' . $message . '

'; $class = $class ? $class : 'updated'; } elseif ( is_wp_error( $message ) ) { $errors = $message->get_error_messages(); switch ( count( $errors ) ) { case 0: return false; break; case 1: $message = '

' . $errors[0] . '

'; break; default: $message = ''; break; } $class = $class ? $class : 'error'; } else { return false; } $message = '
' . $message . '
'; $message = str_replace( "'", "\'", $message ); $lambda = create_function( '', "echo '$message';" ); add_action( 'bb_admin_notices', $lambda ); return $lambda; } /* Menu */ function bb_admin_menu_generator() { global $bb_menu, $bb_submenu; $bb_menu = array(); $bb_submenu = array(); // Dashboard menu items < 50 $bb_menu[0] = array( __( 'Dashboard' ), 'moderate', 'index.php', '', 'bb-menu-dashboard' ); $bb_submenu['index.php'][5] = array( __( 'Dashboard' ), 'moderate', 'index.php' ); // 50 < Plugin added menu items < 100 $bb_menu[100] = array( '', 'read', 'separator' ); // 100 < Plugin added menu items < 150 // 150 < First menu items < 200 $bb_menu[150] = array( __( 'Forums' ), 'manage_forums', 'forums.php', '', 'bb-menu-forums' ); $bb_submenu['forums.php'][5] = array( __( 'Forums' ), 'manage_forums', 'forums.php' ); $bb_menu[155] = array( __( 'Topics' ), 'moderate', 'topics.php', '', 'bb-menu-topics' ); $bb_submenu['topics.php'][5] = array( __( 'Topics' ), 'moderate', 'topics.php' ); $bb_menu[160] = array( __( 'Posts' ), 'moderate', 'posts.php', '', 'bb-menu-posts' ); $bb_submenu['posts.php'][5] = array( __( 'Posts' ), 'moderate', 'posts.php' ); // 200 < Plugin added menu items < 250 $bb_menu[250] = array( '', 'read', 'separator' ); // 250 < Plugin added menu items < 300 // 300 < Second menu items < 350 $bb_menu[300] = array( __( 'Appearance' ), 'manage_themes', 'themes.php', '', 'bb-menu-appearance' ); $bb_submenu['themes.php'][5] = array(__('Themes'), 'manage_themes', 'themes.php'); $bb_menu[305] = array( __( 'Plugins' ), 'use_keys', 'plugins.php', '', 'bb-menu-plugins' ); $bb_submenu['plugins.php'][5] = array( __( 'Installed' ), 'manage_plugins', 'plugins.php' ); $bb_menu[310] = array( __( 'Users' ), 'moderate', 'users.php', '', 'bb-menu-users' ); $bb_submenu['users.php'][5] = array( __( 'Users' ), 'moderate', 'users.php' ); $bb_submenu['users.php'][10] = array( __( 'Add New' ), 'manage_options', 'user-add-new.php' ); $bb_menu[315] = array( __( 'Tools' ), 'recount', 'tools-recount.php', '', 'bb-menu-tools' ); $bb_submenu['tools-recount.php'][5] = array( __( 'Re-count' ), 'recount', 'tools-recount.php' ); $bb_menu[320] = array( __( 'Settings' ), 'manage_options', 'options-general.php', '', 'bb-menu-settings' ); $bb_submenu['options-general.php'][5] = array( __( 'General' ), 'manage_options', 'options-general.php' ); //$bb_submenu['options-general.php'][10] = array( __( 'Date and Time' ), 'manage_options', 'options-time.php' ); $bb_submenu['options-general.php'][15] = array( __( 'Writing' ), 'manage_options', 'options-writing.php' ); $bb_submenu['options-general.php'][20] = array( __( 'Reading' ), 'manage_options', 'options-reading.php' ); $bb_submenu['options-general.php'][25] = array( __( 'Discussion' ), 'manage_options', 'options-discussion.php' ); $bb_submenu['options-general.php'][30] = array( __( 'Permalinks' ), 'manage_options', 'options-permalinks.php' ); $bb_submenu['options-general.php'][35] = array( __( 'WordPress Integration' ), 'manage_options', 'options-wordpress.php' ); // 350 < Plugin added menu items do_action( 'bb_admin_menu_generator' ); ksort( $bb_menu ); $last_key = false; foreach ( $bb_menu as $key => $m ) { if ( $last_key === false || $bb_menu[$last_key][2] === 'separator' ) { $bb_menu[$key][3] .= ' bb-menu-first'; } if ( $bb_menu[$key][2] === 'separator' ) { $bb_menu[$last_key][3] .= ' bb-menu-last'; } $last_key = $key; if ( isset( $bb_submenu[$m[2]] ) ) { ksort( $bb_submenu[$m[2]] ); } } $bb_menu[$last_key][3] .= ' bb-menu-last'; } function bb_admin_add_menu( $display_name, $capability, $file_name, $menu_position = false, $class = '', $id = '' ) { global $bb_menu; global $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks; if ( empty( $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks ) ) { $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks = array(); } if ( $display_name && $capability && $file_name ) { // Get an array of the keys $menu_keys = array_keys( $bb_menu ); if ( $menu_position ) { if ( is_numeric( $menu_position ) ) { if ( !isset( $bb_menu[$menu_position] ) ) { $plugin_menu_next = $menu_position; } else { return bb_admin_add_menu( $display_name, $capability, $file_name, ( $menu_position + 1 ), $class, $id ); } } else { // Set the bounds for different menu groups (main or side) switch ( $menu_position ) { case 'dash': $lower = 50; $upper = 100; break; case 'main': $lower = 200; $upper = 250; break; default: $lower = 350; $upper = 500; break; } // Get an array of all plugin added keys $plugin_menu_keys = array_filter( $menu_keys, create_function( '$v', 'if ($v >= ' . $lower . ' && $v < ' . $upper . ') { return $v; }' ) ); // If there is an array of keys if ( is_array( $plugin_menu_keys ) && count( $plugin_menu_keys ) ) { // Get the highest key value and add one $plugin_menu_next = max( $plugin_menu_keys ) + 1; } else { // It's the first one $plugin_menu_next = $lower; } } } else { $plugin_menu_next = max( array_keys( $bb_menu ) ) + 1; $bb_menu[$plugin_menu_next] = array( '', 'read', 'separator' ); $plugin_menu_next++; } if ( strpos( $file_name, '.php' ) === false ) { $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks[] = $file_name; } // Add the menu item at the given key $bb_menu[$plugin_menu_next] = array( $display_name, $capability, $file_name, $class, $id ); ksort( $bb_menu ); return $plugin_menu_next; } return false; } function bb_admin_add_submenu( $display_name, $capability, $file_name, $parent = 'plugins.php' ) { global $bb_submenu; global $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks; if ( empty( $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks ) ) { $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks = array(); } if ( $display_name && $capability && $file_name ) { if ( strpos( $file_name, '.php' ) === false ) { $bb_registered_plugin_callbacks[] = $file_name; } $bb_submenu[$parent][] = array( $display_name, $capability, $file_name ); ksort( $bb_submenu ); } } function bb_get_current_admin_menu() { global $bb_menu, $bb_submenu, $bb_admin_page, $bb_current_menu, $bb_current_submenu; foreach ( $bb_submenu as $m => $b ) { foreach ( $b as $s ) { if ( $s[2] == $bb_admin_page ) { $bb_current_submenu = $s; $bb_current_menu = $m; break; } } } if ( !isset($bb_current_menu) ) { $bb_current_menu = $bb_menu[0]; $bb_current_submenu = $bb_submenu['index.php'][5]; } else { foreach ( $bb_menu as $m ) { if ( $m[2] == $bb_current_menu ) { $bb_current_menu = $m; break; } } } if ( $bb_current_submenu && !bb_current_user_can( $bb_current_submenu[1] ) || !bb_current_user_can( $bb_current_menu[1] ) ) { wp_redirect( bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER) ); exit; } } function bb_admin_title() { global $bb_current_menu, $bb_current_submenu; $title = $bb_current_menu[0] . ' ‹ ' . bb_get_option( 'name' ) . ' — ' . __( 'bbPress' ); if ( $bb_current_submenu && $bb_current_submenu[0] !== $bb_current_menu[0] ) { $title = $bb_current_submenu[0] . ' ‹ ' . $title; } echo esc_html( $title ); } function bb_admin_menu() { global $bb_menu, $bb_submenu, $bb_current_menu, $bb_current_submenu; if ( !is_array( $bb_menu ) || !count( $bb_menu ) ) { return ''; } $r = "\t\t\t" . '' . "\n"; echo $r; } function bb_get_admin_tab_link( $tab ) { if ( is_array( $tab ) ) { $tab = $tab[2]; } if ( strpos( $tab, '.php' ) !== false ) { return $tab; } else { return 'admin-base.php?plugin=' . $tab; } } /* Stats */ function bb_get_recently_moderated_objects( $num = 5 ) { $post_query = new BB_Query( 'post', array( 'per_page' => $num, 'post_status' => '-normal', 'topic_status' => 0 ) ); // post_time != moderation_time; $topic_query = new BB_Query( 'topic', array( 'per_page' => $num, 'topic_status' => '-normal' ) ); // topic_time == topic_start_time != moderation_time; $objects = array(); if ( $post_query->results ) foreach ( array_keys($post_query->results) as $key ) $objects[bb_gmtstrtotime($post_query->results[$key]->post_time)] = array('type' => 'post', 'data' => $post_query->results[$key]); if ( $topic_query->results ) foreach ( array_keys($topic_query->results) as $key ) $objects[bb_gmtstrtotime($topic_query->results[$key]->topic_time)] = array('type' => 'topic', 'data' => $topic_query->results[$key]); krsort($objects); return array_slice($objects, 0, $num); } /* Users */ function bb_manage_user_fields( $edit_user = '' ) { global $wp_roles, $wp_users_object, $bbdb; // Cap checks $user_roles = $wp_roles->role_names; $can_keep_gate = bb_current_user_can( 'keep_gate' ); if ( 'post' == strtolower( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) ) { bb_check_admin_referer( 'user-manage' ); // Instantiate required vars $_POST = stripslashes_deep( $_POST ); $create_user_errors = new WP_Error; // User login $trimmed_user_login = str_replace( ' ', '', $_POST['user_login'] ); $user_login = sanitize_user( $_POST['user_login'], true ); $user_meta['first_name'] = $_POST['first_name']; $user_meta['last_name'] = $_POST['last_name']; $user_display_name = $_POST['display_name']; $user_email = $_POST['user_email']; $user_url = $_POST['user_url']; $user_meta['from'] = $_POST['from']; $user_meta['occ'] = $_POST['occ']; $user_meta['interest'] = $_POST['interest']; $user_role = $_POST['userrole']; $user_meta['throttle'] = $_POST['throttle']; $user_pass1 = $_POST['pass1']; $user_pass2 = $_POST['pass2']; $user_status = 0; $user_pass = false; $user_url = $user_url ? bb_fix_link( $user_url ) : ''; // Check user_login if ( !isset( $_GET['action'] ) && empty( $user_login ) ) { $create_user_errors->add( 'user_login', __( 'Username is a required field.' ) ); } else { if ( $user_login !== $trimmed_user_login ) { $create_user_errors->add( 'user_login', sprintf( __( '%s is an invalid username. How\'s this one?' ), esc_html( $_POST['user_login'] ) ) ); $user_login = $trimmed_user_login; } } // Check email if ( isset( $user_email ) && empty( $user_email ) ) $create_user_errors->add( 'user_email', __( 'Email address is a required field.' ) ); // Password Sanity Check if ( ( !empty( $user_pass1 ) || !empty( $user_pass2 ) ) && $user_pass1 !== $user_pass2 ) $create_user_errors->add( 'pass', __( 'You must enter the same password twice.' ) ); elseif ( !isset( $_GET['action'] ) && ( empty( $user_pass1 ) && empty( $user_pass2 ) ) ) $create_user_errors->add( 'pass', __( 'You must enter a password.' ) ); elseif ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && ( empty( $user_pass1 ) && empty( $user_pass2 ) ) ) $user_pass = ''; else $user_pass = $user_pass1; // No errors if ( !$create_user_errors->get_error_messages() ) { // Create or udpate switch ( $_POST['action'] ) { case 'create' : $goback = bb_get_uri( 'bb-admin/users.php', array( 'created' => 'true' ), BB_URI_CONTEXT_FORM_ACTION + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_ADMIN ); $user = $wp_users_object->new_user( compact( 'user_login', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_nicename', 'user_status', 'user_pass' ) ); // Error handler if ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) { bb_admin_notice( $user ); unset( $goback ); // Update additional user data } else { // Update caps bb_update_usermeta( $user['ID'], $bbdb->prefix . 'capabilities', array( $user_role => true ) ); // Update all user meta foreach ( $user_meta as $key => $value ) bb_update_usermeta( $user['ID'], $key, $value ); // Don't send email if empty if ( !empty( $user_pass ) ) bb_send_pass( $user['ID'], $user_pass ); do_action( 'bb_new_user', $user['ID'], $user_pass ); } break; case 'update' : $goback = bb_get_uri( 'bb-admin/users.php', array( 'updated' => 'true' ), BB_URI_CONTEXT_FORM_ACTION + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_ADMIN ); $user = $wp_users_object->get_user( $_GET['user_id'], array( 'output' => ARRAY_A ) ); bb_update_user( $user['ID'], $user_email, $user_url, $user_display_name ); // Don't change PW if empty if ( !empty( $user_pass ) ) bb_update_user_password( $user['ID'], $user_pass ); // Error handler if ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) { bb_admin_notice( $user ); unset( $goback ); // Update additional user data } else { // Update caps bb_update_usermeta( $user['ID'], $bbdb->prefix . 'capabilities', array( $user_role => true ) ); // Update all user meta foreach ( $user_meta as $key => $value ) bb_update_usermeta( $user['ID'], $key, $value ); // Don't send email if empty if ( !empty( $user_pass ) ) bb_send_pass( $user['ID'], $user_pass ); do_action( 'bb_update_user', $user['ID'], $user_pass ); } break; } // Redirect if ( isset( $goback ) && !empty( $goback ) ) bb_safe_redirect( $goback ); // Error handler } else { bb_admin_notice( $create_user_errors ); } } elseif ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit' ) { if ( isset( $_GET['user_id'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['user_id'] ) ) { $disabled = true; // Get the user if ( empty( $edit_user ) ) $edit_user = bb_get_user( bb_get_user_id( $_GET['user_id'] ) ); // Instantiate required vars $user_login = $edit_user->user_login; $user_meta['first_name'] = $edit_user->first_name; $user_meta['last_name'] = $edit_user->last_name; $user_display_name = $edit_user->display_name; $user_email = $edit_user->user_email; $user_url = $edit_user->user_url; $user_meta['from'] = $edit_user->from; $user_meta['occ'] = $edit_user->occ; $user_meta['interest'] = $edit_user->interest; $user_role = array_search( 'true', $edit_user->capabilities ); $user_meta['throttle'] = $edit_user->throttle; // Keymasters can't demote themselves if ( ( $edit_user->ID == bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ) && $can_keep_gate ) || ( isset( $edit_user->capabilities ) && is_array( $edit_user->capabilities ) && array_key_exists( 'keymaster', $edit_user->capabilities ) && !$can_keep_gate ) ) $user_roles = array( 'keymaster' => $user_roles['keymaster'] ); // only keymasters can promote others to keymaster status elseif ( !$can_keep_gate ) unset( $user_roles['keymaster'] ); } } // Load password strength checker wp_enqueue_script( 'password-strength-meter' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'profile-edit' ); // Generate a few PW hints $some_pass_hints = ''; for ( $l = 3; $l != 0; $l-- ) $some_pass_hints .= '

' . bb_generate_password() . '

'; // Create the user fields $user_fields = array( 'user_login' => array( 'title' => __( 'Username' ), 'note' => __( 'Required! Unique identifier for new user.' ), 'value' => $user_login, 'disabled' => $disabled ), 'first_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'First Name' ), 'value' => $user_meta['first_name'] ), 'last_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'Last Name' ), 'value' => $user_meta['last_name'] ), 'display_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'Display Name' ), 'value' => $user_display_name ), 'user_email' => array( 'title' => __( 'Email' ), 'note' => __( 'Required! Will be used for notifications and profile settings changes.' ), 'value' => $user_email ), 'user_url' => array( 'title' => __( 'Website' ), 'class' => array( 'long', 'code' ), 'note' => __( 'The full URL of user\'s homepage or blog.' ), 'value' => $user_url ), 'from' => array( 'title' => __( 'Location' ), 'class' => array( 'long' ), 'value' => $user_meta['from'] ), 'occ' => array( 'title' => __( 'Occupation' ), 'class' => array( 'long' ), 'value' => $user_meta['occ'] ), 'interest' => array( 'title' => __( 'Interests' ), 'class' => array( 'long' ), 'value' => $user_meta['interest'] ), 'userrole' => array( 'title' => __( 'User Role' ), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $user_roles, 'note' => __( 'Allow user the above privileges.' ), 'value' => $user_role, ), 'pass1' => array( 'title' => __( 'New Password' ), 'type' => 'password', 'class' => array( 'short', 'text', 'code' ), 'note' => __( 'Hints: ' ) . $some_pass_hints, 'value' => $user_pass1, ), 'pass2' => array( 'title' => __( 'Repeat New Password' ), 'type' => 'password', 'class' => array( 'short', 'text', 'code' ), 'note' => __( 'If you ignore hints, remember: the password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).' ), 'value' => $user_pass2, ), 'email_pass' => array( 'title' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array( '1' => array( 'label' => __( 'Email the new password.' ), 'attributes' => array( 'checked' => true ) ) ), ), 'pass-strength-fake-input' => array( 'title' => __( 'Password Strength' ), 'type' => 'hidden', ), ); return apply_filters( 'bb_manage_user_fields', $user_fields ); } // Not bbdb::prepared function bb_get_ids_by_role( $role = 'moderator', $sort = 0, $page = 1, $limit = 50 ) { global $bbdb, $bb_last_countable_query; $sort = $sort ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; $key = $bbdb->escape( $bbdb->prefix . 'capabilities' ); if ( !$page = abs( (int) $page ) ) $page = 1; $limit = abs( (int) $limit ); $limit = ($limit * ($page - 1)) . ", $limit"; $role = $bbdb->escape_deep($role); if ( is_array($role) ) $and_where = "( meta_value LIKE '%" . join("%' OR meta_value LIKE '%", $role) . "%' )"; else $and_where = "meta_value LIKE '%$role%'"; $bb_last_countable_query = "SELECT user_id FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = '$key' AND $and_where ORDER BY user_id $sort LIMIT $limit"; $ids = false; $_tuple = compact( 'ids', 'role', 'sort', 'page', 'key', 'limit', 'bb_last_countable_query' ); $_tuple = apply_filters( 'bb_get_ids_by_role', $_tuple ); extract( $_tuple, EXTR_OVERWRITE ); if ( !$ids ) { $ids = (array) $bbdb->get_col( $bb_last_countable_query ); } if ( $ids ) { bb_cache_users( $ids ); } return $ids; } function bb_user_row( $user, $role = '', $email = false ) { $actions = "" . __('View') . ""; $title = ''; if ( bb_current_user_can( 'edit_user', $user_id ) ) { $actions .= " | " . __('Edit') . ""; $title = " title='" . esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'User ID: %d' ), $user->ID ) ) . "'"; } $r = "\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t" . bb_get_avatar( $user->ID, 32 ) . "" . get_user_name( $user->ID ) . "
\n"; $r .= "\t\t" . get_user_display_name( $user->ID ) . "\n"; if ( $email ) { $email = bb_get_user_email( $user->ID ); $r .= "\t\t$email\n"; } $registered_time = bb_gmtstrtotime( $user->user_registered ); if ( $registered_time < ( time() - 86400 ) ) { $time = date( 'Y/m/d\<\b\r \/\>H:i:s', bb_offset_time( $registered_time ) ); } else { $time = sprintf( __( '%s ago' ), bb_since( $registered_time ) ); } $r .= "\t\t" . $time . "\n"; if ( !isset($user->capabilities) || !is_array($user->capabilities) || empty($user->capabilities) ) { $role = array( __('Inactive (no role)') ); } else { global $wp_roles; $_roles = $wp_roles->get_names(); $role = array(); foreach ( $user->capabilities as $cap => $cap_set ) { if (!$cap_set) { continue; } $role[] = $_roles[$cap]; } if ( !count( $role ) ) { $role[] = __('None'); } } $r .= "\t\t" . join(', ', $role) . "\n\t"; return $r; } // BB_User_Search class // by Mark Jaquith class BB_User_Search { var $results; var $search_term; var $page; var $raw_page; var $users_per_page = 50; var $first_user; var $last_user; var $query_limit; var $total_users_for_query = 0; var $search_errors; var $paging_text; var $paging_text_bottom; function __construct($search_term = false, $page = 1, $roles = false ) { // constructor $this->search_term = $search_term ? stripslashes($search_term) : false; $this->raw_page = ( '' == $page ) ? false : (int) $page; $page = (int) $page; $this->page = $page < 2 ? 1 : $page; $roles = (array) $roles; $_roles = array(); foreach ( $roles as $role ) { if ( false !== $role ) { $_roles[] = stripslashes( $role ); } } $this->roles = empty( $_roles ) ? false : $_roles; $this->prepare_query(); $this->query(); $this->prepare_vars_for_template_usage(); $this->do_paging(); } function BB_User_Search( $search_term = false, $page = 1, $roles = false ) { $this->__construct( $search_term, $page, $roles ); } function prepare_query() { $this->first_user = ($this->page - 1) * $this->users_per_page; } function query() { $users = bb_user_search( array( 'query' => $this->search_term, 'user_email' => true, 'users_per_page' => $this->users_per_page, 'page' => $this->page, 'roles' => $this->roles ) ); if ( is_wp_error($users) ) $this->search_errors = $users; else if ( $users ) $this->results = $users; // foreach ( (array) $users as $user ) // $this->results[] = $user->ID; if ( $this->results ) $this->total_users_for_query = bb_count_last_query(); elseif ( !is_wp_error($this->search_errors) ) $this->search_errors = new WP_Error( 'no_matching_users_found', __( 'No matching users were found!' ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $this->search_errors ) ) bb_admin_notice( $this->search_errors ); } function prepare_vars_for_template_usage() { $this->search_term = stripslashes($this->search_term); // done with DB, from now on we want slashes gone } function do_paging() { global $bb_current_submenu; $displaying_num = sprintf( __( '%1$s to %2$s of %3$s' ), bb_number_format_i18n( ( $this->page - 1 ) * $this->users_per_page + 1 ), $this->page * $this->users_per_page < $this->total_users_for_query ? bb_number_format_i18n( $this->page * $this->users_per_page ) : '' . bb_number_format_i18n( $this->total_users_for_query ) . '', '' . bb_number_format_i18n( $this->total_users_for_query ) . '' ); $page_number_links = $this->total_users_for_query > $this->users_per_page ? get_page_number_links( $this->page, $this->total_users_for_query, $this->users_per_page, false ) : ''; $this->paging_text = "
\n"; $this->paging_text_bottom = "
\n"; } function get_results() { return (array) $this->results; } function page_links() { echo $this->paging_text; } function results_are_paged() { if ( isset($this->paging_text) && $this->paging_text ) return true; return false; } function is_search() { if ( $this->search_term ) return true; return false; } function display( $show_search = true, $show_email = false ) { global $wp_roles; $r = ''; if ( isset($this->title) ) $title = $this->title; elseif ( $this->is_search() ) $title = sprintf(__('Users Matching "%s" by Role'), esc_html( $this->search_term )); $h2_search = $this->search_term; $h2_role = $this->roles[0]; $roles = $wp_roles->get_names(); if ( in_array( $h2_role, array_keys( $roles ) ) ) { $h2_role = $roles[$h2_role]; } $h2_search = $h2_search ? ' ' . sprintf( __('containing “%s”'), esc_html( $h2_search ) ) : ''; $h2_role = $h2_role ? ' ' . sprintf( __('with role “%s”'), esc_html( $h2_role ) ) : ''; $h2_span = ''; $h2_span .= apply_filters( 'bb_user_search_description', sprintf( __( '%1$s%2$s' ), $h2_search, $h2_role ), $h2_search, $h2_role, $this ); $h2_span .= ''; echo "

" . apply_filters( 'bb_user_search_title', __('Users') ) . $h2_span . "

\n"; do_action( 'bb_admin_notices' ); if ( $show_search ) { $roles = apply_filters( 'bb_user_search_form_roles', $wp_roles->get_names() ); $r .= "\n\n"; } if ( $this->get_results() ) { if ( $this->results_are_paged() ) $r .= "
\n" . $this->paging_text . "
\n\n"; //foreach($roleclasses as $role => $roleclass) { //ksort($roleclass); //if ( !empty($role) ) // $r .= "\t\t


\n"; //else // $r .= "\t\t

" . __('Users with no role in these forums') . "

\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\t\n"; if ( $show_email ) { $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; } else { $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; } $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\n"; $r .= "\n\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\t\n"; if ( $show_email ) { $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; } else { $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; } $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\t\n"; $r .= "\t\n"; $r .= "\n\n"; $r .= "\n"; foreach ( (array) $this->get_results() as $user_object ) $r .= bb_user_row($user_object, $role, $show_email); $r .= "\n"; $r .= "
" . __('Username') . "" . __('Name') . "" . __('E-mail') . "" . __('Username') . "" . __('Name') . "" . __('Registered') . "" . __('Role') . "
" . __('Username') . "" . __('Name') . "" . __('E-mail') . "" . __('Username') . "" . __('Name') . "" . __('Registered') . "" . __('Role') . "
\n\n"; //} if ( $this->results_are_paged() ) $r .= "
\n" . $this->paging_text_bottom . "
\n\n"; } echo $r; } } class BB_Users_By_Role extends BB_User_Search { var $role = ''; var $title = ''; function __construct($role = '', $page = '') { // constructor $this->role = $role ? $role : 'member'; $this->raw_page = ( '' == $page ) ? false : (int) $page; $this->page = (int) ( '' == $page ) ? 1 : $page; $this->prepare_query(); $this->query(); $this->do_paging(); } function BB_Users_By_Role($role = '', $page = '') { $this->__construct($role, $page); } function query() { if ( $_results = bb_get_ids_by_role( $this->role, 0, $this->page, $this->users_per_page ) ) { $this->results = bb_get_user($_results); $this->total_users_for_query = bb_count_last_query(); } else $this->search_errors = new WP_Error( 'no_matching_users_found', __( 'No matching users were found!' ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $this->search_errors ) ) bb_admin_notice( $this->search_errors ); } } /* Forums */ // Expects forum_name, forum_desc to be pre-escaped function bb_new_forum( $args ) { global $bbdb; if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'manage_forums' ) ) return false; $func_args = func_get_args(); $defaults = array( 'forum_name' => '', 'forum_desc' => '', 'forum_parent' => 0, 'forum_order' => false, 'forum_is_category' => 0 ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); if ( 1 < func_num_args() ) : // For back compat $args['forum_name'] = $func_args[0]; $args['forum_desc'] = $func_args[1]; $args['forum_order'] = 2 < func_num_args() ? $func_args[2] : 0; endif; extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if ( !is_numeric($forum_order) ) $forum_order = (int) $bbdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(forum_order) FROM $bbdb->forums") + 1; $forum_order = (int) $forum_order; $forum_parent = (int) $forum_parent; $forum_is_category = (int) $forum_is_category; $forum_name = apply_filters( 'bb_pre_forum_name', stripslashes( wp_specialchars_decode( $forum_name, ENT_QUOTES ) ) ); $forum_desc = apply_filters( 'bb_pre_forum_desc', stripslashes($forum_desc) ); if ( strlen($forum_name) < 1 ) return false; $forum_sql = "SELECT forum_slug FROM $bbdb->forums WHERE forum_slug = %s"; $forum_slug = $_forum_slug = bb_slug_sanitize($forum_name); if ( strlen($_forum_slug) < 1 ) return false; while ( is_numeric($forum_slug) || $existing_slug = $bbdb->get_var( $bbdb->prepare( $forum_sql, $forum_slug ) ) ) $forum_slug = bb_slug_increment($_forum_slug, $existing_slug); $bbdb->insert( $bbdb->forums, compact( 'forum_name', 'forum_slug', 'forum_desc', 'forum_parent', 'forum_order' ) ); $forum_id = $bbdb->insert_id; if ($forum_id && $forum_is_category) bb_update_forummeta($forum_id, 'forum_is_category', $forum_is_category); wp_cache_flush( 'bb_forums' ); return $forum_id; } // Expects forum_name, forum_desc to be pre-escaped function bb_update_forum( $args ) { global $bbdb; if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'manage_forums' ) ) return false; $func_args = func_get_args(); $defaults = array( 'forum_id' => 0, 'forum_name' => '', 'forum_slug' => '', 'forum_desc' => '', 'forum_parent' => 0, 'forum_order' => 0, 'forum_is_category' => 0 ); $fields = array( 'forum_name', 'forum_desc', 'forum_parent', 'forum_order' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); if ( 1 < func_num_args() ) : // For back compat $args['forum_id'] = $func_args[0]; $args['forum_name'] = $func_args[1]; $args['forum_desc'] = 2 < func_num_args() ? $func_args[2] : ''; $args['forum_order'] = 3 < func_num_args() && is_numeric($func_args[3]) ? $func_args[3] : 0; endif; extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if ( !$forum_id = (int) $forum_id ) return false; if ( !$forum = bb_get_forum( $forum_id ) ) return false; $forum_order = (int) $forum_order; $forum_parent = (int) $forum_parent; $forum_is_category = (int) $forum_is_category; $forum_name = apply_filters( 'bb_pre_forum_name', stripslashes( wp_specialchars_decode( $forum_name, ENT_QUOTES ) ), $forum_id ); $forum_desc = apply_filters( 'bb_pre_forum_desc', stripslashes($forum_desc), $forum_id ); if ( strlen($forum_name) < 1 ) return false; // Slug is not changing, don't update it if ( !$forum_slug || $forum_slug == $forum->forum_slug ) { // [sic] } else { $forum_slug = $_forum_slug = bb_slug_sanitize($forum_slug); if ( strlen($_forum_slug) < 1 ) return false; $forum_sql = "SELECT forum_slug FROM $bbdb->forums WHERE forum_slug = %s"; while ( is_numeric($forum_slug) || $existing_slug = $bbdb->get_var( $bbdb->prepare( $forum_sql, $forum_slug ) ) ) $forum_slug = bb_slug_increment($_forum_slug, $existing_slug); $fields[] = 'forum_slug'; } wp_cache_delete( $forum_id, 'bb_forum' ); wp_cache_flush( 'bb_forums' ); $update_result = $bbdb->update( $bbdb->forums, compact( $fields ), compact( 'forum_id' ) ); if ($forum_is_category) bb_update_forummeta($forum_id, 'forum_is_category', $forum_is_category); else bb_delete_forummeta($forum_id, 'forum_is_category'); return $update_result; } // When you delete a forum, you delete *everything* // NOT bbdb::prepared function bb_delete_forum( $forum_id ) { global $bbdb; if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'delete_forum', $forum_id ) ) return false; if ( !$forum_id = (int) $forum_id ) return false; if ( !$forum = bb_get_forum( $forum_id ) ) return false; if ( $topic_ids = $bbdb->get_col( $bbdb->prepare( "SELECT topic_id FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE forum_id = %d", $forum_id ) ) ) { foreach ($topic_ids as $topic_id) { bb_remove_topic_tags( $topic_id ); } $_topic_ids = join(',', array_map('intval', $topic_ids)); $bbdb->query("DELETE FROM $bbdb->posts WHERE topic_id IN ($_topic_ids) AND topic_id != 0"); $bbdb->query("DELETE FROM $bbdb->meta WHERE object_type = 'bb_topic' AND object_id IN ($_topic_ids)"); $bbdb->query( $bbdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE forum_id = %d", $forum_id ) ); } $bbdb->update( $bbdb->forums, array( 'forum_parent' => $forum->forum_parent ), array( 'forum_parent' => $forum_id ) ); $return = $bbdb->query( $bbdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $bbdb->forums WHERE forum_id = %d", $forum_id ) ); wp_cache_flush( 'bb_post' ); if ( $topic_ids ) foreach ( $topic_ids as $topic_id ) { // should maybe just flush these groups instead wp_cache_delete( $topic_id, 'bb_topic' ); wp_cache_delete( $topic_id, 'bb_thread' ); } wp_cache_delete( $forum_id, 'bb_forum' ); wp_cache_flush( 'bb_forums' ); return $return; } function bb_forum_row( $forum_id = 0, $echo = true, $close = false ) { global $forum, $forums_count; if ( $forum_id ) $_forum = bb_get_forum( $forum_id ); else $_forum =& $forum; if ( !$_forum ) return; $description = get_forum_description( $_forum->forum_id ); $r = ''; if ( $close ) $r .= "\t
  • \n"; $r .= "\t\t
    \n"; $r .= "\t\t\t
    " . get_forum_name( $_forum->forum_id ) . "
    \n"; if ( $description ) $r .= "\t\t\t

    " . get_forum_description( $_forum->forum_id ) . "

    \n"; $r .= "\t\t\t
    \n"; $r .= "\t\t\t\t" . __('View') . "\n"; if ( bb_current_user_can( 'manage_forums' ) ) $r .= "\t\t\t\t| 'edit', 'id' => $_forum->forum_id), BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_ADMIN) ) . "'>" . __('Edit') . "\n"; if ( bb_current_user_can( 'delete_forum', $_forum->forum_id ) && 1 < $forums_count ) $r .= "\t\t\t\t| 'delete', 'id' => $_forum->forum_id), BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_ADMIN) ) . "'>" . __('Delete') . "\n"; $r .= "\t\t\t 
    \n"; $r .= "\t\t
    \n"; if ( $close ) $r .= "\t
  • \n"; if ( $echo ) echo $r; return $r; } function bb_forum_form( $forum_id = 0 ) { $forum_id = (int) $forum_id; if ( $forum_id && !$forum = bb_get_forum( $forum_id ) ) { return; } $forum_name = ''; $forum_slug = ''; $forum_description = ''; $forum_position = ''; if ( $forum_id ) { $forum_name = get_forum_name( $forum_id ); $forum_slug = apply_filters('editable_slug', $forum->forum_slug); $forum_description = get_forum_description( $forum_id ); $forum_position = get_forum_position( $forum_id ); $legend = __( 'Edit Forum' ); $submit = __( 'Save Changes' ); $action = 'update'; } else { $legend = __( 'Add Forum' ); $submit = __( 'Add Forum' ); $action = 'add'; } $forum_options = array( 'forum_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'Name' ), 'value' => $forum_name ), 'forum_slug' => array( 'title' => __( 'Slug' ), 'value' => $forum_slug ), 'forum_desc' => array( 'title' => __( 'Description' ), 'value' => $forum_description, 'class' => 'long' ), 'forum_parent' => array( 'title' => __( 'Parent' ), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => bb_get_forum_dropdown( array( 'cut_branch' => $forum_id, 'id' => 'forum_parent', 'none' => true, 'selected' => $forum_id ? get_forum_parent( $forum_id ) : 0, 'disable_categories' => 0, 'options_only' => true ) ) ), 'forum_order' => array( 'title' => __( 'Position' ), 'value' => $forum_position, 'class' => 'short' ), 'forum_is_category' => array( 'title' => __( 'Category' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array( 1 => array( 'label' => __( 'Make this forum a category' ), 'value' => bb_get_forum_is_category( $forum_id ), ) ), 'note' => __( 'Categories are forums where new topics cannot be created. Categories usually contain a group of sub-forums.' ) ) ); if ( !$forum_id ) { unset( $forum_options['forum_slug'] ); unset( $forum_options['forum_order'] ); } ?>
    $args ) { bb_option_form_element( $option, $args ); } ?>
    'forum_parent', 'id' => 'forum_id'); //TODO: decouple this function start_lvl($output, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth) . ' '; $output .= $indent . "\n"; return $output; } function start_el($output, $forum, $depth) { $this->forum_id = $forum->forum_id; $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth + 1); $output .= $indent . "
  • \n"; return $output; } function end_el($output, $forum, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth + 1); $output .= $indent . "
  • \n"; return $output; } } /* Topics */ function bb_move_forum_topics( $from_forum_id, $to_forum_id ) { global $bbdb; $from_forum_id = (int) $from_forum_id ; $to_forum_id = (int) $to_forum_id; add_filter('get_forum_where', 'bb_no_where'); // Just in case $from_forum = bb_get_forum( $from_forum_id ); if ( !$to_forum = bb_get_forum( $to_forum_id ) ) return false; $posts = $to_forum->posts + ( $from_forum ? $from_forum->posts : 0 ); $topics = $to_forum->topics + ( $from_forum ? $from_forum->topics : 0 ); $bbdb->update( $bbdb->forums, compact( 'topics', 'posts' ), array( 'forum_id' => $to_forum_id ) ); $bbdb->update( $bbdb->forums, array( 'topics' => 0, 'posts' => 0 ), array( 'forum_id' => $from_forum_id ) ); $bbdb->update( $bbdb->posts, array( 'forum_id' => $to_forum_id ), array( 'forum_id' => $from_forum_id ) ); $topic_ids = $bbdb->get_col( $bbdb->prepare( "SELECT topic_id FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE forum_id = %d", $from_forum_id ) ); $return = $bbdb->update( $bbdb->topics, array( 'forum_id' => $to_forum_id ), array( 'forum_id' => $from_forum_id ) ); wp_cache_flush( 'bb_post' ); if ( $topic_ids ) foreach ( $topic_ids as $topic_id ) { // should maybe just flush these groups wp_cache_delete( $topic_id, 'bb_topic' ); wp_cache_delete( $topic_id, 'bb_thread' ); } wp_cache_delete( $from_forum_id, 'bb_forum' ); wp_cache_delete( $to_forum_id, 'bb_forum' ); wp_cache_flush( 'bb_forums' ); return $return; } /* Posts */ function bb_admin_list_posts() { global $bb_posts, $bb_post; if ( !$bb_posts ) { ?>

    ' | ', 'each' => array( 'undelete' => array( 'before' => ' ' ) ), 'last_each' => array( 'before' => ' | ' ) ) ); ?>  
    topic_id ); ?> H:i:s' ); } else { printf( __( '%s ago' ), bb_get_post_time( 'since' ) ); } ?>
    array( 'topic-posts', __( 'Count posts of every topic' ) ), 6 => array( 'topic-voices', __( 'Count voices of every topic' ) ), 10 => array( 'topic-deleted-posts', __( 'Count deleted posts on every topic' ) ), 15 => array( 'forums', __( 'Count topics and posts in every forum' ) ), 20 => array( 'topics-replied', __( 'Count topics to which each user has replied' ) ), 25 => array( 'topic-tag-count', __( 'Count tags for every topic' ) ), 30 => array( 'tags-tag-count', __( 'Count topics for every tag' ) ), 35 => array( 'tags-delete-empty', __( 'Delete tags with no topics' ) ), 40 => array( 'clean-favorites', __( 'Remove deleted topics from users\' favorites' ) ) ); do_action( 'bb_recount_list' ); ksort( $recount_list ); return $recount_list; } /* Themes */ function bb_get_current_theme_data( $property = 'all' ) { if (!$property) { $property = 'all'; } $directory = bb_get_active_theme_directory(); $stylesheet = $directory . 'style.css'; if (file_exists($stylesheet)) { $data = bb_get_theme_data($stylesheet); } if ($property == 'all') { return $data; } elseif (isset($data[$property])) { return $data[$property]; } else { return false; } } // Output sanitized for display function bb_get_theme_data( $theme_file ) { if ( strpos($theme_file, '#') !== false ) { $theme_file = bb_get_theme_directory( $theme_file ) . 'style.css'; } $theme_code = implode( '', file( $theme_file ) ); $theme_code = str_replace ( '\r', '\n', $theme_code ); // Grab just the first commented area from the file preg_match( '|/\*(.*)\*/|msU', $theme_code, $theme_block ); $theme_data = trim( $theme_block[1] ); preg_match( '|Theme Name:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $theme_name ); preg_match( '|Theme URI:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $theme_uri ); preg_match( '|Description:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $description ); preg_match( '|Author:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $author_name ); preg_match( '|Author URI:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $author_uri ); preg_match( '|Ported By:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $porter_name ); preg_match( '|Porter URI:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $porter_uri ); // preg_match( '|Template:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $template ); if ( preg_match( '|Version:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $version ) ) $version = esc_html( trim( $version[1] ) ); else $version =''; if ( preg_match('|Status:(.*)|i', $theme_data, $status) ) $status = esc_html( trim($status[1]) ); else $status = 'publish'; $description = trim($description[1]); $description = bb_encode_bad( $description ); $description = bb_code_trick( $description ); $description = force_balance_tags( $description ); $description = bb_filter_kses( $description ); $description = bb_autop( $description ); $name = $theme_name[1]; $name = esc_html( trim($name) ); $theme = $name; if ( $author_name || $author_uri ) { if ( empty($author_uri[1]) ) { $author = bb_filter_kses( trim($author_name[1]) ); } else { $author = '' . bb_filter_kses( trim($author_name[1]) ) . ''; } } else { $author = ''; } if ( $porter_name || $porter_uri ) { if ( empty($porter_uri[1]) ) { $porter = bb_filter_kses( trim($porter_name[1]) ); } else { $porter = '' . bb_filter_kses( trim($porter_name[1]) ) . ''; } } else { $porter = ''; } global $bb; // Normalise the path to the theme $theme_file = str_replace( '\\', '/', $theme_file ); foreach ( $bb->theme_locations as $_name => $_data ) { $_directory = str_replace( '\\', '/', $_data['dir'] ); if ( 0 === strpos( $theme_file, $_directory ) ) { $location = $_name; break; } } return array( 'Location' => $location, 'Name' => $name, 'Title' => $theme, 'Description' => $description, 'Author' => $author, 'Porter' => $porter, 'Version' => $version, // 'Template' => $template[1], 'Status' => $status, 'URI' => esc_url( $theme_uri[1] ) ); } if ( !function_exists( 'checked' ) ) : function checked( $checked, $current) { if ( $checked == $current) echo ' checked="checked"'; } endif; if ( !function_exists( 'selected' ) ) : function selected( $selected, $current) { if ( $selected === $current) echo ' selected="selected"'; } endif; /* Options */ function bb_option_form_element( $name = 'name', $args = null ) { global $bb_hardcoded; $defaults = array( 'title' => 'title', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => false, 'options' => false, 'message' => false, 'class' => false, 'default' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'note' => false, 'attributes' => false, 'disabled' => false, ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $id = str_replace( array( '_', '[', ']' ), array( '-', '-', '' ), $name ); if ( false !== strpos( $name, '[' ) ) { list( $option_name, $option_key ) = preg_split( '/[\[\]]/', $name, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); $option = bb_get_option( $option_name ); $value = false === $args['value'] ? esc_attr( $option[$option_key] ) : esc_attr( $args['value'] ); $hardcoded = isset( $bb_hardcoded[$option_name][$option_key] ); } else { $value = false === $args['value'] ? bb_get_form_option( $name ) : esc_attr( $args['value'] ); $hardcoded = isset( $bb_hardcoded[$name] ); } $class = $args['class'] ? (array) $args['class'] : array(); array_unshift( $class, $args['type'] ); if ( $hardcoded || $args['disabled'] ) $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; else $disabled = false; if ( $args['attributes'] ) { $attributes = array(); foreach ( $args['attributes'] as $k => $v ) $attributes[] = "$k='$v'"; $attributes = ' ' . join( ' ', $attributes ); } else { $attributes = ''; } ?>
    ' . $args['before'] . ''; } switch ( $args['type'] ) { case 'select' : echo "\n"; if ( is_array( $args['options'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['options'] as $option => $label ) echo "\t\n"; } elseif ( is_string( $args['options'] ) ) { echo $args['options'] . "\n"; } echo "\n"; break; case 'radio' : case 'checkbox' : if ( is_array( $args['options'] ) ) { $_id = 0; if ( 'radio' === $args['type'] && !in_array( $value, array_keys( $args['options'] ) ) && empty( $value ) ) { $use_first_value = true; } $type = $args['type']; foreach ( $args['options'] as $option => $label ) { if ( $use_first_value ) { $use_first_value = false; $value = $option; } if ( is_array( $label ) ) { if ( isset( $label['attributes'] ) ) { $attributes = array(); foreach ( $label['attributes'] as $k => $v ) $attributes[] = "$k='$v'"; $attributes = ' ' . join( ' ', $attributes ); } else { $attributes = ''; } if ( isset( $label['name'] ) ) { $name = $label['name']; $id = str_replace( array( '_', '[', ']' ), array( '-', '-', '' ), $name ); $hardcoded = isset( $bb_hardcoded[$name] ); } if ( isset( $label['value'] ) ) { $_value = $label['value']; } else { $_value = $args['value']; } $value = false === $_value ? bb_get_form_option( $name ) : esc_attr( $_value ); $label = $label['label']; } echo "\n"; $_id++; } } elseif ( is_string( $args['options'] ) ) { echo $args['options'] . "\n"; } break; case 'message' : if ( $args['message'] ) { echo $args['message']; } break; default : echo "\n"; break; } if ( $args['after'] ) { echo '' . $args['after'] . ''; } if ( $args['note'] ) { foreach ( (array) $args['note'] as $note ) { ?>