[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of BBPress




/src/includes/core/ -> actions.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * bbPress Actions
   5   *
   6   * This file contains the actions that are used through-out bbPress. They are
   7   * consolidated here to make searching for them easier, and to help developers
   8   * understand at a glance the order in which things occur.
   9   *
  10   * There are a few common places that additional actions can currently be found
  11   *
  12   *  - bbPress: In {@link bbPress::setup_actions()} in bbpress.php
  13   *  - Admin: More in {@link BBP_Admin::setup_actions()} in admin.php
  14   *
  15   * @package bbPress
  16   * @subpackage Core
  17   *
  18   * @see /core/filters.php
  19   */
  21  // Exit if accessed directly
  22  defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
  24  /**
  25   * Attach bbPress to WordPress
  26   *
  27   * bbPress uses its own internal actions to help aid in third-party plugin
  28   * development, and to limit the amount of potential future code changes when
  29   * updates to WordPress core occur.
  30   *
  31   * These actions exist to create the concept of 'plugin dependencies'. They
  32   * provide a safe way for plugins to execute code *only* when bbPress is
  33   * installed and activated, without needing to do complicated guesswork.
  34   *
  35   * For more information on how this works, see the 'Plugin Dependency' section
  36   * near the bottom of this file.
  37   *
  38   *           v--WordPress Actions        v--bbPress Sub-actions
  39   */
  40  add_action( 'plugins_loaded',           'bbp_loaded',                 10    );
  41  add_action( 'init',                     'bbp_init',                   0     ); // Early for bbp_register
  42  add_action( 'parse_query',              'bbp_parse_query',            2     ); // Early for overrides
  43  add_action( 'generate_rewrite_rules',   'bbp_generate_rewrite_rules', 10    );
  44  add_action( 'after_setup_theme',        'bbp_after_setup_theme',      10    );
  45  add_action( 'setup_theme',              'bbp_setup_theme',            10    );
  46  add_action( 'set_current_user',         'bbp_setup_current_user',     10    );
  47  add_action( 'profile_update',           'bbp_profile_update',         10, 2 ); // user_id and old_user_data
  48  add_action( 'user_register',            'bbp_user_register',          10    );
  49  add_action( 'login_form_login',         'bbp_login_form_login',       10    );
  50  add_action( 'template_redirect',        'bbp_template_redirect',      8     ); // Before BuddyPress's 10 [BB2225]
  51  add_action( 'widgets_init',             'bbp_widgets_init',           10    );
  52  add_action( 'wp_roles_init',            'bbp_roles_init',             10    );
  53  add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts',       'bbp_enqueue_scripts',        10    );
  54  add_action( 'wp_head',                  'bbp_head',                   10    );
  55  add_action( 'wp_footer',                'bbp_footer',                 10    );
  56  add_action( 'transition_post_status',   'bbp_transition_post_status', 10, 3 );
  58  /**
  59   * bbp_loaded - Attached to 'plugins_loaded' above
  60   *
  61   * Attach various loader actions to the bbp_loaded action.
  62   * The load order helps to execute code at the correct time.
  63   *                                                         v---Load order
  64   */
  65  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_constants',                 2  );
  66  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_boot_strap_globals',        4  );
  67  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_includes',                  6  );
  68  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_setup_globals',             8  );
  69  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_setup_option_filters',      10 );
  70  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_setup_user_option_filters', 12 );
  71  add_action( 'bbp_loaded', 'bbp_pre_load_options',          14 );
  73  /**
  74   * bbp_init - Attached to 'init' above
  75   *
  76   * Attach various initialization actions to the init action.
  77   * The load order helps to execute code at the correct time.
  78   *                                               v---Load order
  79   */
  80  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_load_textdomain',   0   );
  81  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_register',          10  );
  82  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_add_rewrite_tags',  20  );
  83  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_add_rewrite_rules', 30  );
  84  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_add_permastructs',  40  );
  85  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_setup_engagements', 50  );
  86  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_ready',             999 );
  88  /**
  89   * bbp_setup_theme - Attached to 'setup_theme' above
  90   *
  91   * Attach various theme related actions to the setup_theme action.
  92   * The load order helps to execute code at the correct time.
  93   *                                                            v---Load order
  94   */
  95  add_action( 'bbp_setup_theme', 'bbp_register_theme_packages', 2 ); // Lower than 5
  97  /**
  98   * bbp_roles_init - Attached to 'wp_roles_init' above
  99   *
 100   * Attach various role related actions to the wp_roles_init action.
 101   * The load order helps to execute code at the correct time.
 102   *                                                    v---Load order
 103   */
 104  add_action( 'bbp_roles_init', 'bbp_add_forums_roles', 8 );
 106  /**
 107   * When setting up the current user, make sure they have a role for the forums.
 108   *
 109   * This is multisite aware, thanks to bbp_filter_user_roles_option(), hooked to
 110   * the 'bbp_loaded' action above.
 111   */
 112  add_action( 'bbp_setup_current_user', 'bbp_set_current_user_default_role' );
 114  /**
 115   * bbp_register - Attached to 'init' above on 0 priority
 116   *
 117   * Attach various initialization actions early to the init action.
 118   * The load order helps to execute code at the correct time.
 119   *                                                         v---Load order
 120   */
 121  add_action( 'bbp_register', 'bbp_register_post_types',     2  );
 122  add_action( 'bbp_register', 'bbp_register_post_statuses',  4  );
 123  add_action( 'bbp_register', 'bbp_register_taxonomies',     6  );
 124  add_action( 'bbp_register', 'bbp_register_views',          8  );
 125  add_action( 'bbp_register', 'bbp_register_shortcodes',     10 );
 126  add_action( 'bbp_register', 'bbp_register_meta',           12 );
 128  // Autoembeds
 129  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_reply_content_autoembed', 8 );
 130  add_action( 'bbp_init', 'bbp_topic_content_autoembed', 8 );
 132  // <body> class swap from "bbp-no-js" to "bbp-js"
 133  add_action( 'wp_body_open', 'bbp_swap_no_js_body_class' );
 134  add_action( 'bbp_footer',   'bbp_swap_no_js_body_class' );
 136  /**
 137   * bbp_ready - attached to end 'bbp_init' above
 138   *
 139   * Attach actions to the ready action after bbPress has fully initialized.
 140   * The load order helps to execute code at the correct time.
 141   *                                                v---Load order
 142   */
 143  add_action( 'bbp_ready',  'bbp_setup_akismet',    2  ); // Spam prevention for topics and replies
 145  // Setup BuddyPress using its own hook
 146  add_action( 'bp_include', 'bbp_setup_buddypress', 10 ); // Social network integration
 148  // Try to load the bbpress-functions.php file from the active themes
 149  add_action( 'bbp_after_setup_theme', 'bbp_load_theme_functions', 10 );
 151  // Widgets
 152  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Login_Widget',   'register_widget' ), 10 );
 153  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Views_Widget',   'register_widget' ), 10 );
 154  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Search_Widget',  'register_widget' ), 10 );
 155  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Forums_Widget',  'register_widget' ), 10 );
 156  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Topics_Widget',  'register_widget' ), 10 );
 157  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Replies_Widget', 'register_widget' ), 10 );
 158  add_action( 'bbp_widgets_init', array( 'BBP_Stats_Widget',   'register_widget' ), 10 );
 160  // Notices
 161  add_action( 'bbp_template_notices', 'bbp_template_notices',                20 );
 162  add_action( 'bbp_template_notices', 'bbp_login_notices'                       );
 163  add_action( 'bbp_template_notices', 'bbp_topic_notices'                       );
 164  add_action( 'bbp_template_notices', 'bbp_notice_edit_user_success'            );
 165  add_action( 'bbp_template_notices', 'bbp_notice_edit_user_pending_email'      );
 166  add_action( 'bbp_template_notices', 'bbp_notice_edit_user_is_super_admin', 2  );
 168  // Always exclude private/hidden forums if needed
 169  add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'bbp_pre_get_posts_normalize_forum_visibility', 4 );
 171  // Before Delete/Trash/Untrash Forum
 172  add_action( 'wp_trash_post',      'bbp_trash_forum'   );
 173  add_action( 'trash_post',         'bbp_trash_forum'   );
 174  add_action( 'untrash_post',       'bbp_untrash_forum' );
 175  add_action( 'before_delete_post', 'bbp_delete_forum'  );
 177  // After Deleted/Trashed/Untrashed Forum
 178  add_action( 'trashed_post',   'bbp_trashed_forum'   );
 179  add_action( 'untrashed_post', 'bbp_untrashed_forum' );
 180  add_action( 'deleted_post',   'bbp_deleted_forum'   );
 182  // Auto trash/untrash/delete a forums topics
 183  add_action( 'bbp_delete_forum',  'bbp_delete_forum_topics',  10 );
 184  add_action( 'bbp_trash_forum',   'bbp_trash_forum_topics',   10 );
 185  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_forum', 'bbp_untrash_forum_topics', 10 );
 187  // New/Edit Forum
 188  add_action( 'bbp_new_forum',  'bbp_update_forum', 10 );
 189  add_action( 'bbp_edit_forum', 'bbp_update_forum', 10 );
 191  // Save forum extra metadata
 192  add_action( 'bbp_new_forum_post_extras',         'bbp_save_forum_extras', 2 );
 193  add_action( 'bbp_edit_forum_post_extras',        'bbp_save_forum_extras', 2 );
 194  add_action( 'bbp_forum_attributes_metabox_save', 'bbp_save_forum_extras', 2 );
 196  // New/Edit Reply
 197  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply',  'bbp_update_reply', 10, 7 );
 198  add_action( 'bbp_edit_reply', 'bbp_update_reply', 10, 7 );
 200  // Before Delete/Trash/Untrash Reply
 201  add_action( 'wp_trash_post',      'bbp_trash_reply'   );
 202  add_action( 'trash_post',         'bbp_trash_reply'   );
 203  add_action( 'untrash_post',       'bbp_untrash_reply' );
 204  add_action( 'before_delete_post', 'bbp_delete_reply'  );
 206  // After Deleted/Trashed/Untrashed Reply
 207  add_action( 'trashed_post',   'bbp_trashed_reply'   );
 208  add_action( 'untrashed_post', 'bbp_untrashed_reply' );
 209  add_action( 'deleted_post',   'bbp_deleted_reply'   );
 211  // New/Edit Topic
 212  add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',  'bbp_update_topic', 10, 5 );
 213  add_action( 'bbp_edit_topic', 'bbp_update_topic', 10, 5 );
 215  // Split/Merge Topic
 216  add_action( 'bbp_merged_topic',     'bbp_merge_topic_count', 1, 3 );
 217  add_action( 'bbp_post_split_topic', 'bbp_split_topic_count', 1, 3 );
 219  // Move Reply
 220  add_action( 'bbp_post_move_reply', 'bbp_move_reply_count', 1, 3 );
 222  // Before Delete/Trash/Untrash Topic
 223  add_action( 'wp_trash_post',      'bbp_trash_topic'   );
 224  add_action( 'trash_post',         'bbp_trash_topic'   );
 225  add_action( 'untrash_post',       'bbp_untrash_topic' );
 226  add_action( 'before_delete_post', 'bbp_delete_topic'  );
 228  // After Deleted/Trashed/Untrashed Topic
 229  add_action( 'trashed_post',   'bbp_trashed_topic'   );
 230  add_action( 'untrashed_post', 'bbp_untrashed_topic' );
 231  add_action( 'deleted_post',   'bbp_deleted_topic'   );
 233  // Favorites
 234  add_action( 'bbp_spam_topic',   'bbp_remove_topic_from_all_favorites' );
 235  add_action( 'bbp_trash_topic',  'bbp_remove_topic_from_all_favorites' );
 236  add_action( 'bbp_delete_topic', 'bbp_remove_topic_from_all_favorites' );
 238  // Subscriptions
 239  add_action( 'bbp_spam_topic',   'bbp_remove_topic_from_all_subscriptions' );
 240  add_action( 'bbp_trash_topic',  'bbp_remove_topic_from_all_subscriptions' );
 241  add_action( 'bbp_delete_topic', 'bbp_remove_topic_from_all_subscriptions' );
 242  add_action( 'bbp_trash_forum',  'bbp_remove_forum_from_all_subscriptions' );
 243  add_action( 'bbp_delete_forum', 'bbp_remove_forum_from_all_subscriptions' );
 245  // Subscription notifications
 246  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply',    'bbp_notify_topic_subscribers', 11, 5 );
 247  add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',    'bbp_notify_forum_subscribers', 11, 4 );
 249  // Sticky
 250  add_action( 'bbp_stick_topic',     'bbp_unstick_topic' );
 251  add_action( 'bbp_unapprove_topic', 'bbp_unstick_topic' );
 252  add_action( 'bbp_spam_topic',      'bbp_unstick_topic' );
 253  add_action( 'bbp_trash_topic',     'bbp_unstick_topic' );
 254  add_action( 'bbp_delete_topic',    'bbp_unstick_topic' );
 256  // Update topic branch
 257  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_topic',    'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 258  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_topic',  'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 259  add_action( 'bbp_deleted_topic',    'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 260  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_topic',    'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 261  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_topic',  'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 262  add_action( 'bbp_approved_topic',   'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 263  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_walker' );
 265  // Update reply branch
 266  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_reply',    'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 267  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_reply',  'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 268  add_action( 'bbp_deleted_reply',    'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 269  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_reply',    'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 270  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_reply',  'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 271  add_action( 'bbp_approved_reply',   'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 272  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_reply', 'bbp_update_reply_walker' );
 274  // Update forum reply counts
 275  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply',        'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count' );
 276  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_reply',  'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count' );
 277  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_reply',  'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count' );
 278  add_action( 'bbp_approved_reply',   'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count' );
 279  add_action( 'bbp_trash_reply',      'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count' );
 280  add_action( 'bbp_spam_reply',       'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count' );
 281  add_action( 'bbp_unapprove_reply',  'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count' );
 283  // Update forum hidden reply counts
 284  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_reply',    'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 285  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_reply',    'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 286  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_reply', 'bbp_increase_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 287  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_reply',    'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 288  add_action( 'bbp_unspam_reply',     'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 289  add_action( 'bbp_approve_reply',    'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 290  add_action( 'bbp_delete_reply',     'bbp_decrease_forum_reply_count_hidden' );
 292  // Update forum topic counts
 293  add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',        'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count' );
 294  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_topic',  'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count' );
 295  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_topic',  'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count' );
 296  add_action( 'bbp_approved_topic',   'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count' );
 297  add_action( 'bbp_trash_topic',      'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count' );
 298  add_action( 'bbp_spam_topic',       'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count' );
 299  add_action( 'bbp_unapprove_topic',  'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count' );
 301  // Update forum hidden topic counts
 302  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_topic',    'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 303  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_topic',    'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 304  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_topic', 'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 305  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_topic',    'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 306  add_action( 'bbp_unspam_topic',     'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 307  add_action( 'bbp_approve_topic',    'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 308  add_action( 'bbp_delete_topic',     'bbp_decrease_forum_topic_count_hidden' );
 310  // Update topic reply counts
 311  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply',        'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count' );
 312  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_reply',  'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count' );
 313  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_reply',  'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count' );
 314  add_action( 'bbp_approved_reply',   'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count' );
 315  add_action( 'bbp_trash_reply',      'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count' );
 316  add_action( 'bbp_spam_reply',       'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count' );
 317  add_action( 'bbp_unapprove_reply',  'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count' );
 319  // Update topic hidden reply counts
 320  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_reply',    'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 321  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_reply', 'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 322  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_reply',    'bbp_increase_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 323  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_reply',    'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 324  add_action( 'bbp_unspam_reply',     'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 325  add_action( 'bbp_approve_reply',    'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 326  add_action( 'bbp_delete_reply',     'bbp_decrease_topic_reply_count_hidden' );
 328  // Update forum reply counts for approved/unapproved topics
 329  add_action( 'bbp_approved_topic',   'bbp_approved_unapproved_topic_update_forum_reply_count' );
 330  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_topic', 'bbp_approved_unapproved_topic_update_forum_reply_count' );
 332  // Users topic & reply counts
 333  add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',     'bbp_increase_user_topic_count' );
 334  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply',     'bbp_increase_user_reply_count' );
 335  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_topic', 'bbp_increase_user_topic_count' );
 336  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_reply', 'bbp_increase_user_reply_count' );
 337  add_action( 'bbp_unspam_topic',  'bbp_increase_user_topic_count' );
 338  add_action( 'bbp_unspam_reply',  'bbp_increase_user_reply_count' );
 339  add_action( 'bbp_trash_topic',   'bbp_decrease_user_topic_count' );
 340  add_action( 'bbp_trash_reply',   'bbp_decrease_user_reply_count' );
 341  add_action( 'bbp_spam_topic',    'bbp_decrease_user_topic_count' );
 342  add_action( 'bbp_spam_reply',    'bbp_decrease_user_reply_count' );
 344  // Topic status transition helpers for replies
 345  add_action( 'bbp_trash_topic',   'bbp_trash_topic_replies'   );
 346  add_action( 'bbp_untrash_topic', 'bbp_untrash_topic_replies' );
 347  add_action( 'bbp_delete_topic',  'bbp_delete_topic_replies'  );
 348  add_action( 'bbp_spam_topic',    'bbp_spam_topic_replies'    );
 349  add_action( 'bbp_unspam_topic',  'bbp_unspam_topic_replies'  );
 351  // Topic engagements on user creation
 352  add_action( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_engagements', 20 );
 353  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply', 'bbp_update_topic_engagements', 20 );
 355  add_action( 'bbp_new_reply', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 356  add_action( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 358  // Topic/reply counts on code insert (unit tests)
 359  add_action( 'bbp_insert_topic', 'bbp_insert_topic_update_counts', 10, 2 );
 360  add_action( 'bbp_insert_reply', 'bbp_insert_reply_update_counts', 10, 3 );
 362  // Topic engagements on code insert (unit tests)
 363  add_action( 'bbp_insert_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_engagements', 20 );
 364  add_action( 'bbp_insert_reply', 'bbp_update_topic_engagements', 20 );
 366  // Topic engagement counts on code insert (unit tests)
 367  add_action( 'bbp_insert_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 368  add_action( 'bbp_insert_reply', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 370  // Recalculate engagements
 371  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_reply',    'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 372  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_reply',  'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 373  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_reply',    'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 374  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_reply',  'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 375  add_action( 'bbp_approved_reply',   'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 376  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_reply', 'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 377  add_action( 'bbp_deleted_reply',    'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 378  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_topic',    'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 379  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_topic',  'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 380  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_topic',    'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 381  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_topic',  'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 382  add_action( 'bbp_approved_topic',   'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 383  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_topic', 'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 384  add_action( 'bbp_deleted_topic',    'bbp_recalculate_topic_engagements' );
 386  // Update engagement counts
 387  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_reply',    'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 388  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_reply',  'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 389  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_reply',    'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 390  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_reply',  'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 391  add_action( 'bbp_approved_reply',   'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 392  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_reply', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 393  add_action( 'bbp_deleted_reply',    'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 394  add_action( 'bbp_trashed_topic',    'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 395  add_action( 'bbp_untrashed_topic',  'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 396  add_action( 'bbp_spammed_topic',    'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 397  add_action( 'bbp_unspammed_topic',  'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 398  add_action( 'bbp_approved_topic',   'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 399  add_action( 'bbp_unapproved_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 400  add_action( 'bbp_deleted_topic',    'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );
 402  // User status
 403  // @todo make these sub-actions
 404  add_action( 'make_ham_user',  'bbp_make_ham_user'  );
 405  add_action( 'make_spam_user', 'bbp_make_spam_user' );
 407  // User role
 408  add_action( 'bbp_profile_update', 'bbp_profile_update_role' );
 410  // Hook WordPress admin actions to bbPress profiles on save
 411  add_action( 'bbp_user_edit_after', 'bbp_user_edit_after' );
 413  // Clean bbPress post caches when WordPress's is cleaned
 414  add_action( 'clean_post_cache', 'bbp_clean_post_cache', 10, 2 );
 416  // User Registration
 417  add_action( 'added_existing_user', 'bbp_user_add_role_on_register', 10, 1 );
 418  add_action( 'bbp_user_register',   'bbp_user_add_role_on_register', 10, 1 );
 420  // Invite a New User
 421  add_action( 'invite_user',         'bbp_user_add_role_on_invite',   10, 3 );
 423  // Multisite Activation (does not work in wp-activate.php)
 424  add_action( 'wpmu_activate_user',  'bbp_user_add_role_on_activate', 10, 3 );
 426  /**
 427   * bbPress needs to redirect the user around in a few different circumstances:
 428   *
 429   * 1. POST and GET requests
 430   * 2. Accessing private or hidden content (forums/topics/replies)
 431   * 3. Editing forums, topics, replies, users, and tags
 432   * 4. bbPress specific AJAX requests
 433   */
 434  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_forum_enforce_blocked', 1  );
 435  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_forum_enforce_hidden',  1  );
 436  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_forum_enforce_private', 1  );
 437  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_post_request',          10 );
 438  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_get_request',           10 );
 439  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_check_user_edit',       10 );
 440  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_check_forum_edit',      10 );
 441  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_check_topic_edit',      10 );
 442  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_check_reply_edit',      10 );
 443  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_check_topic_tag_edit',  10 );
 445  // Must be after bbp_template_include_theme_compat
 446  add_action( 'bbp_template_redirect', 'bbp_remove_adjacent_posts', 10 );
 448  // Theme-side POST requests
 449  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_do_ajax',                1  );
 450  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_edit_topic_tag_handler', 1  );
 451  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_edit_user_handler',      1  );
 452  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_edit_forum_handler',     1  );
 453  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_edit_reply_handler',     1  );
 454  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_edit_topic_handler',     1  );
 455  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_merge_topic_handler',    1  );
 456  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_split_topic_handler',    1  );
 457  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_move_reply_handler',     1  );
 458  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_new_forum_handler',      10 );
 459  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_new_reply_handler',      10 );
 460  add_action( 'bbp_post_request', 'bbp_new_topic_handler',      10 );
 462  // Theme-side GET requests
 463  add_action( 'bbp_get_request', 'bbp_toggle_topic_handler',        1  );
 464  add_action( 'bbp_get_request', 'bbp_toggle_reply_handler',        1  );
 465  add_action( 'bbp_get_request', 'bbp_favorites_handler',           1  );
 466  add_action( 'bbp_get_request', 'bbp_subscriptions_handler',       1  );
 467  add_action( 'bbp_get_request', 'bbp_user_email_change_handler',   1  );
 468  add_action( 'bbp_get_request', 'bbp_search_results_redirect',     10 );
 470  // Maybe convert the users password
 471  add_action( 'bbp_login_form_login', 'bbp_user_maybe_convert_pass' );

Generated: Sat Oct 26 01:00:48 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1