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PHP Cross Reference of BBPress




/src/includes/admin/classes/ -> class-bbp-converter-base.php (summary)

bbPress Converter Base Class Based on the hard work of Adam Ellis

File Size: 1243 lines (40 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 40 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

__construct()   X-Ref
This is the constructor and it connects to the platform databases.

init()   X-Ref
Initialize the converter

since: 2.1.0

setup_globals()   X-Ref
Setup global values

convert_forums( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Forums

convert_topics( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Topics / Threads

convert_replies( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Posts

convert_users( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Users

convert_tags( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Topic Tags

convert_forum_subscriptions( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Forum Subscriptions

convert_topic_subscriptions( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Topic Subscriptions

convert_favorites( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
Convert Favorites

convert_table( $to_type, $start )   X-Ref
Convert Table

param: string to type
param: int Start row

convert_forum_parents( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts old forum hierarchy to new bbPress hierarchy.

convert_topic_stickies( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts old topic stickies to new bbPress stickies.

since: 2.5.0 bbPress (r5170)

convert_topic_super_stickies( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts old topic super stickies to new bbPress super stickies.

since: 2.5.0 bbPress (r5170)

convert_topic_closed_topics( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts old closed topics to bbPress closed topics.

since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r5425)

convert_reply_to_parents( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts old reply_to post id to new bbPress reply_to post id.

since: 2.4.0 bbPress (r5093)

convert_anonymous_topic_authors( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts anonymous topics.

since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r5538)

convert_anonymous_reply_authors( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method converts anonymous replies.

since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r5538)

clean()   X-Ref
This method deletes data from the wp database.

since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6456)

clean_passwords( $start = 1 )   X-Ref
This method deletes passwords from the wp database.

param: int Start row

get_fields( $tablename = '' )   X-Ref
This method grabs appropriate fields from the table specified

param: string The table name to grab fields from

get_row( $query = '' )   X-Ref
Update the last query option and return results

param: string $query
param: string $output

get_results( $query = '', $output = OBJECT )   X-Ref
Update the last query option and return results

param: string $query
param: string $output

query( $query = '' )   X-Ref
Update the last query option and do a general query

param: string $query

update_query( $query = '' )   X-Ref
Update the last query ran

param: string $query The literal MySQL query
return: bool
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6637)

count_rows_by_results( $query = '' )   X-Ref
Update the number of rows in the current step

param: string $query The literal MySQL query
return: bool
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6637)

count_rows_by_table( $table_name = '' )   X-Ref
Update the number of rows in the current step

param: string $table_name The literal MySQL query
return: bool
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r6637)

callback_pass( $username = '', $password = '' )   X-Ref
Run password through wp_hash_password()

param: string $username
param: string $password

callback_forumid( $field )   X-Ref
A mini cache system to reduce database calls to forum ID's

param: string $field
return: string

callback_topicid( $field )   X-Ref
A mini cache system to reduce database calls to topic ID's

param: string $field
return: string

callback_reply_to( $field )   X-Ref
A mini cache system to reduce database calls to reply_to post id.

param: string $field
return: string
since: 2.4.0 bbPress (r5093)

callback_userid( $field )   X-Ref
A mini cache system to reduce database calls to user ID's

param: string $field
return: string

callback_check_anonymous( $field )   X-Ref
Check if the topic or reply author is anonymous

param: string $field
return: string
since: 2.6.0 bbPress (r5544)

callback_topicid_to_forumid( $field )   X-Ref
A mini cache system to reduce database calls map topics ID's to forum ID's

param: string $field
return: string

callback_slug( $field )   X-Ref
No description

callback_negative( $field )   X-Ref
No description

callback_html( $field )   X-Ref
No description

callback_null( $field )   X-Ref
No description

callback_datetime( $field )   X-Ref
No description

Generated: Sun Mar 9 01:00:55 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1