setup_globals(); if ( $this->taxonomy && $this->screen_id ) { $this->includes(); $this->setup_hooks(); if ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) || isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { $action = wp_unslash( $_GET['action'] ); } else { $action = wp_unslash( $_POST['action'] ); } $this->handle_action( $action ); } } } /** * Register BP Types Admin. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @return BP_Admin_Types */ public static function register_types_admin() { if ( ! is_admin() ) { return; } $bp = buddypress(); if ( empty( $bp->core->types_admin ) ) { $bp->core->types_admin = new self; } return $bp->core->types_admin; } /** * Set the globals. * * @since 7.0.0 */ private function setup_globals() { $current_screen = get_current_screen(); if ( isset( $current_screen->taxonomy ) && $current_screen->taxonomy ) { $this->taxonomies = bp_get_default_taxonomies(); if ( isset( $this->taxonomies[ $current_screen->taxonomy ] ) ) { $this->taxonomy = $current_screen->taxonomy; $this->screen_id = $current_screen->id; } } } /** * Include Admin functions. * * @since 7.0.0 */ private function includes() { require plugin_dir_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'admin/bp-core-admin-types.php'; } /** * Set hooks. * * @since 7.0.0 */ private function setup_hooks() { // Actions. add_action( 'admin_head-edit-tags.php', array( $this, 'screen_head' ) ); add_action( 'admin_head-term.php', array( $this, 'screen_head' ) ); add_action( 'bp_admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'screen_scripts' ) ); add_action( "{$this->taxonomy}_add_form_fields", array( $this, 'add_form_fields' ), 10, 1 ); add_action( "{$this->taxonomy}_edit_form_fields", array( $this, 'edit_form_fields' ), 10, 2 ); // Filters add_filter( 'bp_core_admin_register_scripts', array( $this, 'register_scripts' ) ); add_filter( "manage_{$this->screen_id}_columns", array( $this, 'column_headers' ), 10, 1 ); add_filter( "manage_{$this->taxonomy}_custom_column", array( $this, 'column_contents' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( "{$this->taxonomy}_row_actions", array( $this, 'row_actions' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( "bulk_actions-{$this->screen_id}", '__return_empty_array', 10, 1 ); } /** * Handle BP Type actions. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param string $action Required. The action to handle ('add-tag', 'editedtag' or 'delete' ). */ private function handle_action( $action ) { $referer = wp_get_referer(); if ( ! bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ) { return; } // Adding a new type into the database. if ( 'add-tag' === $action ) { check_admin_referer( 'add-tag', '_wpnonce_add-tag' ); $result = bp_core_admin_insert_type( $_POST ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $referer = add_query_arg( array_merge( $result->get_error_data(), array( 'error' => 1, ) ), $referer ); wp_safe_redirect( $referer ); exit; } wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'message', 2, $referer ) ); exit; // Updating an existing type intot the Database. } elseif ( 'editedtag' === $action ) { $args = $_POST; $args['type_term_id'] = 0; unset( $args['tag_ID'] ); if ( isset( $_POST['tag_ID'] ) ) { $args['type_term_id'] = $_POST['tag_ID']; } if ( isset( $_POST['taxonomy'] ) ) { $args['taxonomy'] = $_POST['taxonomy']; } check_admin_referer( 'update-tag_' . $args['type_term_id'] ); $result = bp_core_admin_update_type( $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $referer = add_query_arg( array_merge( $result->get_error_data(), array( 'error' => 1, ) ), $referer ); wp_safe_redirect( $referer ); exit; } wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'message', 4, $referer ) ); exit; // Deletes a type. } elseif ( 'delete' === $action ) { $args = $_GET; $args['type_term_id'] = 0; unset( $args['tag_ID'] ); if ( isset( $_GET['tag_ID'] ) ) { $args['type_term_id'] = $_GET['tag_ID']; } if ( isset( $_GET['taxonomy'] ) ) { $args['taxonomy'] = $_GET['taxonomy']; } check_admin_referer( 'delete-tag_' . $args['type_term_id'] ); $referer = remove_query_arg( array( 'action', 'tag_ID', '_wpnonce' ), $referer ); // Delete the type. $result = bp_core_admin_delete_type( $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $referer = add_query_arg( array_merge( $result->get_error_data(), array( 'error' => 1, ) ), $referer ); wp_safe_redirect( $referer ); exit; } wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'message', 9, $referer ) ); exit; } } /** * Override the Admin parent file to highlight the right menu. * * @since 7.0.0 */ public function screen_head() { global $parent_file; if ( 'members' === $this->taxonomies[ $this->taxonomy ]['component'] ) { $parent_file = 'users.php'; } else { $parent_file = 'bp-' . $this->taxonomies[ $this->taxonomy ]['component']; } } /** * Registers script. * * @since 7.0.0 */ public function register_scripts( $scripts = array() ) { // Neutralize WordPress Taxonomy scripts. wp_dequeue_script( 'admin-tags' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'inline-edit-tax' ); // Adapt some styles. wp_add_inline_style( 'common', '.form-field:not(.bp-types-form), .term-bp_type_directory_slug-wrap:not(.bp-set-directory-slug), .edit-tag-actions #delete-link { display: none; }' ); // Register the Types admin script. return array_merge( $scripts, array( 'bp-admin-types' => array( 'file' => sprintf( '%1$sadmin/js/types-admin%2$s.js', plugin_dir_url( dirname( __FILE__ ) ), bp_core_get_minified_asset_suffix() ), 'dependencies' => array(), 'footer' => true, ), ) ); } /** * Enqueues script. * * @since 7.0.0 */ public function screen_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'bp-admin-types' ); } /** * Outputs the BP type add form. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param string $taxonomy The type taxonomy name. * @param null|object $type The type object, `null` if not passed to the method. */ public function add_form_fields( $taxonomy = '', $type = null ) { $taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); $labels = get_taxonomy_labels( $taxonomy_object ); // Default values for the Type ID field. $type_id_label = __( 'Type ID', 'buddypress' ); $type_id_desc = __( 'Enter a lower-case string without spaces or special characters (used internally to identify the type).', 'buddypress' ); if ( isset( $labels->bp_type_id_label ) && $labels->bp_type_id_label ) { $type_id_label = $labels->bp_type_id_label; } if ( isset( $labels->bp_type_id_description ) && $labels->bp_type_id_description ) { $type_id_desc = $labels->bp_type_id_description; } // Outputs the Type ID field. if ( isset( $type->name ) ) { printf( ' ', esc_html( $type_id_label ), esc_attr( $type->name ), esc_html( $type_id_desc ) ); } else { printf( '


', esc_html( $type_id_label ), esc_html( $type_id_desc ) ); } // Gets the Type's metadata. $metafields = get_registered_meta_keys( 'term', $taxonomy ); foreach ( $metafields as $meta_key => $meta_schema ) { if ( ! isset( $labels->{ $meta_key } ) || ! $labels->{ $meta_key } ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, __( 'Type metadata labels need to be set into the labels argument when registering your taxonomy using the meta key as the label’s key.', 'buddypress' ) . ' ' . sprintf( /* translators: %s is the name of the Type meta key */ __( 'As a result, the form elements for the "%s" meta key cannot be displayed', 'buddypress' ), $meta_key ), '7.0.0' ); continue; } $type_key = str_replace( 'bp_type_', '', $meta_key ); if ( 'string' === $meta_schema['type'] ) { if ( isset( $type->name ) ) { $type_prop_value = null; if ( in_array( $type_key, array( 'name', 'singular_name' ), true ) ) { if ( isset( $type->labels[ $type_key ] ) ) { $type_prop_value = $type->labels[ $type_key ]; } } elseif ( isset( $type->{$type_key} ) ) { $type_prop_value = $type->{$type_key}; } printf( '


', esc_attr( $meta_key ), esc_html( $labels->{ $meta_key } ), esc_attr( $type_prop_value ), esc_html( $meta_schema['description'] ) ); } else { printf( '


', esc_attr( $meta_key ), esc_html( $labels->{ $meta_key } ), esc_html( $meta_schema['description'] ) ); } } else { if ( isset( $type->name ) ) { $checked = ''; if ( isset( $type->{$type_key} ) && true === (bool) $type->{$type_key} ) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } printf( ' %4$s


', esc_attr( $meta_key ), esc_html( $labels->{ $meta_key } ), $checked, esc_html__( 'Yes', 'buddypress' ), esc_html( $meta_schema['description'] ) ); } else { printf( '


', esc_attr( $meta_key ), esc_html( $labels->{ $meta_key } ), esc_html( $meta_schema['description'] ) ); } } } } /** * Outputs the BP type edit form. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param WP_Term $term The term object for the BP Type. * @param string $taxonomy The type taxonomy name. * @return string HTML Output. */ public function edit_form_fields( $term = null, $taxonomy = '' ) { if ( ! isset( $term->name ) || ! $term->name || ! $taxonomy ) { return; } $type = new stdClass(); $type->name = $term->name; $type->labels = array(); $metadatas = get_metadata( 'term', $term->term_id ); foreach ( $metadatas as $meta_key => $meta_values ) { $meta_value = reset( $meta_values ); $type_key = str_replace( 'bp_type_', '', $meta_key ); if ( in_array( $type_key, array( 'name', 'singular_name' ), true ) ) { $type->labels[ $type_key ] = $meta_value; } else { $type->{$type_key} = $meta_value; } } return $this->add_form_fields( $taxonomy, $type ); } /** * Filters the terms list table column headers to customize them for BuddyPress Types. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param array $column_headers The column header labels keyed by column ID. * @return array The column header labels keyed by column ID. */ public function column_headers( $column_headers = array() ) { if ( isset( $column_headers['name'] ) ) { $column_headers['name'] = __( 'Type ID', 'buddypress' ); } unset( $column_headers['cb'], $column_headers['description'], $column_headers['posts'] ); $column_headers['plural_name'] = __( 'Name', 'buddypress' ); $column_headers['counts'] = _x( 'Count', 'Number/count of types', 'buddypress' ); return $column_headers; } /** * Sets the content for the Plural name & Counts columns. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param string $string Blank string. * @param string $column_name Name of the column. * @param int $type_id The type's term ID. * @return string The Type Plural name. */ public function column_contents( $column_content = '', $column_name = '', $type_id = 0 ) { if ( 'plural_name' !== $column_name && 'counts' !== $column_name || ! $type_id ) { return $column_content; } // Set the Plural name column. if ( 'plural_name' === $column_name ) { $type_plural_name = get_term_meta( $type_id, 'bp_type_name', true ); // Plural name meta is not set? Let's check register by code types! if ( ! $type_plural_name ) { $type_name = get_term_field( 'name', $type_id, $this->taxonomy ); /** * Filter here to set missing term meta for registered by code types. * * @see bp_set_registered_by_code_member_type_metadata() for an example of use. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param string $value Metadata for the BP Type. */ $metadata = apply_filters( "{$this->taxonomy}_set_registered_by_code_metada", array(), $type_name ); if ( isset( $metadata['bp_type_name'] ) ) { $type_plural_name = $metadata['bp_type_name']; } } echo esc_html( $type_plural_name ); // Set the Totals column. } elseif ( 'counts' === $column_name ) { global $parent_file; $type = bp_get_term_by( 'id', $type_id, $this->taxonomy ); if ( 0 === (int) $type->count ) { return 0; } // Format the count. $count = number_format_i18n( $type->count ); $args = array( str_replace( '_', '-', $this->taxonomy ) => $type->slug, ); $base_url = $parent_file; if ( false === strpos( $parent_file, '.php' ) ) { $base_url = add_query_arg( 'page', $parent_file, 'admin.php' ); } printf( '%2$s', esc_url( add_query_arg( $args, bp_get_admin_url( $base_url ) ) ), esc_html( $count ) ); } } /** * Customizes the Types Admin list table row actions. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param array $actions The table row actions. * @param WP_Term $type The current BP Type for the row. * @return array The table row actions for the current BP type. */ public function row_actions( $actions = array(), $type = null ) { if ( ! isset( $type->taxonomy ) || ! $type->taxonomy ) { return $actions; } /** * Filter here to set the types "registered by code". * * @see bp_get_member_types_registered_by_code() for an example of use. * * @since 7.0.0 */ $registered_by_code_types = apply_filters( "{$type->taxonomy}_registered_by_code", array() ); // Types registered by code cannot be deleted as long as the custom registration code exists. if ( isset( $registered_by_code_types[ $type->name ] ) ) { unset( $actions['delete'] ); } // Inline edits are disabled for all types. unset( $actions['inline hide-if-no-js'] ); // Removes the post type query argument for the edit action. if ( isset( $actions['edit'] ) ) { $actions['edit'] = str_replace( '&post_type=post', '', $actions['edit'] ); } return $actions; } } endif;