get_results("SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM $bbdb->forums ORDER BY forum_order ASC" ); $slugs = array(); foreach ( $forums as $forum ) : $slug = bb_slug_sanitize( wp_specialchars_decode( $forum->forum_name, ENT_QUOTES ) ); $slugs[$slug][] = $forum->forum_id; endforeach; foreach ( $slugs as $slug => $forum_ids ) : foreach ( $forum_ids as $count => $forum_id ) : $_slug = $slug; $count = - $count; // madness if ( is_numeric($slug) || $count ) $_slug = bb_slug_increment( $slug, $count ); $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->forums SET forum_slug = '$_slug' WHERE forum_id = '$forum_id';"); endforeach; endforeach; unset($forums, $forum, $slugs, $slug, $_slug, $forum_ids, $forum_id, $count); // Topics $topics = (array) $bbdb->get_results("SELECT topic_id, topic_title FROM $bbdb->topics ORDER BY topic_start_time ASC" ); $slugs = array(); foreach ( $topics as $topic) : $slug = bb_slug_sanitize( wp_specialchars_decode( $topic->topic_title, ENT_QUOTES ) ); $slugs[$slug][] = $topic->topic_id; endforeach; foreach ( $slugs as $slug => $topic_ids ) : foreach ( $topic_ids as $count => $topic_id ) : $_slug = $slug; $count = - $count; if ( is_numeric($slug) || $count ) $_slug = bb_slug_increment( $slug, $count ); $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->topics SET topic_slug = '$_slug' WHERE topic_id = '$topic_id';"); endforeach; endforeach; unset($topics, $topic, $slugs, $slug, $_slug, $topic_ids, $topic_id, $count); } // Reversibly break passwords of blocked users. function bb_upgrade_160() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 535 ) return; require_once( BB_PATH . 'bb-admin/includes/' ); $blocked = bb_get_ids_by_role( 'blocked' ); foreach ( $blocked as $b ) bb_break_password( $b ); return 'Done reversibly breaking passwords: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_170() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 536 ) return; global $bbdb; foreach ( (array) $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_value LIKE '%"%' OR meta_value LIKE '%'%'") as $meta ) { $value = str_replace(array('"', '''), array('"', "'"), $meta->meta_value); $value = stripslashes($value); bb_update_usermeta( $meta->user_id, $meta->meta_key, $value); } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 536 ); return 'Done updating usermeta: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_180() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 559 ) return; global $bbdb; foreach ( (array) $bbdb->get_col("SELECT ID FROM $bbdb->users WHERE user_status = 1") as $user_id ) bb_delete_user( $user_id ); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 559 ); return 'Done clearing deleted users: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_190() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 630 ) return; global $bbdb; $exists = false; foreach ( (array) $bbdb->get_col("DESC $bbdb->topics") as $col ) if ( 'topic_resolved' == $col ) $exists = true; if ( !$exists ) return; $topics = (array) $bbdb->get_results("SELECT topic_id, topic_resolved FROM $bbdb->topics" ); foreach ( $topics as $topic ) bb_update_topicmeta( $topic->topic_id, 'topic_resolved', $topic->topic_resolved ); unset($topics,$topic); $bbdb->query("ALTER TABLE $bbdb->topics DROP topic_resolved"); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 630 ); return 'Done converting topic_resolved: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_200() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 845 ) return; global $bbdb; $bbdb->hide_errors(); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX tag_id_index ON $bbdb->tagged" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX user_id ON $bbdb->topicmeta" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX forum_id ON $bbdb->topics" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX topic_time ON $bbdb->topics" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX topic_start_time ON $bbdb->topics" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX tag_id_index ON $bbdb->tagged" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX topic_id ON $bbdb->posts" ); $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX poster_id ON $bbdb->posts" ); $bbdb->show_errors(); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 845 ); return 'Done removing old indices: ' . __FUNCTION__; } // 210 converts text slugs to varchar(255) width slugs (upgrading from alpha version - fires before dbDelta) // 1000 Gives new slugs (upgrading from previous release - fires after dbDelta) function bb_upgrade_210() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 846 ) return; global $bbdb; $bbdb->hide_errors(); if ( !$bbdb->get_var("SELECT forum_slug FROM $bbdb->forums ORDER BY forum_order ASC LIMIT 1" ) ) return; // Wait till after dbDelta $bbdb->show_errors(); bb_upgrade_process_all_slugs(); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 846 ); return 'Done adding slugs: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_220() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1051 ) return; global $bbdb; $bbdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $bbdb->tagged DROP PRIMARY KEY" ); $bbdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $bbdb->tagged ADD tagged_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY FIRST" ); return "Done removing key from $bbdb->tagged: " . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_1000() { // Give all topics and forums slugs if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 846 ) return; bb_upgrade_process_all_slugs(); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 846 ); return 'Done adding slugs: ' . __FUNCTION__;; } // Make sure all forums have a valid parent function bb_upgrade_1010() { global $bbdb; if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 952 ) return; $forums = (array) $bbdb->get_results( "SELECT forum_id, forum_parent FROM $bbdb->forums" ); $forum_ids = (array) $bbdb->get_col( '', 0 ); foreach ( $forums as $forum ) { if ( $forum->forum_parent && !in_array( $forum->forum_parent, $forum_ids ) ) $bbdb->query( "UPDATE $bbdb->forums SET forum_parent = 0 WHERE forum_id = '$forum->forum_id'" ); } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 952 ); return 'Done re-parenting orphaned forums: ' . __FUNCTION__; } // Add a nicename for existing users if they don't have one already function bb_upgrade_1020() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 977 ) return; global $bbdb; $users = $bbdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, user_login, user_nicename FROM $bbdb->users WHERE user_nicename IS NULL OR user_nicename = ''" ); if ( $users ) { foreach ( $users as $user ) { $user_nicename = $_user_nicename = bb_user_nicename_sanitize( $user->user_login ); while ( is_numeric($user_nicename) || $existing_user = bb_get_user_by_nicename( $user_nicename ) ) $user_nicename = bb_slug_increment($_user_nicename, $existing_user->user_nicename, 50); $bbdb->query( "UPDATE $bbdb->users SET user_nicename = '$user_nicename' WHERE ID = $user->ID;" ); } } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 977 ); return 'Done adding nice-names to existing users: ' . __FUNCTION__; } // Move admin_email option to from_email function bb_upgrade_1030() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1058 ) return; $admin_email = bb_get_option('admin_email'); if ($admin_email) { bb_update_option('from_email', $admin_email); } bb_delete_option('admin_email'); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1058 ); return 'Done moving admin_email to from_email: ' . __FUNCTION__; } // Activate Akismet and bozo plugins and convert active plugins to new convention on upgrade only function bb_upgrade_1040() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1230 ) return; // Only do this when upgrading if ( defined( 'BB_UPGRADING' ) && BB_UPGRADING ) { $plugins = bb_get_option('active_plugins'); if ( bb_get_option('akismet_key') && !in_array('core#akismet.php', $plugins) ) { $plugins[] = 'core#akismet.php'; } if ( !in_array('core#bozo.php', $plugins) ) { $plugins[] = 'core#bozo.php'; } $new_plugins = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (substr($plugin, 0, 5) != 'core#') { if ($plugin != 'akismet.php' && $plugin != 'bozo.php') { $new_plugins[] = 'user#' . $plugin; } } else { $new_plugins[] = $plugin; } } bb_update_option( 'active_plugins', $new_plugins ); } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1230 ); return 'Done activating Akismet and Bozo plugins and converting active plugins to new convention on upgrade only: ' . __FUNCTION__; } // Update active theme if present function bb_upgrade_1050() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1234 ) return; // Only do this when upgrading if ( defined( 'BB_UPGRADING' ) && BB_UPGRADING ) { if ( $theme = bb_get_option( 'bb_active_theme' ) ) { bb_update_option( 'bb_active_theme', bb_theme_basename( $theme ) ); } } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1234 ); return 'Done updating active theme if present: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_1070() { global $bbdb; if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1467 ) return; $bbdb->query( "UPDATE `$bbdb->tags` SET `raw_tag` = TRIM(`raw_tag`)" ); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1467 ); return 'Whitespace trimmed from raw_tag: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_1080() { global $bbdb, $wp_taxonomy_object; if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1526 ) return; $offset = 0; while ( $tags = (array) $bbdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $bbdb->tags LIMIT $offset, 100" ) ) { if ( !ini_get('safe_mode') ) set_time_limit(600); $wp_taxonomy_object->defer_term_counting(true); for ( $i = 0; isset($tags[$i]); $i++ ) { $bbdb->insert( $bbdb->terms, array( 'name' => $tags[$i]->raw_tag, 'slug' => $tags[$i]->tag ) ); $term_id = $bbdb->insert_id; $bbdb->insert( $bbdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'term_id' => $term_id, 'taxonomy' => 'bb_topic_tag', 'description' => '' ) ); $term_taxonomy_id = $bbdb->insert_id; $topics = (array) $bbdb->get_results( $bbdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id, topic_id FROM $bbdb->tagged WHERE tag_id = %d", $tags[$i]->tag_id ) ); for ( $j = 0; isset($topics[$j]); $j++ ) { $bbdb->insert( $bbdb->term_relationships, array( 'object_id' => $topics[$j]->topic_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term_taxonomy_id, 'user_id' => $topics[$j]->user_id ) ); } $wp_taxonomy_object->update_term_count( array( $term_taxonomy_id ), 'bb_topic_tag' ); } $wp_taxonomy_object->defer_term_counting(false); $offset += 100; } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1526 ); return 'Tags copied to taxonomy tables: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_1090() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1589 ) return; global $bbdb; $users = (array) $bbdb->get_results( "SELECT `ID`, `user_login` FROM $bbdb->users WHERE `display_name` = '' OR `display_name` IS NULL;" ); if ($users) { foreach ($users as $user) { $bbdb->query( "UPDATE $bbdb->users SET `display_name` = '" . $user->user_login . "' WHERE ID = " . $user->ID . ";" ); } unset($user, $users); } bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1589 ); return 'Display names populated: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_1100() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 1638 ) return; global $bbdb; $bbdb->query( "DROP INDEX forum_stickies ON $bbdb->topics" ); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 1638 ); return 'Index forum_stickies dropped: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_upgrade_1110() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 2077 ) return; // No matter what happens, update the db version bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 2077 ); if ( !defined( 'BB_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) { return; } if ( !BB_PLUGIN_DIR ) { return; } if ( file_exists( BB_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) { return; } // Just suppress errors as this is not critical if ( @mkdir( BB_PLUGIN_DIR, 0755 ) ) { return 'Making plugin directory at ' . BB_PLUGIN_DIR . ': ' . __FUNCTION__; } return; } function bb_upgrade_1120() { if ( ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) ) && $dbv >= 2078 ) { return; } // No matter what happens, update the db version bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 2078 ); if ( !defined( 'BB_THEME_DIR' ) ) { return; } if ( !BB_THEME_DIR ) { return; } if ( file_exists( BB_THEME_DIR ) ) { return; } // Just suppress errors as this is not critical if ( @mkdir( BB_THEME_DIR, 0755 ) ) { return 'Making theme directory at ' . BB_THEME_DIR . ': ' . __FUNCTION__; } return; } // Subscription Option function bb_upgrade_1130() { if ( $dbv = bb_get_option_from_db( 'bb_db_version' ) && $dbv >= 2471 ) return; // If the option is already there, then return if ( bb_get_option( 'enable_subscriptions' ) ) return; bb_update_option( 'enable_subscriptions', 1 ); bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', 2471 ); return 'Added subscriptions option and set its value to true: ' . __FUNCTION__; } function bb_deslash($content) { // Note: \\\ inside a regex denotes a single backslash. // Replace one or more backslashes followed by a single quote with // a single quote. $content = preg_replace("/\\\+'/", "'", $content); // Replace one or more backslashes followed by a double quote with // a double quote. $content = preg_replace('/\\\+"/', '"', $content); // Replace one or more backslashes with one backslash. $content = preg_replace("/\\\+/", "\\", $content); return $content; } function bb_update_db_version() { bb_update_option( 'bb_db_version', bb_get_option( 'bb_db_version' ) ); } ?>