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Filters related to the Activity component.
File Size: | 843 lines (28 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
bp_activity_get_moderated_activity_types() X-Ref |
Types of activity stream items to moderate. since: 1.6.0 return: array $types List of the activity types to moderate. |
bp_activity_check_moderation_keys( $activity ) X-Ref |
Moderate the posted activity item, if it contains moderate keywords. param: BP_Activity_Activity $activity The activity object to check. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_activity_check_disallowed_keys( $activity ) X-Ref |
Mark the posted activity as spam, if it contains disallowed keywords. param: BP_Activity_Activity $activity The activity object to check. since: 7.0.0 |
bp_activity_filter_kses( $content ) X-Ref |
Custom kses filtering for activity content. param: string $content The activity content. since: 1.1.0 return: string $content Filtered activity content. |
bp_activity_at_name_filter( $content, $activity_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Find and link @-mentioned users in the contents of a given item. param: string $content The contents of a given item. param: int $activity_id The activity id. Deprecated. since: 1.2.0 return: string $content Content filtered for mentions. |
bp_activity_at_name_filter_updates( $activity ) X-Ref |
Catch mentions in an activity item before it is saved into the database. If mentions are found, replace @mention text with user links and add our hook to send mention notifications after the activity item is saved. param: BP_Activity_Activity $activity Activity Object. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_activity_at_name_send_emails( $activity ) X-Ref |
Sends emails and BP notifications for users @-mentioned in an activity item. param: BP_Activity_Activity $activity The BP_Activity_Activity object. since: 1.7.0 |
bp_activity_make_nofollow_filter( $text ) X-Ref |
Catch links in activity text so rel=nofollow can be added. param: string $text Activity text. since: 1.2.0 return: string $text Text with rel=nofollow added to any links. |
bp_activity_make_nofollow_filter_callback( $matches ) X-Ref |
Adds `rel="nofollow ugc"` to a link. param: array $matches Items matched by preg_replace_callback() in bp_activity_make_nofollow_filter(). since: 1.2.0 Adds the nofollow rel attribute. since: 7.0.0 Adds the ugc rel attribute. return: string $text Link with rel=nofollow added. |
bp_activity_truncate_entry( $text, $args = array() X-Ref |
Truncate long activity entries when viewed in activity streams. This method can only be used inside the Activity loop. param: string $text The original activity entry text. param: array $args { since: 1.5.0 since: 2.6.0 Added $args parameter. return: string $excerpt The truncated text. |
bp_activity_get_js_dependencies( $js_handles = array() X-Ref |
Include extra JavaScript dependencies for activity component. param: array $js_handles The original dependencies. since: 2.0.0 return: array $js_handles The new dependencies. |
bp_activity_newest_class( $classes = '' ) X-Ref |
Add a just-posted classes to the most recent activity item. We use these classes to avoid pagination issues when items are loaded dynamically into the activity stream. param: string $classes Array of classes for most recent activity item. since: 2.0.0 return: string $classes |
bp_activity_timestamp_class( $classes = '' ) X-Ref |
Check if Activity Heartbeat feature i on to add a timestamp class. param: string $classes Array of classes for timestamp. since: 2.0.0 return: string $classes |
bp_activity_heartbeat_last_recorded( $response = array() X-Ref |
Use WordPress Heartbeat API to check for latest activity update. param: array $response Array containing Heartbeat API response. param: array $data Array containing data for Heartbeat API response. since: 2.0.0 return: array $response |
bp_activity_heartbeat_strings( $strings = array() X-Ref |
Set the strings for WP HeartBeat API where needed. param: array $strings Localized strings. since: 2.0.0 return: array $strings |
bp_activity_filter_just_me_scope( $retval = array() X-Ref |
Set up activity arguments for use with the 'just-me' scope. param: array $retval Empty array by default. param: array $filter Current activity arguments. since: 2.2.0 return: array $retval |
bp_activity_filter_favorites_scope( $retval = array() X-Ref |
Set up activity arguments for use with the 'favorites' scope. param: array $retval Empty array by default. param: array $filter Current activity arguments. since: 2.2.0 return: array $retval |
bp_activity_filter_mentions_scope( $retval = array() X-Ref |
Set up activity arguments for use with the 'favorites' scope. param: array $retval Empty array by default. param: array $filter Current activity arguments. since: 2.2.0 return: array $retval |
bp_activity_register_personal_data_exporter( $exporters ) X-Ref |
Registers Activity personal data exporter. param: array $exporters An array of personal data exporters. since: 4.0.0 since: 5.0.0 adds an `exporter_bp_friendly_name` param to exporters. return: array An array of personal data exporters. |
Generated: Fri Feb 14 01:00:59 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |