0, // topic ID 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_current_user_id(), 'post_password' => '', 'post_content' => '', 'post_title' => '', 'menu_order' => bbp_get_topic_reply_count( $reply_data['post_parent'], true ) + 1, 'comment_status' => 'closed' ), 'insert_reply' ); // Possibly override status based on parent topic if ( ! empty( $reply_data['post_parent'] ) && empty( $reply_data['post_status'] ) ) { $reply_data['post_status'] = bbp_get_topic_status( $reply_data['post_parent'] ); } // Insert reply $reply_id = wp_insert_post( $reply_data, false ); // Bail if no reply was added if ( empty( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } // Parse arguments against default values $reply_meta = bbp_parse_args( $reply_meta, array( 'author_ip' => bbp_current_author_ip(), 'forum_id' => 0, 'topic_id' => 0, 'reply_to' => 0 ), 'insert_reply_meta' ); // Insert reply meta foreach ( $reply_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ) { // Prefix if not prefixed if ( '_bbp_' !== substr( $meta_key, 0, 5 ) ) { $meta_key = '_bbp_' . $meta_key; } // Update the meta update_post_meta( $reply_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ); } // Update the reply and hierarchy bbp_update_reply( $reply_id, $reply_meta['topic_id'], $reply_meta['forum_id'], array(), $reply_data['post_author'], false, $reply_meta['reply_to'] ); /** * Fires after reply has been inserted via `bbp_insert_reply`. * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6036) * * @param int $reply_id The reply id. * @param int $reply_meta['topic_id'] The reply topic meta. * @param int $reply_meta['forum_id'] The reply forum meta. */ do_action( 'bbp_insert_reply', (int) $reply_id, (int) $reply_meta['topic_id'], (int) $reply_meta['forum_id'] ); // Return reply_id return $reply_id; } /** * Update counts after a reply is inserted via `bbp_insert_reply`. * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6036) * * @param int $reply_id The reply id. * @param int $topic_id The topic id. * @param int $forum_id The forum id. * * @return void */ function bbp_insert_reply_update_counts( $reply_id = 0, $topic_id = 0, $forum_id = 0 ) { // If the reply is public, update the reply counts. if ( bbp_is_reply_published( $reply_id ) ) { bbp_increase_topic_reply_count( $topic_id ); bbp_increase_forum_reply_count( $forum_id ); // If the reply isn't public only update the reply hidden counts. } else { bbp_increase_topic_reply_count_hidden( $topic_id ); bbp_increase_forum_reply_count_hidden( $forum_id ); } } /** Post Form Handlers ********************************************************/ /** * Handles the front end reply submission * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2574) * * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to * id, anonymous data, reply author, edit (false), and * the reply to id */ function bbp_new_reply_handler( $action = '' ) { // Bail if action is not bbp-new-reply if ( 'bbp-new-reply' !== $action ) { return; } // Nonce check if ( ! bbp_verify_nonce_request( 'bbp-new-reply' ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_new_reply_nonce', __( 'Error: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress' ) ); return; } // Define local variable(s) $topic_id = $forum_id = $reply_author = $reply_to = 0; $reply_title = $reply_content = $terms = ''; $anonymous_data = array(); /** Reply Author **********************************************************/ // User is anonymous if ( bbp_is_anonymous() ) { // Filter anonymous data (variable is used later) $anonymous_data = bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data(); // Anonymous data checks out, so set cookies, etc... bbp_set_current_anonymous_user_data( $anonymous_data ); // User is logged in } else { // User cannot create replies if ( ! current_user_can( 'publish_replies' ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_permission', __( 'Error: You do not have permission to reply.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // Reply author is current user $reply_author = bbp_get_current_user_id(); } /** Topic ID **************************************************************/ // Topic id was not passed if ( empty( $_POST['bbp_topic_id'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_topic_id', __( 'Error: Topic ID is missing.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Topic id is not a number } elseif ( ! is_numeric( $_POST['bbp_topic_id'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_topic_id', __( 'Error: Topic ID must be a number.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Topic id might be valid } else { // Get the topic id $posted_topic_id = intval( $_POST['bbp_topic_id'] ); // Topic id is a negative number if ( 0 > $posted_topic_id ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_topic_id', __( 'Error: Topic ID cannot be a negative number.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Topic does not exist } elseif ( ! bbp_get_topic( $posted_topic_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_topic_id', __( 'Error: Topic does not exist.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Use the POST'ed topic id } else { $topic_id = $posted_topic_id; } } /** Forum ID **************************************************************/ // Try to use the forum id of the topic if ( ! isset( $_POST['bbp_forum_id'] ) && ! empty( $topic_id ) ) { $forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $topic_id ); // Error check the POST'ed forum id } elseif ( isset( $_POST['bbp_forum_id'] ) ) { // Empty Forum id was passed if ( empty( $_POST['bbp_forum_id'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_forum_id', __( 'Error: Forum ID is missing.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum id is not a number } elseif ( ! is_numeric( $_POST['bbp_forum_id'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_forum_id', __( 'Error: Forum ID must be a number.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum id might be valid } else { // Get the forum id $posted_forum_id = intval( $_POST['bbp_forum_id'] ); // Forum id is empty if ( 0 === $posted_forum_id ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_topic_forum_id', __( 'Error: Forum ID is missing.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum id is a negative number } elseif ( 0 > $posted_forum_id ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_topic_forum_id', __( 'Error: Forum ID cannot be a negative number.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum does not exist } elseif ( ! bbp_get_forum( $posted_forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_topic_forum_id', __( 'Error: Forum does not exist.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Use the POST'ed forum id } else { $forum_id = $posted_forum_id; } } } // Forum exists if ( ! empty( $forum_id ) ) { // Forum is a category if ( bbp_is_forum_category( $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_new_reply_forum_category', __( 'Error: This forum is a category. No replies can be created in this forum.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum is not a category } else { // Forum is closed and user cannot access if ( bbp_is_forum_closed( $forum_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'edit_forum', $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_new_reply_forum_closed', __( 'Error: This forum has been closed to new replies.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // Forum is private and user cannot access if ( bbp_is_forum_private( $forum_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'read_forum', $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_new_reply_forum_private', __( 'Error: This forum is private and you do not have the capability to read or create new replies in it.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum is hidden and user cannot access } elseif ( bbp_is_forum_hidden( $forum_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'read_forum', $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_new_reply_forum_hidden', __( 'Error: This forum is hidden and you do not have the capability to read or create new replies in it.', 'bbpress' ) ); } } } /** Unfiltered HTML *******************************************************/ // Remove kses filters from title and content for capable users and if the nonce is verified if ( current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) && ! empty( $_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_reply'] ) && wp_create_nonce( 'bbp-unfiltered-html-reply_' . $topic_id ) === $_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_reply'] ) { remove_filter( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_title', 'wp_filter_kses' ); remove_filter( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_content', 'bbp_encode_bad', 10 ); remove_filter( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_content', 'bbp_filter_kses', 30 ); } /** Reply Title ***********************************************************/ if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_title'] ) ) { $reply_title = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['bbp_reply_title'] ); } // Filter and sanitize $reply_title = apply_filters( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_title', $reply_title ); // Title too long if ( bbp_is_title_too_long( $reply_title ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_title', __( 'Error: Your title is too long.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Content *********************************************************/ if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_content'] ) ) { $reply_content = $_POST['bbp_reply_content']; } // Filter and sanitize $reply_content = apply_filters( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_content', $reply_content ); // No reply content if ( empty( $reply_content ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_content', __( 'Error: Your reply cannot be empty.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Flooding ********************************************************/ if ( ! bbp_check_for_flood( $anonymous_data, $reply_author ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_flood', __( 'Error: Slow down; you move too fast.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Duplicate *******************************************************/ $dupe_args = array( 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'post_author' => $reply_author, 'post_content' => $reply_content, 'post_parent' => $topic_id, 'anonymous_data' => $anonymous_data ); if ( ! bbp_check_for_duplicate( $dupe_args ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_duplicate', __( 'Error: Duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Bad Words *******************************************************/ if ( ! bbp_check_for_moderation( $anonymous_data, $reply_author, $reply_title, $reply_content, true ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_moderation', __( 'Error: Your reply cannot be created at this time.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Status **********************************************************/ // Default to published $reply_status = bbp_get_public_status_id(); // Maybe force into pending if ( bbp_is_topic_pending( $topic_id ) || ! bbp_check_for_moderation( $anonymous_data, $reply_author, $reply_title, $reply_content ) ) { $reply_status = bbp_get_pending_status_id(); } /** Reply To **************************************************************/ // Handle Reply To of the reply; $_REQUEST for non-JS submissions if ( isset( $_REQUEST['bbp_reply_to'] ) ) { $reply_to = bbp_validate_reply_to( $_REQUEST['bbp_reply_to'] ); } /** Topic Closed **********************************************************/ // If topic is closed, moderators can still reply if ( bbp_is_topic_closed( $topic_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'moderate', $topic_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_topic_closed', __( 'Error: Topic is closed.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Topic Tags ************************************************************/ // Either replace terms if ( bbp_allow_topic_tags() && current_user_can( 'assign_topic_tags', $topic_id ) && ! empty( $_POST['bbp_topic_tags'] ) ) { $terms = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['bbp_topic_tags'] ); // ...or remove them. } elseif ( isset( $_POST['bbp_topic_tags'] ) ) { $terms = ''; // Existing terms } else { $terms = bbp_get_topic_tag_names( $topic_id ); } /** Additional Actions (Before Save) **************************************/ do_action( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_extras', $topic_id, $forum_id ); // Bail if errors if ( bbp_has_errors() ) { return; } /** No Errors *************************************************************/ // Add the content of the form to $reply_data as an array // Just in time manipulation of reply data before being created $reply_data = apply_filters( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_insert', array( 'post_author' => $reply_author, 'post_title' => $reply_title, 'post_content' => $reply_content, 'post_status' => $reply_status, 'post_parent' => $topic_id, 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'menu_order' => bbp_get_topic_reply_count( $topic_id, true ) + 1 ) ); // Insert reply $reply_id = wp_insert_post( $reply_data, true ); /** No Errors *************************************************************/ // Check for missing reply_id or error if ( ! empty( $reply_id ) && ! is_wp_error( $reply_id ) ) { /** Topic Tags ********************************************************/ // Just in time manipulation of reply terms before being edited $terms = apply_filters( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_set_terms', $terms, $topic_id, $reply_id ); // Insert terms $terms = wp_set_post_terms( $topic_id, $terms, bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), false ); // Term error if ( is_wp_error( $terms ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_tags', __( 'Error: There was a problem adding the tags to the topic.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Trash Check *******************************************************/ // If this reply starts as trash, add it to pre_trashed_replies // for the topic, so it is properly restored. if ( bbp_is_topic_trash( $topic_id ) || ( $reply_data['post_status'] === bbp_get_trash_status_id() ) ) { // Trash the reply wp_trash_post( $reply_id ); // Only add to pre-trashed array if topic is trashed if ( bbp_is_topic_trash( $topic_id ) ) { // Get pre_trashed_replies for topic $pre_trashed_meta = get_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_pre_trashed_replies', true ); // Format the meta value $pre_trashed_replies = is_array( $pre_trashed_meta ) ? array_filter( $pre_trashed_meta ) : array(); // Add this reply to the end of the existing replies $pre_trashed_replies[] = $reply_id; // Update the pre_trashed_reply post meta update_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_pre_trashed_replies', $pre_trashed_replies ); } /** Spam Check ********************************************************/ // If reply or topic are spam, officially spam this reply } elseif ( bbp_is_topic_spam( $topic_id ) || ( $reply_data['post_status'] === bbp_get_spam_status_id() ) ) { add_post_meta( $reply_id, '_bbp_spam_meta_status', bbp_get_public_status_id() ); // Only add to pre-spammed array if topic is spam if ( bbp_is_topic_spam( $topic_id ) ) { // Get pre_spammed_replies for topic $pre_trashed_meta = get_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_pre_spammed_replies', true ); // Format the meta value $pre_spammed_replies = is_array( $pre_trashed_meta ) ? array_filter( $pre_trashed_meta ) : array(); // Add this reply to the end of the existing replies $pre_spammed_replies[] = $reply_id; // Update the pre_spammed_replies post meta update_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_pre_spammed_replies', $pre_spammed_replies ); } } /** Update counts, etc... *********************************************/ do_action( 'bbp_new_reply', $reply_id, $topic_id, $forum_id, $anonymous_data, $reply_author, false, $reply_to ); /** Additional Actions (After Save) ***********************************/ do_action( 'bbp_new_reply_post_extras', $reply_id ); /** Redirect **********************************************************/ // Redirect to $redirect_to = bbp_get_redirect_to(); // Get the reply URL $reply_url = bbp_get_reply_url( $reply_id, $redirect_to ); // Allow to be filtered $reply_url = apply_filters( 'bbp_new_reply_redirect_to', $reply_url, $redirect_to, $reply_id ); /** Successful Save ***************************************************/ // Redirect back to new reply bbp_redirect( $reply_url ); /** Errors ****************************************************************/ // WP_Error } elseif ( is_wp_error( $reply_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_error', sprintf( __( 'Error: The following problem(s) occurred: %s', 'bbpress' ), $reply_id->get_error_message() ) ); // Generic error } else { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_error', __( 'Error: The reply was not created.', 'bbpress' ) ); } } /** * Handles the front end edit reply submission * * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to * id, anonymous data, reply author, bool true (for edit), * and the reply to id */ function bbp_edit_reply_handler( $action = '' ) { // Bail if action is not bbp-edit-reply if ( 'bbp-edit-reply' !== $action ) { return; } // Define local variable(s) $revisions_removed = false; $reply = $reply_id = $reply_to = $reply_author = $topic_id = $forum_id = 0; $reply_title = $reply_content = $reply_edit_reason = $terms = ''; $anonymous_data = array(); /** Reply *****************************************************************/ // Reply id was not passed if ( empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_id'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_id', __( 'Error: Reply ID not found.', 'bbpress' ) ); return; // Reply id was passed } elseif ( is_numeric( $_POST['bbp_reply_id'] ) ) { $reply_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_reply_id']; $reply = bbp_get_reply( $reply_id ); } // Nonce check if ( ! bbp_verify_nonce_request( 'bbp-edit-reply_' . $reply_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_nonce', __( 'Error: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress' ) ); return; } // Reply does not exist if ( empty( $reply ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_not_found', __( 'Error: The reply you want to edit was not found.', 'bbpress' ) ); return; // Reply exists } else { // Check users ability to create new reply if ( ! bbp_is_reply_anonymous( $reply_id ) ) { // User cannot edit this reply if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_reply', $reply_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_permission', __( 'Error: You do not have permission to edit that reply.', 'bbpress' ) ); return; } // Set reply author $reply_author = bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id ); // It is an anonymous post } else { // Filter anonymous data $anonymous_data = bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data(); } } // Remove kses filters from title and content for capable users and if the nonce is verified if ( current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) && ! empty( $_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_reply'] ) && wp_create_nonce( 'bbp-unfiltered-html-reply_' . $reply_id ) === $_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_reply'] ) { remove_filter( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_title', 'wp_filter_kses' ); remove_filter( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_content', 'bbp_encode_bad', 10 ); remove_filter( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_content', 'bbp_filter_kses', 30 ); } /** Reply Topic ***********************************************************/ $topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $reply_id ); /** Topic Forum ***********************************************************/ $forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $topic_id ); // Forum exists if ( ! empty( $forum_id ) && ( $forum_id !== bbp_get_reply_forum_id( $reply_id ) ) ) { // Forum is a category if ( bbp_is_forum_category( $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_forum_category', __( 'Error: This forum is a category. No replies can be created in this forum.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum is not a category } else { // Forum is closed and user cannot access if ( bbp_is_forum_closed( $forum_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'edit_forum', $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_forum_closed', __( 'Error: This forum has been closed to new replies.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // Forum is private and user cannot access if ( bbp_is_forum_private( $forum_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'read_forum', $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_forum_private', __( 'Error: This forum is private and you do not have the capability to read or create new replies in it.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Forum is hidden and user cannot access } elseif ( bbp_is_forum_hidden( $forum_id ) && ! current_user_can( 'read_forum', $forum_id ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_forum_hidden', __( 'Error: This forum is hidden and you do not have the capability to read or create new replies in it.', 'bbpress' ) ); } } } /** Reply Title ***********************************************************/ if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_title'] ) ) { $reply_title = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['bbp_reply_title'] ); } // Filter and sanitize $reply_title = apply_filters( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_title', $reply_title, $reply_id ); // Title too long if ( bbp_is_title_too_long( $reply_title ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_title', __( 'Error: Your title is too long.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Content *********************************************************/ if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_content'] ) ) { $reply_content = $_POST['bbp_reply_content']; } // Filter and sanitize $reply_content = apply_filters( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_content', $reply_content, $reply_id ); // No reply content if ( empty( $reply_content ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_edit_reply_content', __( 'Error: Your reply cannot be empty.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Bad Words *******************************************************/ if ( ! bbp_check_for_moderation( $anonymous_data, $reply_author, $reply_title, $reply_content, true ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_moderation', __( 'Error: Your reply cannot be edited at this time.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Reply Status **********************************************************/ // Use existing post_status $reply_status = $reply->post_status; // Maybe force into pending if ( bbp_is_reply_public( $reply_id ) && ! bbp_check_for_moderation( $anonymous_data, $reply_author, $reply_title, $reply_content ) ) { $reply_status = bbp_get_pending_status_id(); } /** Reply To **************************************************************/ // Handle Reply To of the reply; $_REQUEST for non-JS submissions if ( isset( $_REQUEST['bbp_reply_to'] ) && current_user_can( 'moderate', $reply_id ) ) { $reply_to = bbp_validate_reply_to( $_REQUEST['bbp_reply_to'], $reply_id ); } elseif ( bbp_thread_replies() ) { $reply_to = bbp_get_reply_to( $reply_id ); } /** Topic Tags ************************************************************/ // Either replace terms if ( bbp_allow_topic_tags() && current_user_can( 'assign_topic_tags', $topic_id ) && ! empty( $_POST['bbp_topic_tags'] ) ) { $terms = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['bbp_topic_tags'] ); // ...or remove them. } elseif ( isset( $_POST['bbp_topic_tags'] ) ) { $terms = ''; // Existing terms } else { $terms = bbp_get_topic_tag_names( $topic_id ); } /** Additional Actions (Before Save) **************************************/ do_action( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_extras', $reply_id ); // Bail if errors if ( bbp_has_errors() ) { return; } /** No Errors *************************************************************/ // Add the content of the form to $reply_data as an array // Just in time manipulation of reply data before being edited $reply_data = apply_filters( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_insert', array( 'ID' => $reply_id, 'post_title' => $reply_title, 'post_content' => $reply_content, 'post_status' => $reply_status, 'post_parent' => $topic_id, 'post_author' => $reply_author, 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type() ) ); // Toggle revisions to avoid duplicates if ( post_type_supports( bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'revisions' ) ) { $revisions_removed = true; remove_post_type_support( bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'revisions' ); } // Insert reply $reply_id = wp_update_post( $reply_data ); // Toggle revisions back on if ( true === $revisions_removed ) { $revisions_removed = false; add_post_type_support( bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'revisions' ); } /** Topic Tags ************************************************************/ // Just in time manipulation of reply terms before being edited $terms = apply_filters( 'bbp_edit_reply_pre_set_terms', $terms, $topic_id, $reply_id ); // Insert terms $terms = wp_set_post_terms( $topic_id, $terms, bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), false ); // Term error if ( is_wp_error( $terms ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_tags', __( 'Error: There was a problem adding the tags to the topic.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** No Errors *************************************************************/ if ( ! empty( $reply_id ) && ! is_wp_error( $reply_id ) ) { // Update counts, etc... do_action( 'bbp_edit_reply', $reply_id, $topic_id, $forum_id, $anonymous_data, $reply_author, true, $reply_to ); /** Revisions *********************************************************/ // Revision Reason if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_edit_reason'] ) ) { $reply_edit_reason = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['bbp_reply_edit_reason'] ); } // Update revision log if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_log_reply_edit'] ) && ( '1' === $_POST['bbp_log_reply_edit'] ) ) { $revision_id = wp_save_post_revision( $reply_id ); if ( ! empty( $revision_id ) ) { bbp_update_reply_revision_log( array( 'reply_id' => $reply_id, 'revision_id' => $revision_id, 'author_id' => bbp_get_current_user_id(), 'reason' => $reply_edit_reason ) ); } } /** Additional Actions (After Save) ***********************************/ do_action( 'bbp_edit_reply_post_extras', $reply_id ); /** Redirect **********************************************************/ // Redirect to $redirect_to = bbp_get_redirect_to(); // Get the reply URL $reply_url = bbp_get_reply_url( $reply_id, $redirect_to ); // Allow to be filtered $reply_url = apply_filters( 'bbp_edit_reply_redirect_to', $reply_url, $redirect_to ); /** Successful Edit ***************************************************/ // Redirect back to new reply bbp_redirect( $reply_url ); /** Errors ****************************************************************/ } else { $append_error = ( is_wp_error( $reply_id ) && $reply_id->get_error_message() ) ? $reply_id->get_error_message() . ' ' : ''; bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_error', __( 'Error: The following problem(s) have been found with your reply:' . $append_error . 'Please try again.', 'bbpress' ) ); } } /** * Handle all the extra meta stuff from posting a new reply or editing a reply * * @param int $reply_id Optional. Reply id * @param int $topic_id Optional. Topic id * @param int $forum_id Optional. Forum id * @param array $anonymous_data Optional - if it's an anonymous post. Do not * supply if supplying $author_id. Should be * sanitized (see {@link bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data()} * @param int $author_id Author id * @param bool $is_edit Optional. Is the post being edited? Defaults to false. * @param int $reply_to Optional. Reply to id */ function bbp_update_reply( $reply_id = 0, $topic_id = 0, $forum_id = 0, $anonymous_data = array(), $author_id = 0, $is_edit = false, $reply_to = 0 ) { // Validate the ID's passed from 'bbp_new_reply' action $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $topic_id ); $forum_id = bbp_get_forum_id( $forum_id ); $reply_to = bbp_validate_reply_to( $reply_to, $reply_id ); // Get the current user ID $user_id = bbp_get_current_user_id(); // Bail if there is no reply if ( empty( $reply_id ) ) { return; } // Check author_id, fallback to current user ID if ( empty( $author_id ) ) { $author_id = $user_id; } // Check topic_id, fallback to post_parent or meta if ( empty( $topic_id ) ) { $topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $reply_id ); } // Check forum_id, fallback to post_parent or meta if ( ! empty( $topic_id ) && empty( $forum_id ) ) { $forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $topic_id ); } // Update locks update_post_meta( $reply_id, '_edit_last', $user_id ); delete_post_meta( $reply_id, '_edit_lock' ); // Forum/Topic meta (early, for use in downstream functions) bbp_update_reply_forum_id( $reply_id, $forum_id ); bbp_update_reply_topic_id( $reply_id, $topic_id ); bbp_update_reply_to ( $reply_id, $reply_to ); // If anonymous post, store name, email, website and ip in post_meta. if ( ! empty( $anonymous_data ) ) { // Update anonymous meta data (not cookies) bbp_update_anonymous_post_author( $reply_id, $anonymous_data, bbp_get_reply_post_type() ); // Set transient for throttle check (only on new, not edit) if ( empty( $is_edit ) ) { set_transient( '_bbp_' . bbp_current_author_ip() . '_last_posted', time(), HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } } // Handle Subscription Checkbox if ( bbp_is_subscriptions_active() && ! empty( $author_id ) && ! empty( $topic_id ) ) { // Check if subscribed $subscribed = bbp_is_user_subscribed( $author_id, $topic_id ); // Check for action $subscheck = ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_topic_subscription'] ) && ( 'bbp_subscribe' === $_POST['bbp_topic_subscription'] ) ) ? true : false; // Subscribed and unsubscribing if ( ( true === $subscribed ) && ( false === $subscheck ) ) { bbp_remove_user_subscription( $author_id, $topic_id ); // Not subscribed and subscribing } elseif ( ( false === $subscribed ) && ( true === $subscheck ) ) { bbp_add_user_subscription( $author_id, $topic_id ); } } // Update associated topic values if this is a new reply if ( empty( $is_edit ) ) { // Update poster activity time bbp_update_user_last_posted( $author_id ); // Update poster IP update_post_meta( $reply_id, '_bbp_author_ip', bbp_current_author_ip(), false ); // Last active time $last_active_time = get_post_field( 'post_date', $reply_id ); // Walk up ancestors and do the dirty work bbp_update_reply_walker( $reply_id, $last_active_time, $forum_id, $topic_id, false ); } // Bump the custom query cache wp_cache_set( 'last_changed', microtime(), 'bbpress_posts' ); } /** * Walk up the ancestor tree from the current reply, and update all the counts * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2884) * * @param int $reply_id Optional. Reply id * @param string $last_active_time Optional. Last active time * @param int $forum_id Optional. Forum id * @param int $topic_id Optional. Topic id * @param bool $refresh If set to true, unsets all the previous parameters. * Defaults to true */ function bbp_update_reply_walker( $reply_id, $last_active_time = '', $forum_id = 0, $topic_id = 0, $refresh = true ) { // Verify the reply ID $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); // Reply was passed if ( ! empty( $reply_id ) ) { // Get the topic ID if none was passed if ( empty( $topic_id ) ) { $topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $reply_id ); } // Get the forum ID if none was passed if ( empty( $forum_id ) ) { $forum_id = bbp_get_reply_forum_id( $reply_id ); } } // Set the active_id based on topic_id/reply_id $active_id = empty( $reply_id ) ? $topic_id : $reply_id; // Setup ancestors array to walk up $ancestors = array_values( array_unique( array_merge( array( $topic_id, $forum_id ), (array) get_post_ancestors( $topic_id ) ) ) ); // If we want a full refresh, unset any of the possibly passed variables if ( true === $refresh ) { $forum_id = $topic_id = $reply_id = $active_id = $last_active_time = 0; } // Walk up ancestors if ( ! empty( $ancestors ) ) { foreach ( $ancestors as $ancestor ) { // Reply meta relating to most recent reply if ( bbp_is_reply( $ancestor ) ) { // @todo - hierarchical replies // Topic meta relating to most recent reply } elseif ( bbp_is_topic( $ancestor ) ) { // Only update if reply is published if ( ! bbp_is_reply_pending( $reply_id ) ) { // Last reply and active ID's bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id ( $ancestor, $reply_id ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_id( $ancestor, $active_id ); // Get the last active time if none was passed $topic_last_active_time = $last_active_time; if ( empty( $last_active_time ) ) { $topic_last_active_time = get_post_field( 'post_date', bbp_get_topic_last_active_id( $ancestor ) ); } bbp_update_topic_last_active_time( $ancestor, $topic_last_active_time ); } // Only update reply count if we've deleted a reply if ( in_array( current_filter(), array( 'bbp_deleted_reply', 'save_post' ), true ) ) { bbp_update_topic_reply_count( $ancestor ); bbp_update_topic_reply_count_hidden( $ancestor ); bbp_update_topic_voice_count( $ancestor ); } // Forum meta relating to most recent topic } elseif ( bbp_is_forum( $ancestor ) ) { // Only update if reply is published if ( ! bbp_is_reply_pending( $reply_id ) && ! bbp_is_topic_pending( $topic_id ) ) { // Last topic and reply ID's bbp_update_forum_last_topic_id( $ancestor, $topic_id ); bbp_update_forum_last_reply_id( $ancestor, $reply_id ); // Last Active bbp_update_forum_last_active_id( $ancestor, $active_id ); // Get the last active time if none was passed $forum_last_active_time = $last_active_time; if ( empty( $last_active_time ) ) { $forum_last_active_time = get_post_field( 'post_date', bbp_get_forum_last_active_id( $ancestor ) ); } bbp_update_forum_last_active_time( $ancestor, $forum_last_active_time ); } // Only update reply count if we've deleted a reply if ( in_array( current_filter(), array( 'bbp_deleted_reply', 'save_post' ), true ) ) { bbp_update_forum_reply_count( $ancestor ); } } } } } /** Reply Updaters ************************************************************/ /** * Update the reply with its forum id it is in * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2855) * * @param int $reply_id Optional. Reply id to update * @param int $forum_id Optional. Forum id * @return bool The forum id of the reply */ function bbp_update_reply_forum_id( $reply_id = 0, $forum_id = 0 ) { // Validation $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); $forum_id = bbp_get_forum_id( $forum_id ); // If no forum_id was passed, walk up ancestors and look for forum type if ( empty( $forum_id ) ) { // Get ancestors $ancestors = get_post_ancestors( $reply_id ); // Loop through ancestors if ( ! empty( $ancestors ) ) { foreach ( $ancestors as $ancestor ) { // Get first parent that is a forum if ( get_post_field( 'post_type', $ancestor ) === bbp_get_forum_post_type() ) { $forum_id = $ancestor; // Found a forum, so exit the loop and continue continue; } } } } // Update the forum ID $retval = bbp_update_forum_id( $reply_id, $forum_id ); // Filter & return return (int) apply_filters( 'bbp_update_reply_forum_id', $retval, $reply_id, $forum_id ); } /** * Update the reply with its topic id it is in * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2855) * * @param int $reply_id Optional. Reply id to update * @param int $topic_id Optional. Topic id * @return bool The topic id of the reply */ function bbp_update_reply_topic_id( $reply_id = 0, $topic_id = 0 ) { // Validation $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $topic_id ); // If no topic_id was passed, walk up ancestors and look for topic type if ( empty( $topic_id ) ) { // Get ancestors $ancestors = (array) get_post_ancestors( $reply_id ); // Loop through ancestors if ( ! empty( $ancestors ) ) { foreach ( $ancestors as $ancestor ) { // Get first parent that is a topic if ( get_post_field( 'post_type', $ancestor ) === bbp_get_topic_post_type() ) { $topic_id = $ancestor; // Found a topic, so exit the loop and continue continue; } } } } // Update the topic ID $retval = bbp_update_topic_id( $reply_id, $topic_id ); // Filter & return return (int) apply_filters( 'bbp_update_reply_topic_id', $retval, $reply_id, $topic_id ); } /* * Update the meta data with its parent reply-to id, of a reply * * @since 2.4.0 bbPress (r4944) * * @param int $reply_id Reply id to update * @param int $reply_to Optional. Reply to id * @return bool The parent reply id of the reply */ function bbp_update_reply_to( $reply_id = 0, $reply_to = 0 ) { // Validation $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); $reply_to = bbp_validate_reply_to( $reply_to, $reply_id ); // Update or delete the `reply_to` postmeta if ( ! empty( $reply_id ) ) { // Update the reply to if ( ! empty( $reply_to ) ) { $reply_to = bbp_update_reply_to_id( $reply_id, $reply_to ); // Delete the reply to } else { delete_post_meta( $reply_id, '_bbp_reply_to' ); } } // Filter & return return (int) apply_filters( 'bbp_update_reply_to', $reply_to, $reply_id ); } /** * Get all ancestors to a reply * * Because settings can be changed, this function does not care if hierarchical * replies are active or to what depth. * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r5390) * * @param int $reply_id * @return array */ function bbp_get_reply_ancestors( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Validation $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); $ancestors = array(); // Reply id is valid if ( ! empty( $reply_id ) ) { // Try to get reply parent $reply_to = bbp_get_reply_to( $reply_id ); // Reply has a hierarchical parent if ( ! empty( $reply_to ) ) { // Setup the current ID and current post as an ancestor $id = $reply_to; $ancestors = array( $reply_to ); // Get parent reply while ( $ancestor = bbp_get_reply( $id ) ) { // Does parent have a parent? $grampy_id = bbp_get_reply_to( $ancestor->ID ); // Loop detection: If the ancestor has been seen before, break. if ( empty( $ancestor->post_parent ) || ( $grampy_id === $reply_id ) || in_array( $grampy_id, $ancestors, true ) ) { break; } $id = $ancestors[] = $grampy_id; } } } // Filter & return return (array) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_reply_ancestors', $ancestors, $reply_id ); } /** * Update the revision log of the reply * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2782) * * @param array $args Supports these args: * - reply_id: reply id * - author_id: Author id * - reason: Reason for editing * - revision_id: Revision id * @return mixed False on failure, true on success */ function bbp_update_reply_revision_log( $args = array() ) { // Parse arguments against default values $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array( 'reason' => '', 'reply_id' => 0, 'author_id' => 0, 'revision_id' => 0 ), 'update_reply_revision_log' ); // Populate the variables $r['reason'] = bbp_format_revision_reason( $r['reason'] ); $r['reply_id'] = bbp_get_reply_id( $r['reply_id'] ); $r['author_id'] = bbp_get_user_id ( $r['author_id'], false, true ); $r['revision_id'] = (int) $r['revision_id']; // Get the logs and append the new one to those $revision_log = bbp_get_reply_raw_revision_log( $r['reply_id'] ); $revision_log[ $r['revision_id'] ] = array( 'author' => $r['author_id'], 'reason' => $r['reason'] ); // Finally, update update_post_meta( $r['reply_id'], '_bbp_revision_log', $revision_log ); // Filter & return return apply_filters( 'bbp_update_reply_revision_log', $revision_log, $r['reply_id'] ); } /** * Move reply handler * * Handles the front end move reply submission * * @since 2.3.0 bbPress (r4521) * * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to */ function bbp_move_reply_handler( $action = '' ) { // Bail if action is not 'bbp-move-reply' if ( 'bbp-move-reply' !== $action ) { return; } // Prevent debug notices $move_reply_id = $destination_topic_id = 0; $destination_topic_title = ''; $destination_topic = $move_reply = $source_topic = ''; /** Move Reply ***********************************************************/ if ( empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_id'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_reply_id', __( 'Error: A reply ID is required.', 'bbpress' ) ); } else { $move_reply_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_reply_id']; } $move_reply = bbp_get_reply( $move_reply_id ); // Reply exists if ( empty( $move_reply ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_mover_reply_r_not_found', __( 'Error: The reply you want to move was not found.', 'bbpress' ) ); } /** Topic to Move From ***************************************************/ // Get the current topic a reply is in $source_topic = bbp_get_topic( $move_reply->post_parent ); // No topic if ( empty( $source_topic ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_source_not_found', __( 'Error: The topic you want to move from was not found.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // Nonce check failed if ( ! bbp_verify_nonce_request( 'bbp-move-reply_' . $move_reply->ID ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_nonce', __( 'Error: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress' ) ); return; } // Use cannot edit topic if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_topic', $source_topic->ID ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_source_permission', __( 'Error: You do not have permission to edit the source topic.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // How to move if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_move_option'] ) ) { $move_option = (string) trim( $_POST['bbp_reply_move_option'] ); } // Invalid move option if ( empty( $move_option ) || ! in_array( $move_option, array( 'existing', 'topic' ), true ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_option', __( 'Error: You need to choose a valid move option.', 'bbpress' ) ); // Valid move option } else { // What kind of move switch ( $move_option ) { // Into an existing topic case 'existing' : // Get destination topic id if ( empty( $_POST['bbp_destination_topic'] ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_destination_id', __( 'Error: A topic ID is required.', 'bbpress' ) ); } else { $destination_topic_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_destination_topic']; } // Get the destination topic $destination_topic = bbp_get_topic( $destination_topic_id ); // No destination topic if ( empty( $destination_topic ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_destination_not_found', __( 'Error: The topic you want to move to was not found.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // User cannot edit the destination topic if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_topic', $destination_topic->ID ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_destination_permission', __( 'Error: You do not have permission to edit the destination topic.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // Bump the reply position $reply_position = bbp_get_topic_reply_count( $destination_topic->ID, true ) + 1; // Update the reply wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $move_reply->ID, 'post_title' => '', 'post_name' => false, // will be automatically generated 'post_parent' => $destination_topic->ID, 'menu_order' => $reply_position, 'guid' => '' ) ); // Adjust reply meta values bbp_update_reply_topic_id( $move_reply->ID, $destination_topic->ID ); bbp_update_reply_forum_id( $move_reply->ID, bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $destination_topic->ID ) ); break; // Move reply to a new topic case 'topic' : default : // User needs to be able to publish topics if ( current_user_can( 'publish_topics' ) ) { // Use the new title that was passed if ( ! empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_move_destination_title'] ) ) { $destination_topic_title = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['bbp_reply_move_destination_title'] ); // Use the source topic title } else { $destination_topic_title = $source_topic->post_title; } // Update the topic $destination_topic_id = wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $move_reply->ID, 'post_title' => $destination_topic_title, 'post_name' => false, 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_parent' => $source_topic->post_parent, 'guid' => '' ) ); $destination_topic = bbp_get_topic( $destination_topic_id ); // Make sure the new topic knows its a topic bbp_update_topic_topic_id( $move_reply->ID ); // Shouldn't happen if ( false === $destination_topic_id || is_wp_error( $destination_topic_id ) || empty( $destination_topic ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_destination_reply', __( 'Error: There was a problem converting the reply into the topic. Please try again.', 'bbpress' ) ); } // User cannot publish posts } else { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_move_reply_destination_permission', __( 'Error: You do not have permission to create new topics. The reply could not be converted into a topic.', 'bbpress' ) ); } break; } } // Bail if there are errors if ( bbp_has_errors() ) { return; } /** No Errors - Clean Up **************************************************/ // Update counts, etc... do_action( 'bbp_pre_move_reply', $move_reply->ID, $source_topic->ID, $destination_topic->ID ); /** Date Check ************************************************************/ // Check if the destination topic is older than the move reply if ( strtotime( $move_reply->post_date ) < strtotime( $destination_topic->post_date ) ) { // Set destination topic post_date to 1 second before from reply $destination_post_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $move_reply->post_date ) - 1 ); // Update destination topic wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $destination_topic_id, 'post_date' => $destination_post_date, 'post_date_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date( $destination_post_date ) ) ); } // Set the last reply ID and freshness to the move_reply $last_reply_id = $move_reply->ID; $freshness = $move_reply->post_date; // Get the reply to $parent = bbp_get_reply_to( $move_reply->ID ); // Fix orphaned children $children = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'meta_key' => '_bbp_reply_to', 'meta_type' => 'NUMERIC', 'meta_value' => $move_reply->ID, ) ); foreach ( $children as $child ) { bbp_update_reply_to( $child->ID, $parent ); } // Remove reply_to from moved reply delete_post_meta( $move_reply->ID, '_bbp_reply_to' ); // It is a new topic and we need to set some default metas to make // the topic display in bbp_has_topics() list if ( 'topic' === $move_option ) { bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id ( $destination_topic->ID, $last_reply_id ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_id ( $destination_topic->ID, $last_reply_id ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_time( $destination_topic->ID, $freshness ); // Otherwise update the existing destination topic } else { bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id ( $destination_topic->ID ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_id ( $destination_topic->ID ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_time( $destination_topic->ID ); } // Update source topic ID last active bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id ( $source_topic->ID ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_id ( $source_topic->ID ); bbp_update_topic_last_active_time( $source_topic->ID ); /** Successful Move ******************************************************/ // Update counts, etc... do_action( 'bbp_post_move_reply', $move_reply->ID, $source_topic->ID, $destination_topic->ID ); // Redirect back to the topic bbp_redirect( bbp_get_topic_permalink( $destination_topic->ID ) ); } /** * Fix counts on reply move * * When a reply is moved, update the counts of source and destination topic * and their forums. * * @since 2.3.0 bbPress (r4521) * * @param int $move_reply_id Move reply id * @param int $source_topic_id Source topic id * @param int $destination_topic_id Destination topic id */ function bbp_move_reply_count( $move_reply_id, $source_topic_id, $destination_topic_id ) { // Forum topic counts bbp_update_forum_topic_count( bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $destination_topic_id ) ); // Forum reply counts bbp_update_forum_reply_count( bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $destination_topic_id ) ); // Topic reply counts bbp_update_topic_reply_count( $source_topic_id ); bbp_update_topic_reply_count( $destination_topic_id ); // Topic hidden reply counts bbp_update_topic_reply_count_hidden( $source_topic_id ); bbp_update_topic_reply_count_hidden( $destination_topic_id ); // Topic voice counts bbp_update_topic_voice_count( $source_topic_id ); bbp_update_topic_voice_count( $destination_topic_id ); do_action( 'bbp_move_reply_count', $move_reply_id, $source_topic_id, $destination_topic_id ); } /** Reply Actions *************************************************************/ /** * Handles the front end spamming/unspamming and trashing/untrashing/deleting of * replies * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2740) * * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to */ function bbp_toggle_reply_handler( $action = '' ) { // Bail if required GET actions aren't passed if ( empty( $_GET['reply_id'] ) ) { return; } // What's the reply id? $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( (int) $_GET['reply_id'] ); // Get possible reply-handler toggles $toggles = bbp_get_reply_toggles( $reply_id ); // Bail if action isn't meant for this function if ( ! in_array( $action, $toggles, true ) ) { return; } // Make sure reply exists $reply = bbp_get_reply( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_toggle_reply_missing', __( 'Error: This reply could not be found or no longer exists.', 'bbpress' ) ); return; } // What is the user doing here? if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_reply', $reply_id ) || ( 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash' === $action && ! current_user_can( 'delete_reply', $reply_id ) ) ) { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_toggle_reply_permission', __( 'Error: You do not have permission to do that.', 'bbpress' ) ); return; } // Sub-action? $sub_action = ! empty( $_GET['sub_action'] ) ? sanitize_key( $_GET['sub_action'] ) : false; // Preliminary array $post_data = array( 'ID' => $reply_id ); // Do the reply toggling $retval = bbp_toggle_reply( array( 'id' => $reply_id, 'action' => $action, 'sub_action' => $sub_action, 'data' => $post_data ) ); // Do additional reply toggle actions do_action( 'bbp_toggle_reply_handler', $retval['status'], $post_data, $action ); // Redirect back to reply if ( ( false !== $retval['status'] ) && ! is_wp_error( $retval['status'] ) ) { bbp_redirect( $retval['redirect_to'] ); // Handle errors } else { bbp_add_error( 'bbp_toggle_reply', $retval['message'] ); } } /** * Do the actual reply toggling * * This function is used by `bbp_toggle_reply_handler()` to do the actual heavy * lifting when it comes to toggling replies. It only really makes sense to call * within that context, so if you need to call this function directly, make sure * you're also doing what the handler does too. * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6133) * @access private * * @param array $args */ function bbp_toggle_reply( $args = array() ) { // Parse the arguments $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array( 'id' => 0, 'action' => '', 'sub_action' => '', 'data' => array() ) ); // Build the nonce suffix $nonce_suffix = bbp_get_reply_post_type() . '_' . (int) $r['id']; // Default return values $retval = array( 'status' => 0, 'message' => '', 'redirect_to' => bbp_get_reply_url( $r['id'], bbp_get_redirect_to() ), 'view_all' => false ); // What action are we trying to perform? switch ( $r['action'] ) { // Toggle approve case 'bbp_toggle_reply_approve' : check_ajax_referer( "approve-{$nonce_suffix}" ); $is_approve = bbp_is_reply_pending( $r['id'] ); $retval['status'] = $is_approve ? bbp_approve_reply( $r['id'] ) : bbp_unapprove_reply( $r['id'] ); $retval['message'] = $is_approve ? __( 'Error: There was a problem approving the reply.', 'bbpress' ) : __( 'Error: There was a problem unapproving the reply.', 'bbpress' ); $retval['view_all'] = ! $is_approve; break; // Toggle spam case 'bbp_toggle_reply_spam' : check_ajax_referer( "spam-{$nonce_suffix}" ); $is_spam = bbp_is_reply_spam( $r['id'] ); $retval['status'] = $is_spam ? bbp_unspam_reply( $r['id'] ) : bbp_spam_reply( $r['id'] ); $retval['message'] = $is_spam ? __( 'Error: There was a problem unmarking the reply as spam.', 'bbpress' ) : __( 'Error: There was a problem marking the reply as spam.', 'bbpress' ); $retval['view_all'] = ! $is_spam; break; // Toggle trash case 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash' : // Which subaction? switch ( $r['sub_action'] ) { case 'trash': check_ajax_referer( "trash-{$nonce_suffix}" ); $retval['view_all'] = true; $retval['status'] = wp_trash_post( $r['id'] ); $retval['message'] = __( 'Error: There was a problem trashing the reply.', 'bbpress' ); break; case 'untrash': check_ajax_referer( "untrash-{$nonce_suffix}" ); $retval['status'] = wp_untrash_post( $r['id'] ); $retval['message'] = __( 'Error: There was a problem untrashing the reply.', 'bbpress' ); break; case 'delete': check_ajax_referer( "delete-{$nonce_suffix}" ); $retval['status'] = wp_delete_post( $r['id'] ); $retval['message'] = __( 'Error: There was a problem deleting the reply.', 'bbpress' ); break; } break; } // Add view all if needed if ( ! empty( $retval['view_all'] ) ) { $retval['redirect_to'] = bbp_add_view_all( $retval['redirect_to'], true ); } // Filter & return return apply_filters( 'bbp_toggle_reply', $retval, $r, $args ); } /** Helpers *******************************************************************/ /** * Return an associative array of available reply statuses * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r5399) * * @param int $reply_id Optional. Reply id. * * @return array */ function bbp_get_reply_statuses( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Filter & return return (array) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_reply_statuses', array( bbp_get_public_status_id() => _x( 'Publish', 'Publish the reply', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_spam_status_id() => _x( 'Spam', 'Spam the reply', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_trash_status_id() => _x( 'Trash', 'Trash the reply', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_pending_status_id() => _x( 'Pending', 'Mark reply as pending', 'bbpress' ) ), $reply_id ); } /** * Return array of available reply toggle actions * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6133) * * @param int $reply_id Optional. Reply id. * * @return array */ function bbp_get_reply_toggles( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Filter & return return (array) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_toggle_reply_actions', array( 'bbp_toggle_reply_spam', 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash', 'bbp_toggle_reply_approve' ), $reply_id ); } /** * Return array of public reply statuses. * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6705) * * @return array */ function bbp_get_public_reply_statuses() { $statuses = array( bbp_get_public_status_id() ); // Filter & return return (array) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_public_reply_statuses', $statuses ); } /** * Return array of non-public reply statuses. * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6791) * * @return array */ function bbp_get_non_public_reply_statuses() { $statuses = array( bbp_get_trash_status_id(), bbp_get_spam_status_id(), bbp_get_pending_status_id() ); // Filter & return return (array) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_non_public_reply_statuses', $statuses ); } /** Reply Actions *************************************************************/ /** * Marks a reply as spam * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2740) * * @param int $reply_id Reply id * @return mixed False or {@link WP_Error} on failure, reply id on success */ function bbp_spam_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Get reply $reply = bbp_get_reply( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply ) ) { return $reply; } // Bail if already spam if ( bbp_get_spam_status_id() === $reply->post_status ) { return false; } // Execute pre spam code do_action( 'bbp_spam_reply', $reply_id ); // Add the original post status as post meta for future restoration add_post_meta( $reply_id, '_bbp_spam_meta_status', $reply->post_status ); // Set post status to spam $reply->post_status = bbp_get_spam_status_id(); // No revisions remove_action( 'pre_post_update', 'wp_save_post_revision' ); // Update the reply $reply_id = wp_update_post( $reply ); // Execute post spam code do_action( 'bbp_spammed_reply', $reply_id ); // Return reply_id return $reply_id; } /** * Unspams a reply * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2740) * * @param int $reply_id Reply id * @return mixed False or {@link WP_Error} on failure, reply id on success */ function bbp_unspam_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Get reply $reply = bbp_get_reply( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply ) ) { return $reply; } // Bail if already not spam if ( bbp_get_spam_status_id() !== $reply->post_status ) { return false; } // Execute pre unspam code do_action( 'bbp_unspam_reply', $reply_id ); // Get pre spam status $reply->post_status = get_post_meta( $reply_id, '_bbp_spam_meta_status', true ); // If no previous status, default to publish if ( empty( $reply->post_status ) ) { $reply->post_status = bbp_get_public_status_id(); } // Delete pre spam meta delete_post_meta( $reply_id, '_bbp_spam_meta_status' ); // No revisions remove_action( 'pre_post_update', 'wp_save_post_revision' ); // Update the reply $reply_id = wp_update_post( $reply ); // Execute post unspam code do_action( 'bbp_unspammed_reply', $reply_id ); // Return reply_id return $reply_id; } /** * Approves a reply * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r5506) * * @param int $reply_id Reply id * @return mixed False or {@link WP_Error} on failure, reply id on success */ function bbp_approve_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Get reply $reply = bbp_get_reply( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply ) ) { return $reply; } // Get new status $status = bbp_get_public_status_id(); // Bail if already approved if ( $status === $reply->post_status ) { return false; } // Execute pre pending code do_action( 'bbp_approve_reply', $reply_id ); // Set publish status $reply->post_status = $status; // Set post date GMT - prevents post_date override in wp_update_post() $reply->post_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date( $reply->post_date ); // No revisions remove_action( 'pre_post_update', 'wp_save_post_revision' ); // Update reply $reply_id = wp_update_post( $reply ); // Execute post pending code do_action( 'bbp_approved_reply', $reply_id ); // Return reply_id return $reply_id; } /** * Unapproves a reply * * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r5506) * * @param int $reply_id Reply id * @return mixed False or {@link WP_Error} on failure, reply id on success */ function bbp_unapprove_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { // Get reply $reply = bbp_get_reply( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply ) ) { return $reply; } // Get new status $status = bbp_get_pending_status_id(); // Bail if already pending if ( $status === $reply->post_status ) { return false; } // Execute pre open code do_action( 'bbp_unapprove_reply', $reply_id ); // Set pending status $reply->post_status = $status; // No revisions remove_action( 'pre_post_update', 'wp_save_post_revision' ); // Update reply $reply_id = wp_update_post( $reply ); // Execute post open code do_action( 'bbp_unapproved_reply', $reply_id ); // Return reply_id return $reply_id; } /** Before Delete/Trash/Untrash ***********************************************/ /** * Called before deleting a reply */ function bbp_delete_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply_id ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bbp_delete_reply', $reply_id ); } /** * Called before trashing a reply */ function bbp_trash_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply_id ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bbp_trash_reply', $reply_id ); } /** * Called before untrashing (restoring) a reply */ function bbp_untrash_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply_id ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bbp_untrash_reply', $reply_id ); } /** After Delete/Trash/Untrash ************************************************/ /** * Called after deleting a reply * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2993) */ function bbp_deleted_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply_id ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bbp_deleted_reply', $reply_id ); } /** * Called after trashing a reply * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2993) */ function bbp_trashed_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply_id ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bbp_trashed_reply', $reply_id ); } /** * Called after untrashing (restoring) a reply * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2993) */ function bbp_untrashed_reply( $reply_id = 0 ) { $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); if ( empty( $reply_id ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_id ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bbp_untrashed_reply', $reply_id ); } /** Settings ******************************************************************/ /** * Return the replies per page setting * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r3540) * * @param int $default Default replies per page (15) * @return int */ function bbp_get_replies_per_page( $default = 15 ) { // Get database option and cast as integer $retval = get_option( '_bbp_replies_per_page', $default ); // If return val is empty, set it to default if ( empty( $retval ) ) { $retval = $default; } // Filter & return return (int) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_replies_per_page', $retval, $default ); } /** * Return the replies per RSS page setting * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r3540) * * @param int $default Default replies per page (25) * @return int */ function bbp_get_replies_per_rss_page( $default = 25 ) { // Get database option and cast as integer $retval = get_option( '_bbp_replies_per_rss_page', $default ); // If return val is empty, set it to default if ( empty( $retval ) ) { $retval = $default; } // Filter & return return (int) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_replies_per_rss_page', $retval, $default ); } /** Autoembed *****************************************************************/ /** * Check if autoembeds are enabled and hook them in if so * * @since 2.1.0 bbPress (r3752) * * @global WP_Embed $wp_embed */ function bbp_reply_content_autoembed() { global $wp_embed; if ( bbp_use_autoembed() && is_a( $wp_embed, 'WP_Embed' ) ) { add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_content', array( $wp_embed, 'autoembed' ), 2 ); } } /** Filters *******************************************************************/ /** * Used by bbp_has_replies() to add the lead topic post to the posts loop * * This function filters the 'post_where' of the WP_Query, and changes the query * to include both the topic AND its children in the same loop. * * @since 2.1.0 bbPress (r4058) * * @param string $where * @return string */ function _bbp_has_replies_where( $where = '', $query = false ) { /** Bail ******************************************************************/ // Bail if the sky is falling if ( empty( $where ) || empty( $query ) ) { return $where; } // Bail if no post_parent to replace if ( ! is_numeric( $query->get( 'post_parent' ) ) ) { return $where; } // Bail if not a topic and reply query if ( array( bbp_get_topic_post_type(), bbp_get_reply_post_type() ) !== $query->get( 'post_type' ) ) { return $where; } // Bail if including specific post ID's if ( $query->get( 'post__in' ) ) { return $where; } /** Proceed ***************************************************************/ // Table name for posts $table_name = bbp_db()->prefix . 'posts'; // Get the topic ID from the post_parent, set in bbp_has_replies() $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $query->get( 'post_parent' ) ); // The texts to search for $search = array( "FROM {$table_name} ", "WHERE 1=1 AND {$table_name}.post_parent = {$topic_id}", ") AND {$table_name}.post_parent = {$topic_id}" ); // The texts to replace them with $replace = array( $search[0] . 'FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY, post_parent) ', "WHERE 1=1 AND ({$table_name}.ID = {$topic_id} OR {$table_name}.post_parent = {$topic_id})", ") AND ({$table_name}.ID = {$topic_id} OR {$table_name}.post_parent = {$topic_id})" ); // Try to replace the search text with the replacement $new_where = str_replace( $search, $replace, $where ); if ( ! empty( $new_where ) ) { $where = $new_where; } return $where; } /** Feeds *********************************************************************/ /** * Output an RSS2 feed of replies, based on the query passed. * * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r3171) * * @param array $replies_query */ function bbp_display_replies_feed_rss2( $replies_query = array() ) { // User cannot access forum this topic is in if ( bbp_is_single_topic() && ! bbp_user_can_view_forum( array( 'forum_id' => bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ) ) ) { return; } // Adjust the title based on context if ( bbp_is_single_topic() ) { $title = get_wp_title_rss(); } elseif ( ! bbp_show_lead_topic() ) { $title = get_bloginfo_rss( 'name' ) . ' » ' . __( 'All Posts', 'bbpress' ); } else { $title = get_bloginfo_rss( 'name' ) . ' » ' . __( 'All Replies', 'bbpress' ); } $title = apply_filters( 'wp_title_rss', $title ); // Display the feed header( 'Content-Type: ' . feed_content_type( 'rss2' ) . '; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), true ); header( 'Status: 200 OK' ); echo ''; ?> > <?php echo $title; // Already escaped ?> bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ) ) ) : ?> <![CDATA[<?php bbp_topic_title(); ?>]]>

<![CDATA[<?php bbp_reply_title(); ?>]]> ]]>
update( $bbp_db->posts, array( 'menu_order' => $reply_position ), array( 'ID' => $reply_id ) ); clean_post_cache( $reply_id ); // Toggle revisions back on if ( true === $removed ) { $removed = false; add_filter( 'clean_post_cache', 'bbp_clean_post_cache', 10, 2 ); } return (int) $reply_position; } /** * Get the position of a reply by querying the DB directly for the replies * of a given topic. * * @since 2.1.0 bbPress (r3933) * * @param int $reply_id * @param int $topic_id */ function bbp_get_reply_position_raw( $reply_id = 0, $topic_id = 0 ) { // Get required data $reply_position = 0; $reply_id = bbp_get_reply_id( $reply_id ); $topic_id = ! empty( $topic_id ) ? bbp_get_topic_id( $topic_id ) : bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $reply_id ); // If reply is actually the first post in a topic, return 0 if ( $reply_id !== $topic_id ) { // Make sure the topic has replies before running another query $reply_count = bbp_get_topic_reply_count( $topic_id, false ); if ( ! empty( $reply_count ) ) { // Get reply id's $topic_replies = bbp_get_all_child_ids( $topic_id, bbp_get_reply_post_type() ); if ( ! empty( $topic_replies ) ) { // Reverse replies array and search for current reply position $topic_replies = array_reverse( $topic_replies ); $reply_position = array_search( (string) $reply_id, $topic_replies ); // Bump the position to compensate for the lead topic post $reply_position++; } } } return (int) $reply_position; } /** Hierarchical Replies ******************************************************/ /** * Are replies threaded? * * @since 2.4.0 bbPress (r4944) * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6245) Always false on user profile reply pages * * @param bool $default Optional. Default value true * * @return bool Are replies threaded? */ function bbp_thread_replies() { $depth = bbp_thread_replies_depth(); $allow = bbp_allow_threaded_replies(); // Never thread replies on user profile pages. It looks weird, and we know // it is undesirable for the majority of installations. if ( bbp_is_single_user_replies() ) { $retval = false; } else { $retval = (bool) ( ( $depth >= 2 ) && ( true === $allow ) ); } // Filter & return return (bool) apply_filters( 'bbp_thread_replies', $retval, $depth, $allow ); } /** * List threaded replies * * @since 2.4.0 bbPress (r4944) */ function bbp_list_replies( $args = array() ) { // Get bbPress $bbp = bbpress(); // Reset the reply depth $bbp->reply_query->reply_depth = 0; // In reply loop $bbp->reply_query->in_the_loop = true; // Parse arguments $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array( 'walker' => new BBP_Walker_Reply(), 'max_depth' => bbp_thread_replies_depth(), 'style' => 'ul', 'callback' => null, 'end_callback' => null, 'page' => 1, 'per_page' => -1 ), 'list_replies' ); // Allowed styles (supported by BBP_Walker_Reply) $allowed = array( 'div', 'ol', 'ul' ); // Get style $style = in_array( $r['style'], $allowed, true ) ? $r['style'] : 'ul'; // Walk the replies $walked_html = $r['walker']->paged_walk( $bbp->reply_query->posts, $r['max_depth'], $r['page'], $r['per_page'], $r ); // Override the "max_num_pages" setting $bbp->max_num_pages = $r['walker']->max_pages; // No longer in reply loop $bbp->reply_query->in_the_loop = false; // Output the replies list echo "<{$style} class='bbp-replies-list'>" . $walked_html . ""; } /** * Validate a `reply_to` field for hierarchical replies * * Checks for 2 scenarios: * -- The reply to ID is actually a reply * -- The reply to ID does not match the current reply * * @see https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2588 * @see https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2586 * * @since 2.5.4 bbPress (r5377) * * @param int $reply_to * @param int $reply_id * * @return int $reply_to */ function bbp_validate_reply_to( $reply_to = 0, $reply_id = 0 ) { // The parent reply must actually be a reply if ( ! bbp_is_reply( $reply_to ) ) { $reply_to = 0; } // The parent reply cannot be itself if ( $reply_id === $reply_to ) { $reply_to = 0; } return (int) $reply_to; }