
 340           */
 341          $block_globals = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_block_globals', $r['block_globals'] );
 342          if ( is_array( $block_globals ) && array_filter( $block_globals ) ) {
 343              foreach ( $block_globals as $block_name => $block_props ) {
 344                  $this->block_globals[ $block_name ] = new stdClass();
 346                  // Initialize an `items` property for Widget Block occurrences.
 347                  $this->block_globals[ $block_name ]->items = array();
 349                  // Set the global properties for the Block.
 350                  $this->block_globals[ $block_name ]->props = (array) $block_props;
 351              }
 352          }
 354          /**
 355           * Fires at the end of the setup_globals method inside BP_Component.
 356           *
 357           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 358           *
 359           * @since 1.5.0
 360           */
 361          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_globals' );
 362      }
 364      /**
 365       * Include required files.
 366       *
 367       * Please note that, by default, this method is fired on the bp_include
 368       * hook, with priority 8. This is necessary so that core components are
 369       * loaded in time to be available to third-party plugins. However, this
 370       * load order means that third-party plugins whose main files are
 371       * loaded at bp_include with priority 10 (as recommended), will not be
 372       * loaded in time for their includes() method to fire automatically.
 373       *
 374       * For this reason, it is recommended that your plugin has its own
 375       * method or function for requiring necessary files. If you must use
 376       * this method, you will have to call it manually in your constructor
 377       * class, ie
 378       *   $this->includes();
 379       *
 380       * Note that when you pass an array value like 'actions' to includes,
 381       * it looks for the following three files (assuming your component is
 382       * called 'my_component'):
 383       *   - ./actions
 384       *   - ./bp-my_component/actions
 385       *   - ./bp-my_component/bp-my_component-actions.php
 386       *
 387       * @since 1.5.0
 388       *
 389       *
 390       * @param array $includes An array of file names, or file name chunks,
 391       *                        to be parsed and then included.
 392       */
 393  	public function includes( $includes = array() ) {
 395          // Bail if no files to include.
 396          if ( ! empty( $includes ) ) {
 397              $slashed_path = trailingslashit( $this->path );
 399              // Loop through files to be included.
 400              foreach ( (array) $includes as $file ) {
 402                  $paths = array(
 404                      // Passed with no extension.
 405                      'bp-' . $this->id . '/bp-' . $this->id . '-' . $file  . '.php',
 406                      'bp-' . $this->id . '-' . $file . '.php',
 407                      'bp-' . $this->id . '/' . $file . '.php',
 409                      // Passed with extension.
 410                      $file,
 411                      'bp-' . $this->id . '-' . $file,
 412                      'bp-' . $this->id . '/' . $file,
 413                  );
 415                  foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
 416                      if ( @is_file( $slashed_path . $path ) ) {
 417                          require( $slashed_path . $path );
 418                          break;
 419                      }
 420                  }
 421              }
 422          }
 424          /**
 425           * Fires at the end of the includes method inside BP_Component.
 426           *
 427           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 428           *
 429           * @since 1.5.0
 430           */
 431          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_includes' );
 432      }
 434      /**
 435       * Late includes method.
 436       *
 437       * Components should include files here only on specific pages using
 438       * conditionals such as {@link bp_is_current_component()}. Intentionally left
 439       * empty.
 440       *
 441       * @since 3.0.0
 442       */
 443  	public function late_includes() {}
 445      /**
 446       * Set up the actions.
 447       *
 448       * @since 1.5.0
 449       *
 450       */
 451  	public function setup_actions() {
 453          // Setup globals.
 454          add_action( 'bp_setup_globals',          array( $this, 'setup_globals'          ), 10 );
 456          // Set up canonical stack.
 457          add_action( 'bp_setup_canonical_stack',  array( $this, 'setup_canonical_stack'  ), 10 );
 459          // Include required files. Called early to ensure that BP core
 460          // components are loaded before plugins that hook their loader functions
 461          // to bp_include with the default priority of 10. This is for backwards
 462          // compatibility; henceforth, plugins should register themselves by
 463          // extending this base class.
 464          add_action( 'bp_include',                array( $this, 'includes'               ), 8 );
 466          // Load files conditionally, based on certain pages.
 467          add_action( 'bp_late_include',           array( $this, 'late_includes'          ) );
 469          // Setup navigation.
 470          add_action( 'bp_setup_nav',              array( $this, 'setup_nav'              ), 10 );
 472          // Setup WP Toolbar menus.
 473          add_action( 'bp_setup_admin_bar',        array( $this, 'setup_admin_bar'        ), $this->adminbar_myaccount_order );
 475          // Setup component title.
 476          add_action( 'bp_setup_title',            array( $this, 'setup_title'            ), 10 );
 478          // Setup cache groups.
 479          add_action( 'bp_setup_cache_groups',     array( $this, 'setup_cache_groups'     ), 10 );
 481          // Register post types.
 482          add_action( 'bp_register_post_types',    array( $this, 'register_post_types'    ), 10 );
 484          // Register taxonomies.
 485          add_action( 'bp_register_taxonomies',    array( $this, 'register_taxonomies'    ), 10 );
 487          // Add the rewrite tags.
 488          add_action( 'bp_add_rewrite_tags',       array( $this, 'add_rewrite_tags'       ), 10 );
 490          // Add the rewrite rules.
 491          add_action( 'bp_add_rewrite_rules',      array( $this, 'add_rewrite_rules'      ), 10 );
 493          // Add the permalink structure.
 494          add_action( 'bp_add_permastructs',       array( $this, 'add_permastructs'       ), 10 );
 496          // Allow components to parse the main query.
 497          add_action( 'bp_parse_query',            array( $this, 'parse_query'            ), 10 );
 499          // Generate rewrite rules.
 500          add_action( 'bp_generate_rewrite_rules', array( $this, 'generate_rewrite_rules' ), 10 );
 502          // Register BP REST Endpoints.
 503          if ( bp_rest_in_buddypress() && bp_rest_api_is_available() ) {
 504              add_action( 'bp_rest_api_init', array( $this, 'rest_api_init' ), 10 );
 505          }
 507          // Register BP Blocks.
 508          if ( bp_support_blocks() ) {
 509              add_action( 'bp_blocks_init', array( $this, 'blocks_init' ), 10 );
 510          }
 512          // Set directory page states.
 513          add_filter( 'bp_admin_display_directory_states', array( $this, 'admin_directory_states' ), 10, 2 );
 515          /**
 516           * Fires at the end of the setup_actions method inside BP_Component.
 517           *
 518           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 519           *
 520           * @since 1.5.0
 521           */
 522          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_actions' );
 523      }
 525      /**
 526       * Set up the canonical URL stack for this component.
 527       *
 528       * @since 2.1.0
 529       */
 530  	public function setup_canonical_stack() {}
 532      /**
 533       * Set up component navigation.
 534       *
 535       * @since 1.5.0
 536       *
 537       * @see bp_core_new_nav_item() For a description of the $main_nav
 538       *      parameter formatting.
 539       * @see bp_core_new_subnav_item() For a description of how each item
 540       *      in the $sub_nav parameter array should be formatted.
 541       *
 542       * @param array $main_nav Optional. Passed directly to bp_core_new_nav_item().
 543       *                        See that function for a description.
 544       * @param array $sub_nav  Optional. Multidimensional array, each item in
 545       *                        which is passed to bp_core_new_subnav_item(). See that
 546       *                        function for a description.
 547       */
 548  	public function setup_nav( $main_nav = array(), $sub_nav = array() ) {
 550          // No sub nav items without a main nav item.
 551          if ( !empty( $main_nav ) ) {
 552              // Always set the component ID.
 553              $main_nav['component_id'] = $this->id;
 555              bp_core_new_nav_item( $main_nav, 'members' );
 557              // Sub nav items are not required.
 558              if ( !empty( $sub_nav ) ) {
 559                  foreach( (array) $sub_nav as $nav ) {
 560                      bp_core_new_subnav_item( $nav, 'members' );
 561                  }
 562              }
 563          }
 565          /**
 566           * Fires at the end of the setup_nav method inside BP_Component.
 567           *
 568           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 569           *
 570           * @since 1.5.0
 571           */
 572          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_nav' );
 573      }
 575      /**
 576       * Set up the component entries in the WordPress Admin Bar.
 577       *
 578       * @since 1.5.0
 579       *
 580       * @see WP_Admin_Bar::add_menu() for a description of the syntax
 581       *      required by each item in the $wp_admin_nav parameter array.
 582       * @global object $wp_admin_bar
 583       *
 584       * @param array $wp_admin_nav An array of nav item arguments. Each item in this parameter
 585       *                            array is passed to {@link WP_Admin_Bar::add_menu()}.
 586       *                            See that method for a description of the required syntax for
 587       *                            each item.
 588       */
 589  	public function setup_admin_bar( $wp_admin_nav = array() ) {
 591          // Bail if this is an ajax request.
 592          if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) {
 593              return;
 594          }
 596          // Do not proceed if BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR constant is not set or is false.
 597          if ( ! bp_use_wp_admin_bar() ) {
 598              return;
 599          }
 601          /**
 602           * Filters the admin navigation passed into setup_admin_bar.
 603           *
 604           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 605           *
 606           * @since 1.9.0
 607           *
 608           * @param array $wp_admin_nav Array of navigation items to add.
 609           */
 610          $wp_admin_nav = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_admin_nav', $wp_admin_nav );
 612          // Do we have Toolbar menus to add?
 613          if ( !empty( $wp_admin_nav ) ) {
 614              // Fill in position if one wasn't passed for backpat.
 615              $pos = 0;
 616              $not_set_pos = 1;
 617              foreach( $wp_admin_nav as $key => $nav ) {
 618                  if ( ! isset( $nav['position'] ) ) {
 619                      $wp_admin_nav[$key]['position'] = $pos + $not_set_pos;
 621                      if ( 9 !== $not_set_pos ) {
 622                          ++$not_set_pos;
 623                      }
 624                  } else {
 625                      $pos = $nav['position'];
 627                      // Reset not set pos to 1.
 628                      if ( $pos % 10 === 0 ) {
 629                          $not_set_pos = 1;
 630                      }
 631                  }
 632              }
 634              // Sort admin nav by position.
 635              $wp_admin_nav = bp_sort_by_key( $wp_admin_nav, 'position', 'num' );
 637              // Set this objects menus.
 638              $this->admin_menu = $wp_admin_nav;
 640              // Define the WordPress global.
 641              global $wp_admin_bar;
 643              // Add each admin menu.
 644              foreach( $this->admin_menu as $admin_menu ) {
 645                  $wp_admin_bar->add_node( $admin_menu );
 646              }
 647          }
 649          /**
 650           * Fires at the end of the setup_admin_bar method inside BP_Component.
 651           *
 652           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 653           *
 654           * @since 1.5.0
 655           */
 656          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_admin_bar' );
 657      }
 659      /**
 660       * Set up the component title.
 661       *
 662       * @since 1.5.0
 663       *
 664       */
 665  	public function setup_title() {
 667          /**
 668           * Fires in the setup_title method inside BP_Component.
 669           *
 670           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 671           *
 672           * @since 1.5.0
 673           */
 674          do_action(  'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_title' );
 675      }
 677      /**
 678       * Setup component-specific cache groups.
 679       *
 680       * @since 2.2.0
 681       *
 682       */
 683  	public function setup_cache_groups() {
 685          /**
 686           * Fires in the setup_cache_groups method inside BP_Component.
 687           *
 688           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 689           *
 690           * @since 2.2.0
 691           */
 692          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_cache_groups' );
 693      }
 695      /**
 696       * Register global tables for the component, so that it may use WordPress's database API.
 697       *
 698       * @since 2.0.0
 699       *
 700       * @param array $tables Table names to register.
 701       */
 702  	public function register_global_tables( $tables = array() ) {
 704          /**
 705           * Filters the global tables for the component, so that it may use WordPress' database API.
 706           *
 707           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 708           * It allows for component-specific filtering of table names. To filter
 709           * *all* tables, use the 'bp_core_get_table_prefix' filter instead.
 710           *
 711           * @since 1.6.0
 712           */
 713          $tables = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_global_tables', $tables );
 715          // Add to the BuddyPress global object.
 716          if ( !empty( $tables ) && is_array( $tables ) ) {
 717              foreach ( $tables as $global_name => $table_name ) {
 718                  $this->{$global_name} = $table_name;
 719              }
 721              // Keep a record of the metadata tables in the component.
 722              $this->global_tables = $tables;
 723          }
 725          /**
 726           * Fires at the end of the register_global_tables method inside BP_Component.
 727           *
 728           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 729           *
 730           * @since 2.0.0
 731           */
 732          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_register_global_tables' );
 733      }
 735      /**
 736       * Register component metadata tables.
 737       *
 738       * Metadata tables are registered in the $wpdb global, for
 739       * compatibility with the WordPress metadata API.
 740       *
 741       * @since 2.0.0
 742       *
 743       * @param array $tables Table names to register.
 744       */
 745  	public function register_meta_tables( $tables = array() ) {
 746          global $wpdb;
 748          /**
 749           * Filters the global meta_tables for the component.
 750           *
 751           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 752           * It allows for component-specific filtering of table names. To filter
 753           * *all* tables, use the 'bp_core_get_table_prefix' filter instead.
 754           *
 755           * @since 2.0.0
 756           */
 757          $tables = apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_meta_tables', $tables );
 759          /**
 760           * Add the name of each metadata table to WPDB to allow BuddyPress
 761           * components to play nicely with the WordPress metadata API.
 762           */
 763          if ( !empty( $tables ) && is_array( $tables ) ) {
 764              foreach( $tables as $meta_prefix => $table_name ) {
 765                  $wpdb->{$meta_prefix . 'meta'} = $table_name;
 766              }
 768              // Keep a record of the metadata tables in the component.
 769              $this->meta_tables = $tables;
 770          }
 772          /**
 773           * Fires at the end of the register_meta_tables method inside BP_Component.
 774           *
 775           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 776           *
 777           * @since 2.0.0
 778           */
 779          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_register_meta_tables' );
 780      }
 782      /**
 783       * Set up the component post types.
 784       *
 785       * @since 1.5.0
 786       *
 787       */
 788  	public function register_post_types() {
 790          /**
 791           * Fires in the register_post_types method inside BP_Component.
 792           *
 793           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 794           *
 795           * @since 1.5.0
 796           */
 797          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_register_post_types' );
 798      }
 800      /**
 801       * Register component-specific taxonomies.
 802       *
 803       * @since 1.5.0
 804       *
 805       */
 806  	public function register_taxonomies() {
 808          /**
 809           * Fires in the register_taxonomies method inside BP_Component.
 810           *
 811           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 812           *
 813           * @since 1.5.0
 814           */
 815          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_register_taxonomies' );
 816      }
 818      /**
 819       * Add any additional rewrite tags.
 820       *
 821       * @since 1.5.0
 822       *
 823       */
 824  	public function add_rewrite_tags() {
 826          /**
 827           * Fires in the add_rewrite_tags method inside BP_Component.
 828           *
 829           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 830           *
 831           * @since 1.5.0
 832           */
 833          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_add_rewrite_tags' );
 834      }
 836      /**
 837       * Add any additional rewrite rules.
 838       *
 839       * @since 1.9.0
 840       *
 841       */
 842  	public function add_rewrite_rules() {
 844          /**
 845           * Fires in the add_rewrite_rules method inside BP_Component.
 846           *
 847           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 848           *
 849           * @since 1.9.0
 850           */
 851          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_add_rewrite_rules' );
 852      }
 854      /**
 855       * Add any permalink structures.
 856       *
 857       * @since 1.9.0
 858       *
 859       */
 860  	public function add_permastructs() {
 862          /**
 863           * Fires in the add_permastructs method inside BP_Component.
 864           *
 865           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 866           *
 867           * @since 1.9.0
 868           */
 869          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_add_permastructs' );
 870      }
 872      /**
 873       * Allow components to parse the main query.
 874       *
 875       * @since 1.9.0
 876       *
 877       *
 878       * @param object $query The main WP_Query.
 879       */
 880  	public function parse_query( $query ) {
 882          /**
 883           * Fires in the parse_query method inside BP_Component.
 884           *
 885           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 886           *
 887           * @since 1.9.0
 888           *
 889           * @param object $query Main WP_Query object. Passed by reference.
 890           */
 891          do_action_ref_array( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_parse_query', array( &$query ) );
 892      }
 894      /**
 895       * Generate any additional rewrite rules.
 896       *
 897       * @since 1.5.0
 898       *
 899       */
 900  	public function generate_rewrite_rules() {
 902          /**
 903           * Fires in the generate_rewrite_rules method inside BP_Component.
 904           *
 905           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 906           *
 907           * @since 1.5.0
 908           */
 909          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_generate_rewrite_rules' );
 910      }
 912      /**
 913       * Init the BP REST API.
 914       *
 915       * @since 5.0.0
 916       *
 917       * @param array $controllers The list of BP REST controllers to load.
 918       */
 919  	public function rest_api_init( $controllers = array() ) {
 920          if ( is_array( $controllers ) && $controllers ) {
 921              // Built-in controllers.
 922              $_controllers = $controllers;
 924              /**
 925               * Use this filter to disable all or some REST API controllers
 926               * for the component.
 927               *
 928               * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 929               *
 930               * @since 5.0.0
 931               *
 932               * @param array $controllers The list of BP REST API controllers to load.
 933               */
 934              $controllers = (array) apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_rest_api_controllers', $controllers );
 936              foreach( $controllers as $controller ) {
 937                  if ( ! in_array( $controller, $_controllers, true ) ) {
 938                      continue;
 939                  }
 941                  $component_controller = new $controller;
 942                  $component_controller->register_routes();
 943              }
 944          }
 946          /**
 947           * Fires in the rest_api_init method inside BP_Component.
 948           *
 949           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 950           *
 951           * @since 5.0.0
 952           */
 953          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_rest_api_init' );
 954      }
 956      /**
 957       * Register the BP Blocks.
 958       *
 959       * @since 6.0.0
 960       *
 961       * @see `BP_Block->construct()` for a full description of a BP Block arguments.
 962       *
 963       * @param array $blocks The list of BP Blocks to register.
 964       */
 965  	public function blocks_init( $blocks = array() ) {
 966          /**
 967           * Filter here to add new BP Blocks, disable some or all BP Blocks for a component.
 968           *
 969           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 970           *
 971           * @since 6.0.0
 972           *
 973           * @param array $blocks The list of BP Blocks for the component.
 974           */
 975          $blocks = (array) apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_register_blocks', $blocks );
 976          $blocks = array_filter( $blocks );
 978          if ( $blocks ) {
 979              foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
 980                  bp_register_block( $block );
 981              }
 982          }
 984          /**
 985           * Fires in the blocks_init method inside BP_Component.
 986           *
 987           * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
 988           *
 989           * @since 6.0.0
 990           */
 991          do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_blocks_init' );
 992      }
 994      /**
 995       * Add component's directory states.
 996       *
 997       * @since 10.0.0
 998       *
 999       * @param string[] $states An array of post display states.
1000       * @param WP_Post  $post   The current post object.
1001       * @return array           The component's directory states.
1002       */
1003  	public function admin_directory_states( $states = array(), $post = null ) {
1004          if ( $this->has_directory ) {
1005              /**
1006               * Filter here to edit the component's directory states.
1007               *
1008               * This is a dynamic hook that is based on the component string ID.
1009               *
1010               * @since 10.0.0
1011               *
1012               * @param string[] $states An array of post display states.
1013               * @param WP_Post  $post   The current post object.
1014               */
1015              return apply_filters( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_admin_directory_states', $states, $post );
1016          }
1018          return $states;
1019      }
1020  }
1021  endif; // BP_Component.

Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1