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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-forums/bbpress/bb-admin/includes/ -> class.bb-install.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 2770 lines (102 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

BB_Install:: (44 methods):

Class: BB_Install  - X-Ref

bbPress Installation class

__construct( $caller )   X-Ref

Loads everything we might need to do the business

param: string $caller The full path of the file that instantiated the class
return: boolean Always returns true

BB_Install( $caller )   X-Ref
No description

set_initial_step()   X-Ref
Set initial step

Sets the step from the post data and keeps it within range

return: integer The calculated step

prepare_strings()   X-Ref
Prepare text strings

Sets up many of the strings to be used by the class that may
be later subject to change due to processing of the forms

check_prerequisites()   X-Ref
Check installation pre-requisites

Checks for appropriate PHP extensions.

return: boolean False if any pre-requisites are not met, otherwise true

define_paths()   X-Ref
Define path constants

Sets some bbPress constants if they are not otherwise available based
on the classes initiating file path.

return: boolean False if no path was supplied, otherwise always true

get_languages()   X-Ref
Gets an array of available languages form the language directory

return: array

get_language_selector()   X-Ref
Returns a language selector for switching installation languages

return: string|false Either the html for the selector or false if there are no languages

set_language()   X-Ref
Sets the current installation language

return: string The currently set language

database_tables_are_installed()   X-Ref
Tests whether database tables exist

Checks for the existence of the forum table in the database that is
currently configured.

return: boolean False if the table isn't found, otherwise true

bb_options_are_set()   X-Ref
Tests whether an option is set in the database

return: boolean False if the option isn't set, otherwise true

is_installed()   X-Ref
Tests whether bbPress is installed

return: boolean False if bbPress isn't installed, otherwise true

check_configs()   X-Ref
Checks for configs and sets variables describing current install state

return: integer The current step we should be on based on the existence of the config file

validate_current_config()   X-Ref
Determines if the current config is valid

return: boolean False if the config is bad, otherwise true

validate_current_database()   X-Ref
Validates the current database settings

return: boolean False if the current database isn't valid, otherwise true

prepare_data()   X-Ref
Sets up default values for input data as well as labels and notes

return: void

guess_uri()   X-Ref
Guesses the final installed URI based on the location of the install script

return: string The guessed URI

write_lines_to_file( $file_source, $file_target, $alterations )   X-Ref
Writes the given alterations to file

param: $file_source string The full path to the file to be read from
param: $file_target string The full path to the file to be written to
param: $alterations array An array of arrays containing alterations to be made
return: void

is_posted()   X-Ref
Reports whether the request method is post or not

return: boolean True if the page was posted, otherwise false

set_step()   X-Ref
Determines which step the installer is on based on user input

return: boolean Always returns true

sanitize_form_data()   X-Ref
Sanitizes all data stored in the data array

return: boolean Always returns true

process_form()   X-Ref
Directs processing of the form data based on the current step

return: boolean Always returns true

inject_form_values_into_data( $step )   X-Ref
Takes inputted form data and injects it into the data array

param: integer $step Which steps data to process
return: boolean Always returns true

process_form_config_file()   X-Ref
Validates the supplied config file data and writes it to the config file.

return: void

process_form_wordpress_integration()   X-Ref
Validates the WordPress integration settings

return: void

process_form_site_options()   X-Ref
Validates the site options.

return: void

process_form_finalise_installation()   X-Ref
Finalises the installation by creating the database and writing all the supplied data to the database.

return: void

bb_get_keymaster_password( $user_id, $pass )   X-Ref
No description

input_text( $key, $direction = false )   X-Ref
Prints a text input form element.

param: $key string The key of the data to populate the element with.
param: $direction string Optional. The text direction, only 'ltr' or 'rtl' are acceptable.
return: void

input_hidden( $key )   X-Ref
Prints a hidden input form element.

param: $key string The key of the data to populate the element with.
return: void

textarea( $key, $direction = false)   X-Ref
Prints a textarea form element.

param: $key string The key of the data to populate the element with.
param: $direction string Optional. The text direction, only 'ltr' or 'rtl' are acceptable.
return: void

select( $key )   X-Ref
Prints a select form element populated with options.

param: $key string The key of the data to populate the element with.
return: void

select_language()   X-Ref
Prints an appropriate language selection form element if there are any available.

return: void

input_toggle( $key )   X-Ref
Prints an input checkbox which controls display of an optional section of settings.

param: string $key The identifier of the area to be toggled.
return: void

input_buttons( $forward, $back = false, $step = false )   X-Ref
Prints the input buttons which post each step and optionally go back a step.

param: string $forward The HTML element ID of the forward button.
param: string $back Optional. The HTML element ID of the back button.
return: void

hidden_step_inputs( $step = false )   X-Ref
Prints hidden input elements containing the data inputted in a given step.

param: integer $step Optional. The number of the step whose hidden inputs should be printed.
return: void

populate_keymaster_user_login_from_user_tables()   X-Ref
Rewrites the admin user input into a select element containing existing WordPress administrators.

return: boolean True if the select element was created, otherwise false.

changeKeymasterEmail( selectObj, target )   X-Ref
No description

header()   X-Ref
Sends HTTP headers and prints the page header.

return: void

footer()   X-Ref
Prints the page footer.

return: void

messages()   X-Ref
Prints the returned messages for the current step.

return: void

intro()   X-Ref
Prints the introduction paragraphs for the current step.

return: void

step_header( $step )   X-Ref
Prints the standard header for each step.

param: integer $step The number of the step whose header should be printed.
return: void

step_footer()   X-Ref
Prints the standard step footer.

return: void

Generated: Thu Dec 7 01:01:35 2017 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1