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PHP Cross Reference of BBPress




/src/includes/core/ -> update.php (summary)

bbPress Updater

File Size: 631 lines (16 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 18 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

bbp_is_install()   X-Ref
If there is no raw DB version, this is the first installation

return: bool True if update, False if not
since: 2.1.0 bbPress (r3764)

bbp_is_update()   X-Ref
Compare the bbPress version to the DB version to determine if updating

return: bool True if update, False if not
since: 2.0.0 bbPress (r3421)

bbp_is_activation( $basename = '' )   X-Ref
Determine if bbPress is being activated

Note that this function currently is not used in bbPress core and is here
for third party plugins to use to check for bbPress activation.

return: bool True if activating bbPress, false if not
since: 2.0.0 bbPress (r3421)

bbp_is_deactivation( $basename = '' )   X-Ref
Determine if bbPress is being deactivated

return: bool True if deactivating bbPress, false if not
since: 2.0.0 bbPress (r3421)

bbp_version_bump()   X-Ref
Update the DB to the latest version

since: 2.0.0 bbPress (r3421)

bbp_setup_updater()   X-Ref
Setup the bbPress updater

since: 2.0.0 bbPress (r3419)

bbp_setup_new_site( $site_id = 0 )   X-Ref
Runs when a new site is created in a multisite network, and bbPress is active
on that site (hooked to `bbp_new_site`)

since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6779)

bbp_create_initial_content( $args = array()   X-Ref
Create a default forum, topic, and reply

param: array $args Array of arguments to override default values
since: 2.1.0 bbPress (r3767)

bbp_version_updater()   X-Ref
The version updater looks at what the current database version is, and
runs whatever other code is needed.

This is most-often used when the data schema changes, but should also be used
to correct issues with bbPress meta-data silently on software update.

since: 2.2.0 bbPress (r4104)

bbp_add_activation_redirect()   X-Ref
Redirect user to the "What's New" page on activation

return: If network admin or bulk activation
since: 2.2.0 bbPress (r4389)

bbp_do_activation_redirect()   X-Ref
Redirect user to "What's New" page on activation

return: If no transient, or in network admin, or is bulk activation
since: 2.2.0 bbPress (r4389)

bbp_make_current_user_keymaster()   X-Ref
Hooked to the 'bbp_activate' action, this helper function automatically makes
the current user a Key Master in the forums if they just activated bbPress,
regardless of the bbp_allow_global_access() setting.

return: If user can't activate plugins or is already a keymaster
since: 2.4.0 bbPress (r4910)

bbp_get_pending_upgrade_count( $type = '' )   X-Ref
Return the number of pending upgrades

param: string $type Type of pending upgrades (upgrade|repair|empty)
return: int
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6895)

bbp_get_pending_upgrades( $type = '' )   X-Ref
Return an array of pending upgrades

param: string $type Type of pending upgrades (upgrade|repair|empty)
return: array
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6895)

bbp_add_pending_upgrade( $upgrade_id = '' )   X-Ref
Add an upgrade ID to pending upgrades array

param: string $upgrade_id
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6895)

bbp_remove_pending_upgrade( $upgrade_id = '' )   X-Ref
Add an upgrade ID to pending upgrades array

param: string $upgrade_id
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6895)

bbp_clear_pending_upgrades()   X-Ref
Delete all pending upgrades

since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6895)

bbp_maybe_append_pending_upgrade_count( $string = '', $type = '' )   X-Ref
Maybe append an upgrade count to a string

param: string $string Text to append count to
param: string $type   Type of pending upgrades (upgrade|repair|empty)
return: string
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6896)

Generated: Sun Mar 9 01:00:55 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1