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bbPress vBulletin 4.x Converter
File Size: | 756 lines (22 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
vBulletin:: (10 methods):
__construct() X-Ref |
Main constructor |
setup_globals() X-Ref |
Sets up the field mappings |
info() X-Ref |
This method allows us to indicates what is or is not converted for each converter. |
callback_savepass( $field, $row ) X-Ref |
This method is to save the salt and password together. That way when we authenticate it we can get it out of the database as one value. Array values are auto sanitized by WordPress. |
authenticate_pass( $password, $serialized_pass ) X-Ref |
This method is to take the pass out of the database and compare to a pass the user has typed in. |
callback_forum_type( $status = 0 ) X-Ref |
Translate the forum type from vBulletin v4.x numerics to WordPress's strings. return: string WordPress safe param: int $status vBulletin v4.x numeric forum type |
callback_sticky_status( $status = 0 ) X-Ref |
Translate the topic sticky status type from vBulletin v4.x numerics to WordPress's strings. return: string WordPress safe param: int $status vBulletin v4.x numeric forum type |
callback_topic_reply_count( $count = 1 ) X-Ref |
Verify the topic reply count. return: string WordPress safe param: int $count vBulletin v4.x reply count |
callback_topic_status( $status = 1 ) X-Ref |
Translate the post status from vBulletin numerics to WordPress's strings. return: string WordPress safe param: int $status vBulletin v4.x numeric topic status |
callback_html( $field ) X-Ref |
This callback processes any custom parser.php attributes and custom code with preg_replace |
Generated: Wed Feb 12 01:00:55 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |