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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-forums/ -> bp-forums-functions.php (summary)

BuddyPress Forums Functions.

File Size: 1155 lines (37 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 33 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

bp_forums_is_bbpress_active()   X-Ref
Is see bbPress 2.x is installed and active?

return: boolean True if bbPress 2.x is active, false if not.
since: 1.6.0

bp_forums_is_installed_correctly()   X-Ref
See if bbPress 1.x is installed correctly.

"Installed correctly" means that the bb-config-location option is set, and
the referenced file exists.

return: boolean True if option exists, false if not.
since: 1.2.0

bp_forums_has_directory()   X-Ref
Does the forums component have a directory page registered?

Checks $bp pages global and looks for directory page.

return: bool True if set, False if empty.
since: 1.5.0

bp_forums_get_forum( $forum_id )   X-Ref
Get a forum by ID.

Wrapper for {@link bb_get_forum()}.

param: int $forum_id ID of the forum being fetched.
return: object bbPress forum object.
since: 1.0.0

bp_forums_new_forum( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Create a forum.

Wrapper for {@link bb_new_forum()}.

param: array|string $args {
return: int ID of the newly created forum.
since: 1.0.0

bp_forums_update_forum( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Update a forum.

Wrapper for {@link bb_update_forum(}.

param: array|string $args {
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
since: 1.2.5

bp_forums_delete_group_forum( $group_id )   X-Ref
Delete a group forum by the group id.

param: int $group_id ID of the group whose forum is to be deleted.
since: 1.6.0

bp_forums_get_forum_topics( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Fetch a set of forum topics.

param: array|string $args {
return: array Found topics.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_get_topic_details( $topic_id )   X-Ref
Get additional details about a given forum topic.

param: int $topic_id ID of the topic for which you're fetching details.
return: object Details about the topic.
since: 1.0.0

bp_forums_get_topic_id_from_slug( $topic_slug )   X-Ref
Get the numeric ID of a topic from the topic slug.

Wrapper for {@link bb_get_id_from_slug()}.

param: string $topic_slug Slug of the topic.
return: int|bool ID of the topic (if found), false on failure.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_new_topic( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Create a new forum topic.

param: array|string $args {
return: object Details about the new topic, as returned by
since: 1.0.0

bp_forums_update_topic( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Update a topic's details.

param: array|string $args {
return: object Details about the new topic, as returned by
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_sticky_topic( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Set a topic as sticky/unsticky.

param: string $args Array of arguments for sticky topic.
return: bool
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_openclose_topic( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Set a topic's open/closed status.

param: array|string $args {
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_delete_topic( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Delete a topic.

param: array|string $args {
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_total_topic_count()   X-Ref
Get a count of the total topics on the site.

return: int $count Total topic count.
since: 1.2.0

bp_forums_reply_exists( $text = '', $topic_id = 0, $user_id = 0 )   X-Ref
Check to see whether a user has already left this particular reply on a given post.

Used to prevent dupes.

param: string $text     The text of the comment.
param: int    $topic_id The topic id.
param: int    $user_id  The user id.
return: bool True if a duplicate reply exists, otherwise false.
since: 1.6.0

_bp_forums_reply_exists_posts_where( $where = '' )   X-Ref
Private one-time-use function used in conjunction with bp_forums_reply_exists().

param: string $where SQL fragment.
return: string SQL fragment.
since: 1.7.0

bp_forums_total_topic_count_for_user( $user_id = 0, $type = 'active' )   X-Ref
Get a total "Topics Started" count for a given user.

param: int    $user_id ID of the user being queried. Falls back on displayed
param: string $type    The current filter/sort type. 'active', 'popular',
return: int $count The topic count.
since: 1.2.0

bp_forums_total_replied_count_for_user( $user_id = 0, $type = 'active' )   X-Ref
Return the total number of topics replied to by a given user.

Uses an unfortunate technique to count unique topics, due to limitations in

param: int    $user_id ID of the user whose replied topics are being counted.
param: string $type    Forum thread type.
return: int $count Topic count.
since: 1.5.0

bp_forums_get_topic_extras( $topics )   X-Ref
Fetch BP-specific details for an array of topics.

Done in one fell swoop to reduce query overhead. Currently determines the
- details about the last poster
- information about topic users that may have been deleted/spammed

param: array $topics Array of topics.
return: array $topics Topics with BP details added.
since: 1.2.0

bp_forums_get_topic_posts( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Get the posts belonging to a topic.

param: array|string $args {
return: array List of posts.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_get_post( $post_id )   X-Ref
Get a single post object by ID.

Wrapper for {@link bb_get_post()}.

param: int $post_id ID of the post being fetched.
return: object Post object.
since: 1.0.0

bp_forums_delete_post( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Delete a post.

Wrapper for {@link bb_delete_post()}.

param: array|string $args {
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_insert_post( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Create a new post.

param: array|string $args {
return: int|bool ID of the new post on success, false on failure.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_get_post_extras( $posts )   X-Ref
Get BP-specific details about a set of posts.

Currently fetches the following:
- WP userdata for each poster
- BP fullname for each poster

param: array $posts List of posts.
return: array Posts with BP-data added.
since: 1.2.0

bp_forums_get_forum_topicpost_count( $forum_id )   X-Ref
Get topic and post counts for a given forum.

param: int $forum_id ID of the forum.
return: object Object with properties $topics (topic count) and $posts
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_filter_caps( $allcaps )   X-Ref
Map WordPress caps onto bbPress users, to ensure that they can post.

param: array $allcaps Array of capabilities.
return: array Caps array with bbPress caps added.
since: 1.1.0

bp_forums_parent_forum_id()   X-Ref
Return the parent forum ID for the bbPress abstraction layer.

return: int Forum ID.
since: 1.5.0

bp_forums_enable_global_directory_stickies()   X-Ref
Should sticky topics be broken out of regular topic order on forum directories?

filter 'bp_forums_enable_global_directory_stickies', to change this behavior.

return: bool True if stickies should be displayed at the top of the global
since: 1.5.0

bp_forums_embed()   X-Ref
Attempt to retrieve the oEmbed cache for a forum topic.

Grabs the topic post ID and attempts to retrieve the oEmbed cache (if it exists)
during the forum topic loop.  If no cache and link is embeddable, cache it.

since: 1.5.0

bp_embed_forum_cache( $cache, $id, $cachekey )   X-Ref
Used during {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} via {@link bp_forums_embed()}.

Wrapper function for {@link bb_get_postmeta()}.

param: object $cache    Cache object.
param: int    $id       ID of the forum being cached.
param: string $cachekey Key to use with forum embed cache.
since: 1.5.0

bp_embed_forum_save_cache( $cache, $cachekey, $id )   X-Ref
Used during {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} via {@link bp_forums_embed()}.

Wrapper function for {@link bb_update_postmeta()}.

param: object $cache    Cache object.
param: string $cachekey Key to use with forum embed cache.
param: int    $id       ID of the forum being cached.
since: 1.5.0

Generated: Thu Dec 7 01:01:35 2017 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1