__( 'Recent Networkwide Posts', 'buddypress' ), 'maxPosts' => 10, 'linkTitle' => false, ) ); $classnames = 'widget_bp_blogs_widget buddypress widget'; $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => $classnames ) ); $blogs_directory_link = bp_get_blogs_directory_permalink(); $max_posts = (int) $block_args['maxPosts']; $no_posts = __( 'Sorry, there were no posts found.', 'buddypress' ); // Set the Block's title. if ( true === $block_args['linkTitle'] ) { $widget_content = sprintf( '


', esc_url( $blogs_directory_link ), esc_html( $block_args['title'] ) ); } else { $widget_content = sprintf( '


', esc_html( $block_args['title'] ) ); } $blog_activities = bp_activity_get( array( 'max' => $max_posts, 'per_page' => $max_posts, 'user_id' => 0, 'scope' => false, 'filter' => array( 'object' => false, 'primary_id' => false, 'action' => 'new_blog_post', ), ) ); $blog_activities = reset( $blog_activities ); if ( ! $blog_activities ) { $widget_content .= sprintf( '
', $no_posts ); } else { // Avoid conflicts with other activity loops. $reset_activities_template = null; if ( ! empty( $GLOBALS['activities_template'] ) ) { $reset_activities_template = $GLOBALS['activities_template']; } $GLOBALS['activities_template'] = new \stdClass(); $activities = array(); foreach ( $blog_activities as $blog_activity ) { $activity_content = ''; $GLOBALS['activities_template']->activity = $blog_activity; if ( $blog_activity->content ) { /** This filter is documented in bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php. */ $activity_content = apply_filters_ref_array( 'bp_get_activity_content_body', array( $blog_activity->content, &$blog_activity ) ); $activity_content = sprintf( '
', $activity_content ); } /** This filter is documented in bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php. */ $actity_action = apply_filters_ref_array( 'bp_get_activity_action', array( bp_insert_activity_meta( $blog_activity->action ), &$blog_activity, array( 'no_timestamp' => false ), ) ); $activities[] = sprintf( '
  • %1$s
  • ', $actity_action, $activity_content ); } // Reset the global template loop. $GLOBALS['activities_template'] = $reset_activities_template; $widget_content .= sprintf( '', implode( "\n", $activities ) ); } // Adds a container to make sure the block is styled even when used into the Columns parent block. $widget_content = sprintf( '
    ', "\n" . $widget_content . "\n" ); // Only add a block wrapper if not loaded into a Widgets sidebar. if ( ! did_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_before' ) ) { return sprintf( '
    ', $wrapper_attributes, $widget_content ); } return $widget_content; }