array('')); } foreach ( $buckets as $bucket => $servers ) { $this->mc[$bucket] = new Memcache(); foreach ( $servers as $server ) { list ( $node, $port ) = explode( ':', $server ); $this->mc[$bucket]->addServer( $node, $port, true, 1, 1, 15, true, array( $this, 'failure_callback' ) ); $this->mc[$bucket]->setCompressThreshold( 20000, 0.2 ); } } } function WP_Object_Cache() { self::__construct(); } function &get_mc( $group ) { if ( isset( $this->mc[$group] ) ) { return $this->mc[$group]; } return $this->mc['default']; } function failure_callback( $host, $port ) { //error_log( "Connection failure for $host:$port\n", 3, '/tmp/memcached.txt' ); } function close() { foreach ( $this->mc as $bucket => $mc ) { $mc->close(); } } function add_global_groups( $groups ) { if ( !is_array( $groups ) ) { $groups = (array) $groups; } $this->global_groups = array_merge( $this->global_groups, $groups ); $this->global_groups = array_unique( $this->global_groups ); } function add_non_persistent_groups( $groups ) { if ( !is_array( $groups ) ) { $groups = (array) $groups; } $this->no_mc_groups = array_merge( $this->no_mc_groups, $groups ); $this->no_mc_groups = array_unique( $this->no_mc_groups ); } function key( $key, $group ) { if ( empty( $group ) ) { $group = 'default'; } if ( false !== array_search( $group, $this->global_groups ) ) { $prefix = ''; } else { $prefix = backpress_get_option( 'application_id' ) . ':'; } return preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $prefix . $group . ':' . $key ); } function get( $id, $group = 'default' ) { $key = $this->key( $id, $group ); $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); if ( isset( $this->cache[$key] ) ) { $value = $this->cache[$key]; } elseif ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $value = false; } else { $value = $mc->get($key); } @ ++$this->stats['get']; $this->group_ops[$group][] = "get $id"; if ( NULL === $value ) { $value = false; } $this->cache[$key] = $value; if ( 'checkthedatabaseplease' === $value ) { $value = false; } return $value; } /* format: $get['group-name'] = array( 'key1', 'key2' ); */ function get_multi( $groups ) { $return = array(); foreach ( $groups as $group => $ids ) { $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { $key = $this->key( $id, $group ); if ( isset( $this->cache[$key] ) ) { $return[$key] = $this->cache[$key]; continue; } elseif ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $return[$key] = false; continue; } else { $return[$key] = $mc->get( $key ); } } if ( $to_get ) { $vals = $mc->get_multi( $to_get ); $return = array_merge( $return, $vals ); } } @ ++$this->stats['get_multi']; $this->group_ops[$group][] = "get_multi $id"; $this->cache = array_merge( $this->cache, $return ); return $return; } function add( $id, $data, $group = 'default', $expire = 0 ) { $key = $this->key( $id, $group ); if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $this->cache[$key] = $data; return true; } $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); $expire = ( $expire == 0 ) ? $this->default_expiration : $expire; $result = $mc->add( $key, $data, false, $expire ); @ ++$this->stats['add']; $this->group_ops[$group][] = "add $id"; if ( false !== $result ) { $this->cache[$key] = $data; $this->add_key_to_group_keys_cache( $key, $group ); } return $result; } function set( $id, $data, $group = 'default', $expire = 0 ) { $key = $this->key($id, $group); if ( isset( $this->cache[$key] ) && 'checkthedatabaseplease' === $this->cache[$key] ) { return false; } $this->cache[$key] = $data; if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { return true; } $expire = ( $expire == 0 ) ? $this->default_expiration : $expire; $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); $result = $mc->set( $key, $data, false, $expire ); if ( false !== $result ) { $this->add_key_to_group_keys_cache($key, $group); } return $result; } function replace($id, $data, $group = 'default', $expire = 0) { $key = $this->key($id, $group); if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $this->cache[$key] = $data; return true; } $expire = ($expire == 0) ? $this->default_expiration : $expire; $mc =& $this->get_mc($group); $result = $mc->replace($key, $data, false, $expire); if ( false !== $result ) { $this->cache[$key] = $data; $this->add_key_to_group_keys_cache( $key, $group ); } return $result; } function delete( $id, $group = 'default' ) { $key = $this->key( $id, $group ); if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { unset( $this->cache[$key] ); return true; } $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); $result = $mc->delete( $key ); @ ++$this->stats['delete']; $this->group_ops[$group][] = "delete $id"; if ( false !== $result ) { unset( $this->cache[$key] ); $this->remove_key_from_group_keys_cache( $key, $group ); } return $result; } function flush( $group = null ) { // Get all the group keys if ( !$_groups = $this->get( 1, '_group_keys' ) ) { return true; } if ( !is_array( $_groups ) || !count( $_groups ) ) { return $this->delete( 1, '_group_keys' ); } if ( is_null( $group ) ) { $results = array(); foreach ( $_groups as $_group => $_keys ) { $results[] = $this->delete_all_keys_in_group_key_cache( $_group ); } if ( in_array( false, $results ) ) { return false; } return true; } return $this->delete_all_keys_in_group_key_cache( $group ); } // Update the cache of group keys or add a new cache if it isn't there function add_key_to_group_keys_cache( $key, $group ) { if ( '_group_keys' === $group ) { return; } //error_log( 'Adding key ' . $key . ' to group ' . $group ); // Get all the group keys if ( !$_groups = $this->get( 1, '_group_keys' ) ) { $_groups = array( $group => array( $key ) ); return $this->add( 1, $_groups, '_group_keys' ); } // Don't blow up if it isn't an array if ( !is_array( $_groups ) ) { $_groups = array(); } // If this group isn't in there, then insert it if ( !isset( $_groups[$group] ) || !is_array( $_groups[$group] ) ) { $_groups[$group] = array(); } // If it's already there then do nothing if ( in_array( $key, $_groups[$group] ) ) { return true; } $_groups[$group][] = $key; // Remove duplicates $_groups[$group] = array_unique( $_groups[$group] ); return $this->replace( 1, $_groups, '_group_keys' ); } // Remove the key from the cache of group keys, delete the cache if it is emptied function remove_key_from_group_keys_cache( $key, $group ) { if ( '_group_keys' === $group ) { return; } //error_log( 'Removing key ' . $key . ' from group ' . $group ); // Get all the group keys if ( !$_groups = $this->get( 1, '_group_keys' ) ) { return true; } // If group keys are somehow borked delete it all if ( !is_array( $_groups ) ) { return $this->delete( 1, '_group_keys' ); } // If it's not there, we're good if ( !isset( $_groups[$group] ) || !is_array( $_groups[$group] ) || !in_array( $key, $_groups[$group] ) ) { return true; } // Remove duplicates $_groups[$group] = array_unique( $_groups[$group] ); // If there is only one key or no keys in the group then delete the group if ( 2 > count( $_groups[$group] ) ) { unset( $_groups[$group] ); return $this->replace( 1, $_groups, '_group_keys' ); } // array_unique() made sure there is only one if ( $_key = array_search( $key, $_groups[$group] ) ) { unset( $_groups[$group][$_key] ); } return $this->replace( 1, $_groups, '_group_keys' ); } function delete_all_keys_in_group_key_cache( $group ) { if ( '_group_keys' === $group ) { return; } //error_log( 'Deleting all keys in group ' . $group ); // Get all the group keys if ( !$_groups = $this->get( 1, '_group_keys' ) ) { //error_log( '--> !!!! No groups' ); return true; } // Check that what we want to loop over is there if ( !is_array( $_groups ) ) { //error_log( '--> !!!! Groups is not an array, delete whole key' ); return $this->delete( 1, '_group_keys' ); } // Check that what we want to loop over is there if ( !isset( $_groups[$group] ) || !is_array( $_groups[$group] ) ) { //error_log( '--> !!!! No specific group' ); return true; } $_groups[$group] = array_unique( $_groups[$group] ); $_remaining_keys = array(); $mc =& $this->get_mc($group); foreach ( $_groups[$group] as $_key ) { //error_log( '--> Deleting key ' . $_key ); if ( false !== $mc->delete( $_key ) ) { //error_log( '--> Deleted key ' . $_key ); unset( $this->cache[$_key] ); } } unset( $_groups[$group] ); if ( count( $_groups ) ) { //error_log( '--> Remove single group' ); return $this->replace( 1, $_groups, '_group_keys' ); } //error_log( '--> No groups left, delete whole key' ); return $this->delete( 1, '_group_keys' ); } function incr( $id, $n, $group ) { $key = $this->key( $id, $group ); $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); return $mc->increment( $key, $n ); } function decr( $id, $n, $group ) { $key = $this->key( $id, $group ); $mc =& $this->get_mc( $group ); return $mc->decrement( $key, $n ); } function colorize_debug_line( $line ) { $colors = array( 'get' => 'green', 'set' => 'purple', 'add' => 'blue', 'delete' => 'red' ); $cmd = substr( $line, 0, strpos( $line, ' ' ) ); $cmd2 = "$cmd"; return $cmd2 . substr( $line, strlen( $cmd ) ) . "\n"; } function stats() { echo "

\n"; foreach ( $this->stats as $stat => $n ) { echo "$stat $n"; echo "
\n"; } echo "

\n"; echo "


"; foreach ( $this->group_ops as $group => $ops ) { if ( !isset( $_GET['debug_queries'] ) && 500 < count( $ops ) ) { $ops = array_slice( $ops, 0, 500 ); echo "Too many to show! Show them anyway.\n"; } echo "

$group commands

"; echo "
			$lines = array();
			foreach ( $ops as $op ) {
				$lines[] = $this->colorize_debug_line( $op ); 
			print_r( $lines );
			echo "
\n"; } if ( $this->debug ) { var_dump( $this->memcache_debug ); } } }