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/src/bp-forums/bbpress/ -> xmlrpc.php (summary)

XML-RPC protocol support for bbPress

File Size: 4088 lines (131 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 2 files

Defines 1 class

BB_XMLRPC_Server:: (47 methods):

Class: BB_XMLRPC_Server  - X-Ref

XML-RPC server class to allow for remote publishing

__construct()   X-Ref
Initialises the XML-RPC server

return: void
since: 1.0

BB_XMLRPC_Server()   X-Ref
No description

authenticate( $user_login, $user_pass, $capability = 'read', $message = false )   X-Ref
Checks the user credentials supplied in the request to make sure they are valid

param: string $user_login The users login
param: string $user_pass The users password in plain text
param: string $capability The capability to check (optional)
param: string $message The message to pass back in the error if the capability check fails (optional)
return: integer|boolean The user id if the user is valid, otherwise false
since: 1.0

switch_user( $user_login, $capability = 'read', $message = false )   X-Ref
Switches the currently active user for incognito actions

param: string $user_login The users login
param: string $capability The capability to check (optional)
param: string $message The message to pass back in the error if the capability check fails (optional)
return: integer|boolean The user id if the user is valid, otherwise false
since: 1.0

escape( &$array )   X-Ref
Sanitises data from XML-RPC request parameters

param: $array mixed The variable to be sanitised
return: mixed The sanitised variable, should come back with the same type
since: 1.0

prepare_forum( $forum )   X-Ref
Prepares forum data for return in an XML-RPC object

param: array|object The unprepared forum data
return: array The prepared forum data
since: 1.0

prepare_topic( $topic )   X-Ref
Prepares topic data for return in an XML-RPC object

param: array|object The unprepared topic data
return: array The prepared topic data
since: 1.0

prepare_post( $post )   X-Ref
Prepares post data for return in an XML-RPC object

param: array|object The unprepared post data
return: array The prepared post data
since: 1.0

prepare_topic_tag( $tag )   X-Ref
Prepares topic tag data for return in an XML-RPC object

param: array|object The unprepared topic tag data
return: array The prepared topic tag data
since: 1.0

sayHello( $args )   X-Ref
Hello world demo function for XML-RPC

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
return: string The phrase 'Hello!'
since: 1.0

addTwoNumbers( $args )   X-Ref
Adds two numbers together as a demo of XML-RPC

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer $args[2] The first number to be added
param: integer $args[3] The second number to be added
return: integer The sum of the two supplied numbers
since: 1.0

bb_getForumCount( $args )   X-Ref
Returns a numerical count of forums

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The parent forum's id or slug (optional)
param: integer $args[3] The depth of child forums to retrieve (optional)
return: integer|object The number of forums when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getForums( $args )   X-Ref
Returns details of multiple forums

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The parent forum's id or slug (optional)
param: integer $args[3] The depth of child forums to retrieve (optional)
return: array|object An array containing details of all returned forums when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getForum( $args )   X-Ref
Returns details of a forum

param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The forum's id or slug
return: array|object An array containing details of the returned forum when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_newForum( $args )   X-Ref
Creates a new forum

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The values for the various settings in the new forum
param: string $args[2]['name'] The name of the forum
param: string $args[2]['description'] The description of the forum (optional)
param: integer|string $args[2]['parent_id'] The unique id of the parent forum for this forum (optional)
param: integer $args[2]['order'] The position of the forum in the forum list (optional)
param: integer $args[2]['is_category'] Whether the forum is simply a container category (optional)
return: array|object The forum data when successfully created or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_editForum( $args )   X-Ref
Edits an existing forum

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The values for the various settings in the new forum, at least one must be specified
param: integer|string $args[2]['forum_id'] The unique id of the forum to be edited
param: string $args[2]['name'] The name of the forum (optional)
param: string $args[2]['slug'] The slug for the forum (optional)
param: string $args[2]['description'] The description of the forum (optional)
param: integer $args[2]['parent_id'] The unique id of the parent forum for this forum (optional)
param: integer $args[2]['order'] The position of the forum in the forum list (optional)
param: integer $args[2]['is_category'] Whether the forum is simply a container category (optional)
return: array|object The forum data when successfully edited or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_deleteForum( $args )   X-Ref
Deletes a forum

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The unique id of the forum to be deleted
return: integer|object 1 when successfully deleted or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getTopicCount( $args )   X-Ref
Returns a numerical count of topics

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The forum id or slug (optional)
return: integer|object The number of topics when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getTopics( $args )   X-Ref
Returns details of the latest topics

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The forum id or slug (optional)
param: integer $args[3] The number of topics to return (optional)
param: integer $args[4] The number of the page to return (optional)
return: array|object The topics when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Returns details of a topic

param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The topic's id or slug
return: array|object An array containing details of the returned topic when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_newTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Creates a new topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The values for the various parameters in the new topic
param: string $args[2]['title'] The title of the topic
param: string $args[2]['text'] The text of the topic
param: integer|string $args[2]['forum_id'] The unique id of the forum which will contain this topic, slugs are OK to use too
param: string|array $args[2]['tags'] A comma delimited string or an array of tags to add to the topic (optional)
return: array|object The topic data when successfully created or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_editTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Edits an existing topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The values for the various parameters in the edited topic
param: integer|string $args[2]['topic_id'] The topic's id or slug
param: string $args[2]['title'] The title of the topic
param: string $args[2]['text'] The text of the topic
return: array|object The topic data when successfully edited or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_deleteTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Deletes a topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The unique id of the topic to be deleted
param: integer $args[3] 1 deletes the topic, 0 undeletes the topic
return: integer|object 0 if already changed, 1 when successfully changed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_moveTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Moves a topic to a different forum

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The unique id of the topic to be moved
param: integer|string $args[3] The unique id of the forum to be moved to
return: integer|object the forum id where the topic lives after the method is called or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_stickTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Sticks a topic to the top of a forum or the front page

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The unique id of the topic to be stuck
param: integer $args[3] 0 unsticks, 1 sticks, 2 sticks to front (optional)
return: integer|object 0 if it is already stuck to the desired location, 1 when successfully stuck or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_closeTopic( $args )   X-Ref
Closes a topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The unique id of the topic to be closed
param: integer $args[2] 0 closes, 1 opens (optional)
return: integer|object 0 when already changed, 1 when successfully changed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getPostCount( $args )   X-Ref
Returns a numerical count of posts

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The topic id or slug
return: integer|object The number of topics when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getPosts( $args )   X-Ref
Returns details of the posts in a given topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The topic id or slug
param: integer $args[3] The number of posts to return (optional)
param: integer $args[4] The number of the page to return (optional)
return: array|object The posts when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getPost( $args )   X-Ref
Returns details of a post

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer $args[2] The post's id
return: array|object An array containing details of the returned post when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_newPost( $args )   X-Ref
Creates a new post in a given topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The values for the various parameters in the new topic
param: string $args[2]['text'] The text of the topic
param: integer|string $args[2]['topic_id'] The unique id of the topic which will contain this topic, slugs are OK to use too
return: array|object The post data when successfully created or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_editPost( $args )   X-Ref
Edits an existing post

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The values for the various parameters in the new topic
param: integer $args[2]['post_id'] The unique id of the post
param: string $args[2]['text'] The text of the topic
return: array|object The post data when successfully edited or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_deletePost( $args )   X-Ref
Deletes an existing post

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The unique id of the post
param: array $args[3] 1 deletes the post, 0 undeletes the post (optional)
return: integer|object 1 when successfully deleted, 0 when already deleted or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getHotTopicTags( $args )   X-Ref
Returns the hot tags in order of hotness in a given forum or all hot tags

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer $args[2] The number of tags to return (optional)
param: integer|string $args[3] The forum id or slug (optional)
return: integer|object The tag data when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getTopicTagCount( $args )   X-Ref
Returns a numerical count of tags in a given topic or all tags

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The topic id or slug (optional)
return: integer|object The number of topics when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getTopicTags( $args )   X-Ref
Returns the tags in a given topic or all tags

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: integer|string $args[2] The topic id or slug (optional)
return: integer|object The tag data when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_getTopicTag( $args )   X-Ref
Returns the topics which are tagged with the given tag

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: string $args[2] The tag name or slug
param: integer $args[3] The number of topics to return (optional)
param: integer $args[4] The number of the page to return (optional)
return: integer|object The topic data when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_addTopicTags( $args )   X-Ref
Adds the specified tags to the specified topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: string|integer $args[2] The topic id or slug
param: string|array $args[3] The tags to add to the topic
return: array|object The tags which were added when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_removeTopicTags( $args )   X-Ref
Removes the specified tags from the specified topic

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: string|integer $args[2] The topic id or slug
param: string|array $args[3] The tags to remove from the topic
return: integer|object 1 when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_renameTopicTag( $args )   X-Ref
Renames the specified tag to a new tag name

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: string $args[2] The tag name or slug
param: string $args[3] The new tag name (slug is auto-generated)
return: array|object The tag data when successfully renamed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_mergeTopicTags( $args )   X-Ref
Merges the specified tags

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: string $args[2] The old tag name or slug to be destroyed
param: string $args[3] The new tag name or slug where the old tag will be merged to
return: array|object The tag data when successfully merged or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_destroyTopicTag( $args )   X-Ref
Destroys the specified tag

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: string $args[2] The tag name or slug to be destroyed
return: integer|object 1 when successfully deleted or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

initialise_site_option_info()   X-Ref
Initialises site options which can be manipulated using XML-RPC

return: void
since: 1.0

_getOptions( $options )   X-Ref
Compiles site options into an array suitable to be passed back through the XML-RPC server

param: array $options An array of options to fetch and return
return: array The site options in an array
since: 1.0

bb_getOptions( $args )   X-Ref
Gets the specified site options

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The options to be retrieved, when omitted the method returns all options (optional)
return: array|object An array containing the specified options when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

bb_setOptions( $args )   X-Ref
Sets the specified site options to the specified values

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The username for authentication
param: string $args[1] The password for authentication
param: array $args[2] The options to be updated along with the new value of the option
return: array|object An array containing the specified options when successfully executed or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

pingback_ping( $args )   X-Ref
Processes pingback requests

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The full URI of the post where the pingback is being sent from
param: string $args[1] The full URI of the post where the pingback is being sent to
return: string|object A message of success or an IXR_Error object on failure
since: 1.0

pingback_extensions_getPingbacks( $args )   X-Ref
Returns an array of URLs that pingbacked the given URL

param: array $args Arguments passed by the XML-RPC call
param: string $args[0] The full URI of the post where the pingback is being sent from
param: string $args[1] The full URI of the post where the pingback is being sent to
return: array The array of URLs that pingbacked the given topic
since: 1.0

Generated: Thu Dec 7 01:01:35 2017 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1